June 2020 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council Lincolnshire Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 16 June 2020 @ 1900 hrs
Held by Video Conference
NB: This meeting was recorded.
COVID - 19
In accordance with the Harlaxton Parish Council Covid19 Business Statement, all scheduled face-to-face public meetings will be cancelled for an initial 4 month period (or as circumstances dictate).
Accordingly, Council meetings will be conducted by alternative means. Currently, the Council have chosen to use the virtual GoToMeeting application.
Agenda Serial
Parish Council Chair – Welcome and opening address
Council Chair Cllr S. Wicks opened the meeting.
Persons Present.
Harlaxton Parish Council:
1. Cllr S. Wicks (Chair)
2. Cllr K. Gabriel (Vice Chair)
3. Cllr A. Cartlidge
4. Cllr J. Mann
5. Parish Clerk J. McCloskey
Nil. No requests were received prior to the from members of the public for a link to the meeting.
1 Public Forum (Maximum 15 minutes)
a) There were no requests to join the meeting and no written questions or matters for discussion received from members of the public.
2 Apologies.
a) Resolution to accept Parish Councillors apologies and reason(s) for absence
i. Not Required. All members of the Parish Council were present as in accordance with the published guidelines for COVID 19 virtual meetings.
3 Minutes from Previous PCM
a) Resolution to accept and sign minutes of the PCM held Tuesday 5 May 2020.
i. The resolution to accept and sign minutes was passed by the council members present
4 Pecuniary Interest
a) To receive reports on members’ disclosable pecuniary interests and to receive dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:
i. Cllr A Cartlidge declared a Pecuniary Interest in agenda item: 7.k.ii/iii (Village Hall Noticeboard) and 5.a.i. and 7.h.i (Highways correspondence).
5 County & District
a) County Councillor Update.
i. Correspondence from a village resident regarding poor highways drainage and flooding was sent to Cllr Adams, LCC (copied to HPC). This had been passed to the relevant department for attention. (See Item 7.i.i)
b) District Councillor Update.
i. No update/information received from SKDC Cllr Westropp.
6 Lincolnshire Police
a) Community Policing: PCSO Update.
i. Increase in drive-by noted by village residents.
ii. All incidents, suspicious activities, and vehicles to be reported to Lincolnshire Police on 101.
7 Parish Council Reports
Updates received from the Parish Council on the following:
a) Risk Register: - Cllr Mann
i. Ongoing – No matters outstanding.
b) Three year plan – progress update.. - Cllr Wicks.
i. Budget allocation for projects and activities to be included in plan.
ii. Plan to be a rolling living document and updated as projects are completed and new ones added as necessary.
iii. Planning and funding allocations for future projects and activities to be separate from regular Parish Council activities and maintenance requirements.
1. Produce separate planned (Forward Planning Budget) projects finance spreadsheet.
2. Review budget for current planned activities.
3. 1 year rolling plan (In Year Budget) for general maintenance and upkeep activities.
4. Updated finance spreadsheets to be available on GDrive. (Clerk)
c) HSSC - Cllr Wicks.
i. Kitchen – Meeting Thursday 18 June to review fitting and potential opening date (subject to restrictions).
ii. Flooding – (Item Ser: 7.i refers).
iii. Car park fencing damage. – Repairs to upright posts and rails required.
1. Obtain quotes for repair (insurance claim).
2. Self help repair. Materials and costs. (Cllr Gabriel).
iv. CCTV – Review of CCTV and effectiveness with consideration to upgrade for better coverage. Parish Councils responsibility is confined to the car park area, with the HSSC Committee being responsible for the security of the building CCTV for the car park t only be viable if the club wishes to proceed with cctv at some point in the future.
Resolution: Await further review/request from HSSC Committee.
d) Village Hall. - Cllr Mann/Cllr Cartlidge.
i. Condensation and de-humidifier – Investigate condensation and address cause before reviewing de-humidifier replacement.
ii. Roofing and ventilation. – Review quotes and costs of roof repairs and fitting of roof ventilation
iii. Plumbing and heating – Review responsibility to fund replacement (Query: Parish Council/Village Hall Committee).
iv. All works time sensitive and completion while hall not in use preferable.
1. Follow up on quotes for roof inspection works.
2. Obtain quotes for air vents and ventilation of attic area/roof voids.
e) Sports Field and Children’s Play Area. - Cllr Wicks
i. Children’s play area remains closed and reports up to date, needs work but no major issues.
