February 2025 Minutes

Harlaxton Village Hall
7:30pm Friday 14, February 2025
[This was not a Parish Council meeting]
1. Welcome and Introduction: The meeting was opened at 7:30pm, and the Parish Council Chair thanked everybody for attending. 141 Villagers on the electoral register were present, 1 visitor, plus Cllr Leadenham from SKDC and Cllr Vernon from LCC. It was noted that 144 attendees was less than the building capacity. Attention was drawn to the three fire escapes, and the meeting point at the Obelisk should an evacuation be required. Villagers on the electoral register were asked to sign in to confirm their voting eligibility. 
2. Public Discussion (15 minutes)
The purpose of the Village Meeting was explained as to “Inform villagers of the private consultation being conducted by David Wilson Homes regarding the proposed development at Swinehill”.
Villagers expressed concerns regarding the capacity of the foul and surface water drainage through the village. How would the existing network cope with additional surface water runoff and additional properties connected to the foul drainage? If the system is at capacity, how could the drainage be updated, given that the drains run through villagers' gardens? It was suggested that Anglian Water should be approached to report on the capacity of the network, and consideration should be given to appointing a drainage specialist to carry out a detailed survey and report on the drainage serving the village.
A villager expressed concern that, if a poll were demanded, SKDC would have 25 working days to arrange the poll, which may be too late to provide information to the proposed planning application. Cllr Leadenahm advised that SKDC have already been informed that a Village Poll will likely be supported at tonight’s meeting and that SKDC recognises the potential time constraints.
3. Proposal for a Parish Poll
The requirements for calling a village poll were explained in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972.
4. Motion to call for a Parish Poll
Councillor Wicks demanded a village poll.
By a show of hands, 140 of the remaining villagers on the electoral register supported this demand.
5. Wording of the Parish Poll
Councillor Wicks proposed that the Village Poll ask, “Should Harlaxton Parish Council formally oppose the proposed development at Swinehill.”
After an open discussion with all the registered villagers present, the final wording was unanimously agreed upon as:
“Should Harlaxton Parish Council formally oppose the proposed development on the land to the West of Swinehill?”
6. Any Other Business
None at this time
7. Close of Meeting: circa 8:30pm