June 2021 Agenda

Harlaxton Parish Council
To be Held on Tuesday 22 June 2021 - @ 19:00 (7:00pm) in Harlaxton Village Hall
COVID 19 Restriction.
In accordance with the Government road map for easing of COVID-19 restrictions, the Parish Council Meeting will be held in accordance with those confirmed by central government on the 14 June 2021.
Harlaxton Parish Council have a legal requirement to hold a duly convened full Parish Council Meeting to approve and “wet” sign the AGAR pt 2e of the Annual Internal Audit for submission to the external auditors no later than Friday 2 July 2021.
Having carefully consider the options, in the interest of public safety and allowing public access to the meeting the Council have chosen to conduct this meeting in the village hall, subject to any further lockdown restrictions on numbers attending which may restrict public attendance.
While this is not desired, the Parish Council must comply with the legal requirements of the audit and those of central government.
NB: This meeting will be recorded.
1. Meeting Open: Council Chair – Welcome Address.
2. In Attendance
3. Resolution to Accept Apologies
Non Attendance
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Last Parish Council Meeting(s)
1. Parish Council Meeting held 10 April 2021.
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Resolution to record and accept Councillors DPI’s on any agenda item.
6. Public Forum.
NB: Should the COVID-19 restrictions remain in force and limit those present to six, the Parish Council will accept written questions or comments from the public. These should be sent to the Clerk not Later than 5pm Wednesday 16 June 2021 for inclusion in the meeting.
7. County Councillor and District Councillor.
Update to the Parish Council on relevant county and district council matters.
8. Lincolnshire Police.
Update to the Parish Council on policing matters.
9. Parish and Village Environment Business
a. Ongoing Business.
b. New Business.
Resolution to vote Parish council Vice-Chair
Resolution to Co-Opt New Parish Council Members
1. Mrs S Flindall.
Village Plan.
Vote to agree Village Hall front subject to final design.
Vote - Cricket Club Bill - £250.
Vote - Bowls Club £60 - Why so low?.
Vote of thanks to recognise residents – Metcalf’s, Watkins, Sue Flindell,
10. RFO Financial Report.
Resolutions to approve accounts reconciliation.
1. Reconciliation for Period AP02 FY 2021-22 1 - 31 May 2021
Date |
01-May-20 |
MMBS Balance (Reserve) |
8,358.49 |
HSBC Opening Balance |
46,229.68 |
Income |
478.32 |
Expenditure |
902.15 |
HSBC Closing Balance |
45,805.85 |
Date |
31-May-20 |
Total Availabe Cash inc MMBS Reserve |
54,164.34 |
Budget Allocation to Account Balance |
34,828.65 |
2. Transactions
Date |
Description |
Paid Out |
Paid In |
Balance |
04-May-21 |
50.00 |
46,179.68 |
11-May-21 |
163.19 |
46,016.49 |
12-May-21 |
394.80 |
45,621.69 |
18-May-21 |
463.32 |
46,085.01 |
28-May-21 |
217.00 |
28-May-21 |
P Rothwell-Burn Salary C/Cleaner |
77.16 |
45,790.85 |
31-May-21 |
15.00 |
45,805.85 |
2. AGAR 2020-21 Internal Audit. Resolution to approve, sign and submit to External Auditor PKF Littlejohn No Later than Friday 2 July 2021.
AGAR Pt 2e.
The deadline by which the Annual Governance Statement and Statement of Accounts of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) together with any certificate or opinion issued by the local auditor must be published is the 30 September 2021
There is a requirement for all smaller authorities to have a common period for the exercise of public rights, being the first 10 working days of July.
The submission deadline for the receipt of the approved AGAR and supporting documentation or the Certificate of Exemption (as appropriate) is Friday 2 July 2020.
AGAR Pt 2e must be approved and “wet” signed at a duly convened meeting of the Parish Council by the Chair of the Parish Council and the RFO not later than Wednesday 30 July 2021.
3. Set Parish Council Reserve.
Proposed Reserve : £18,500.00
RFO Note: Guidance states that 'a council should typically hold between 3 and 12 months expenditure as a general reserve' (Finance & Transparency 2017).
Gross Expenditure FY 2019-20: £17,277.71
Average Monthly: £1,439.81
Three Month Average: £4,319.43.
11. Planning Applications Review.
- New Applications Received.
S21/0622. New portal frame building. Compliance House , Gorse Lane.
No representations made.
S21/0716. Erection of single storey extensions to listed building. 9 Church street.
S21/1038. Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension and Internal Alterations
Location: 5 Parklands Drive.
2. Approved Decision Notifications Received.
S21/0487. Replacement of garage doors with timber window and timber
door personnel door to match existing (Non-material amendment to S20/1108)
Location: 9 Church Street Harlaxton.
Granted Decision/Date 5th May 2021
S21/0343. Erection/Installation of signage, Gregory Arms
Granted Decision/Date 5th May 2021
S21/0345. Listed building consent for the erection/installation of illuminated
and non-illuminated signs to the exterior of the building, repainting the buildings exterior in the DH Blue Ribbon and alterations.Gregory Arms.
Granted Decision/Date 6th May 2021.
Clerk Note: Parish Council representation was made to SKDC regarding the colour scheme proposed.
S21/0514. Replacement of back door and bathroom window to rear of building. 61 High.
Granted Decision/Date 14th May 2021
S21/0575. Remaining barn to be converted into an annex. 8 Rectory Lane
Granted Decision/Date: 18th May 2021
S21/0598. Removal of condition 8 (obscure glazing) on pp S17/2502. 4 Willow Brook. Granted Decision/Date 2nd June 2021
S21/0712. Listed building consent for the replacement of a single glazed
window, to side of dwelling, with a heritage double glazed window.
Works are in conjunction with the replacement door (Application S21/0348)
8 Church Street Harlaxton
Granted Decision/Date 4th June 2021.
S21/0832. G1 - Group of mixed. - To be trimmed on all sides and in some places the height is to be brought down by up to 2.5m. T1 – Silver birch - 15% crown density thin . T2 - silver birch - 15% crown density thin . T3 - Fir Tree - Crown by 3m. T4 - holly tree – reduce height by up to 1.5m. T5 - Cherry plum - reduce overall size by 1/3. T6- Magnolia - prune up to 1m. G2 - group of olive trees in rear garden, reshape. 26 Church Street Harlaxton
Decision/Date: Work Allowed 7th June 2021
S21/0715.Erection of single storey extensions to dwelling, 9 Church Street
Granted Decision/Date: 10th June 2021
3. Parish Council Planning Representations to SKDC.
S20/0362. Date Received: 3rd March 2020. Proposal: Proposed Demolition of Conservatory Style utility room and replacement with single storey side extension.
1 Gregory Close. Decision/Date: 23rd April 2020 (Grants Planning Permission).
Follow up representation sent 24 March 2021.
It was reported to the council that the development appears to be encroaching onto the grass verge between the property boundary and the footway.
An inspection by SKDC Planning Dept was requested and the status of the grass verge confirmed to ensure that the development remains within the approved boundary.
NB: Although an acknowledgment of the representation was received, there has been not further communication for SKDC Planning at this time.
12. Communication.
13. New Business for Next Meeting.
Matters arising during meeting for inclusion as agenda item for discussion at next meeting.
14. Closed Session (As Required).
15. Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting.
16. Meeting Close
Clerk J.McCloskey
E-mail: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with extant COVID 19 restrictions.