April 2021 Agenda

Harlaxton Parish Council
To be Held on Tuesday 6 April 2021 - @ 19:00 (7:00pm)
To be Held by Video Conference
COVID 19 Restriction.
In accordance with the Harlaxton Parish Council Covid19 Business Statement, all scheduled face-to-face public meetings have been suspended until advised by the appropriate authority they can recommence.
Council meetings will be conducted by alternative means. Currently, the Council have chosen to use the virtual Zoom application.
In the usual way, the first 15 minutes of the Parish Council Meeting will be open to the Public Forum. After the 15 minute public forum, microphones will automatically be muted, except for the Parish Councillors however attendees are welcome to stay connected for the rest of the Council Meeting.
Should any member of the Parish wish to attend the virtual meeting, you must send an email to harlaxtonpc@gmail.com at least 12 hours prior to the meeting with your name and complete address for verification purposes; please advise if you’d like to speak in the 15 minute open portion of the meeting.
A link to the meeting will be emailed back. HPC complies with GDPR regulations.
NB: This meeting will be recorded.
1. Meeting Open: Council Chair – Welcome Address.
2. In Attendance
3. Resolution to Accept Apologies
Non Attendance
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Last Parish Council Meeting(s)
1. Parish Council Meeting held 2 March 2021.
2. Parish Council EGM held 23 March 2021
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Resolution to record and accept Councillors DPI’s on any agenda item’
6. Public Forum
15 Minute presentation/discussion by any member of the public in attendance.
7. County Councillor and District Councillor.
Update to the Parish Council on relevant county and district council matters.
8. Lincolnshire Police.
Update to the Parish Council on policing matters.
9. Parish and Village Environment Business
a. Extant Business
2. Flooding Update.
3. Village Hall
4. Obelisk Planters.
5. Village Entry – Gated Signage.
6. Speed Indicator Device (SID).
b. New Business.
1. School Parking.
2. Gregory Close grass cutting
3. Lifting of COVID-19 Restrictions.
4. Review and agree date for Annual Parish Meeting.
5. Review and agree date for Annual Council Meeting (Formerly AGM)
6. Agree Parish Council meetings schedule for the next 12 months.
6 April 2021 Parish Council (Virtual)
18 May 2021 Annual Meeting of the Council (Formerly known as AGM)
18 June 2021 Parish Council
June 2021 Annual Parish (TBC and subject to lifting of restrictions)
20 July 2021 Parish Council
August 2021 No Meeting – Summer Break
7 September 2021 Parish Council
19 October 2021 Parish Council
30 November 2021 Parish Council
December 2021 TBC Subject to requirements/necessity
11 January 2022 Parish Council
February 2022 No Meeting
1 March 2022 Parish Council.
10. RFO Financial Report.
- Resolutions to approve accounts reconciliation.
Bank Reconciliation 1 March 2021 – 31 March 2021
Opening Balance: £21,440.58
Income: £ 2,000.00
Expenditure: £ 488.29
Closing Balance: £22,952.29
In Period Transactions.
HVH Heating Contribution: £ 2,000.00 Income
Salaries: £ 292.52 Staff Payroll (Net of PAYE)
PC Gdrive Storage Upgrade: £ 15.99 Clerk Business Expenses
HVH Boxing Out Works: £ 179.78 Cllr Business Expenses.
2. Resolution to approve End Of Year Accounts reconciliation.
1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021
HSBC Opening Balance: £17,495.20
Precept: £18,450.00
SKDC Grant: £ 906.88
VAT Refund: £ 750.56
Other: £ 2,627.36
Total Income: £22,734.80
General: £19,604.39
Staff Payroll: £ 4,095.92 (Inc HMRC PAYE)
Expenses: £ 1,172.52
Total Expenditure: £17,277.71
HSBC Closing Balance: £22,952.29
Melton Mowbray Building Society (MMBS).
Opening Balance: £ 8,330.67
Income: £ 24.99 (Estimated interest @ % 0.30)
Expenditure: £ 0
Closing Balance: £ 8,355.56 (Estimated).
Total Cash Holdings: £31,307.95 (as @ End Of FY 2020/21)
3. Annual Internal Audit Preparations.
4. Forward Planning and Projects ( 3 Year Rolling Plan)
a. FY 2021-2022 In Year Management (Year 1 projects)
b. Short Term Plan (Years 2 and 3. Projects rolled forward)
11. Planning Applications (Annex B): Review.
- New Applications Received.
S21/0438. Proposed two storey extension to front (Inc: Porch Canopy) and single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling. 25 Daybrook Close.
S21/0514. Proposal: Replacement of back door and bathroom window to rear of building. 61 High Street.
S21/0494. Proposal: T1, T2, T3, T4 Leylandii to reduce the high by 7m. 15 Church Street.
S21/0493. Proposal: T1- Acer - Remove to ground level. 65 High Street.
S21/0487. Proposal: Replacement of garage doors with timber window and timber door personnel door to match existing (Non-material amendment to S20/1108). 9 Church Street
S21/0563. Proposal: T1 - Crab Apple Tree - To Fell. Coneygree , 26 High Street.
2. Approved Decision Notifications Received.
S21/0243. Proposal: T1 (Maple) - To Fell, T2,T3,T4,T5,T6 (Leylandii) - To Fell, T7 (Pine) - To Fell. 7 Pond Street. Decision/Date: Work Allowed 22nd March 2021
S21/0210. Proposal: Demolition of a timber garage-shed and erection an oak frame & brick storage building as well as erection of a single storey link building between main house and outbuilding including conversion into residential area. Cornridge 10 Pond Street. Decision/Date: 31st March 2021.
S20/2106. Proposal: To replace four damaged windows. 4 Manor Drive. Decision/Date 31st March 2021.
3. Parish Council Planning Representations to SKDC.
S20/0362. Date Received: 3rd March 2020. Proposal: Proposed Demolition of Conservatory Style utility room and replacement with single storey side extension.
1 Gregory Close. Decision/Date: 23rd April 2020 (Grants Planning Permission).
Follow up representation sent 24 March 2021.
It was reported to the council that the development appears to be encroaching onto the grass verge between the property boundary and the footway.
An inspection by SKDC Planning Dept was requested and the status of the grass verge confirmed to ensure that the development remains within the approved boundary.
12. Communication.
1. Village Voice.
13. New Business for Next Meeting.
Matters arising during meeting for inclusion as agenda item for discussion at next meeting.
14. Closed Session (As Required).
15. Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting.
- Tuesday 18 June 2021
- 1900 - 2100
- Venue/Format TBC
Annual Meeting of the Council. (Council Members only)
1. Tuesday 18 May 2021
2. 19:00 – 21:00
3. Venue TBC
16. Meeting Close
Clerk J.McCloskey
E-mail: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with extant COVID 19 restrictions.