February 11th 2025 Minutes

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting
7:30pm on Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
1. Meeting Opened at 19:30 by Cllr Gabriel
2. In Attendance: Cllrs Gabriel, Wilson, Philips Clawson & Smith. 
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance): Cllrs Cartlidge and Wicks
4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests: Cllr Gabriel declared that he is a resident of Swinehill
5. Reading of the email received from Savills acting as agents for David Wilson Homes (DWH) regarding the Land Adjacent to Swinehill
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)
A show of hands from all present determined that all had received the flyer from DWH.
The Harlaxton Residents Action group then presented a PowerPoint showing extensive data gathering and progress to date.
Councillor Robert Ledenham (Belvoir Ward) informed the group that SKDC had not received a Planning Application to date.
The Harlaxton Residents Action group have been in liaison with SKDC Planning for more than 2 years and recently have learnt that SKDC are inundated with planning applications from developers.  
A Meeting of the Parish has been scheduled for 14th February at 7.30pm in the Village Hall so that Parishioners can decide if they want to call for a Parish Poll.
A villager asked for those attending to raise their hands if they were firmly opposed to the DWH proposal. Other than a handful of undecided abstentions, all the attendees raised their hands to confirm they were firmly opposed to the DWH proposal.
A villager asked for greater communication regarding DWH and planning.  Suggestion of regular village meetings. Emails were given to join the action group. 
A question was raised if the Parish Council have funds to assist with objections.  Cllr Gabriel notified the floor that indeed the HPC has sufficient funds.
Show of hands for attendance on Friday unanimous consent.
7. Councillors discuss the Parish Council's Response to the DWH Consultation Invitation. It was unanimously decided that the council would respond by saying ‘Harlaxton has already been allocated housing in the Local Plan. It does not require any more development at this time’.
8. Any other business
9. Next Meetings:
Parish Meeting: Friday, 14 February at 7:30pm in the Village Hall
Next scheduled Meeting of the Council: Wednesday, 26 February 2024, at 7:30pm in the Village Hall
10. Meeting close at 20:25