ROSPA inspection to take place in August.
ii. Request received to use HSSC sports field for football training.
Resolution: Advise enquirer that due to ongoing flooding issues in the area the field is generally unplayable. Not allowing heavy use until drainage and flooding rectified. (Clerk)
iii. Increased littering of area especially edge of wooded area.
Resolution: Community Cleaner be requested to focus on sports field. (Clerk)
f) Pearson-Gregory Field. – Cllr Wicks
i. No significant problems. Dry/Wet/Warm weather effect on grass level. Grass cutting satisfactory.
g) Village Grass Cutting. - Cllr Gabriel.
i. Standard of grass cutting satisfactory and invoices more regular.
ii. Query strimming of Coffin Walk. Overgrown with nettles and weeds Not in ATP contract.
iii. A607 gate adjacent to Gregory Arms car park overgrown. Not in ATP contract.
1. Cllr Cartlidge to be refunded £298.99 costs of strimmer for Parish Council use and to continue to hold for safekeeping.
2. Coffin Walk to be cleared using Council Strimmer by PC volunteers.
h) Highways and Road Safety: - Cllr Cartlidge.
i. Roadside and Highways flooding reported to LCC Highways by village resident, copied to Parish Council.
ii. Response received from LCC Highways via LCC Cllr Adams.
Parish Council directed revision of recorded minute – To be ratified at Parish Council Meeting 4 Aug 2020.
“The A607 had been noted for review as to the capacity of the system and the cleaning schedule. LCC Highways have requested a full survey of the A607 at Harlaxton which should be carried out in the next few weeks. This will clean the gullies, jet the system and also confirm locations of the pipes and ownership. If any works are required on LCC assets then they will arrange for repairs to be completed. If they turn out to be repairs required on a third- party system [e.g. Anglian Water], they will pass on the details to them for their attention"
iii. Contractors Cyclic team to investigate roadside drains and gullies and rectify any issues that are the responsibility of LCC Highways.
iv. Trotters Lane separate issue as culvert on church land.
Contact church authorities (PCC) regarding possible flooding from culvert. (Clerk)
v. Traffic Survey – On hold due to COVID 19 restrictions effecting school attendance and traffic.
vi. Roadside verge village signage gates at entry/exit to village. Query other villages that have similar.
1. Investigate costs.
2. Query LCC Highways regarding fitting and locations (specialist highways contractor requirement for working on roadsides).
3. Contact other parish councils for information regarding planning applications, LCC permissions etc.
i) Drains and potholes. – Cllr Cartlidge/Cllr Wicks.
i. Drains as reported as above.
ii. Potholes – No current problems reported.
j) Trees and Hedges. – Cllr Mann.
i. Quotes required for hedge cutting (Autumn).
ii. Overgrown hedging obstructing village footways. Appropriate measures and options available to the Parish Council.
1. Quotes to be obtained from contractors.
2. Query SKDC/LCC regarding property hedges and maintenance. (Clerk).
3. Consider personal councillor approach to property owners.
k) Communications (Village Voice, Notice Board and Annual Meeting of the Parish - Cllr Mann.
i. Village Voice. On hold until COVID 19 restrictions lifted and events can be re-planned.
ii. Village hall notice board. Board has been taken down pending repair/replacement.
iii. The majority of Councillors decided that the repair of the Village Hall sign was too big of a task for volunteers and that external quotes should be sought. Cllr A Cartlidge requested to quote for repairing in full accordance with Declaration of Pecuniary Interest as noted in item
4.a.i above
Cllr A Cartlidge requested to quote for repairing and replacing in full accordance with Declaration Of Pecuniary Interest as noted at item 4.a.i. above
8 Planning applications
Review of Planning Applications: decisions, ongoing or new applications as detailed:
a) New Applications Notified (Since last meeting)
Mr James Skelton. Proposal: TA1- Dead Elm, to fell and remove close to the property. Crown lift oak and hawthorn limbs away from the property. Deadwood cherries within the spinney and thin out a select few maples and cherries to the back of the spinney to create favourable growth for other more dominant species.T2- Coppice hazels to fit with ledge aesthetics. T3- Crown lift limbs overhanging driveway to improve viewing while having the property onto the roof. Location: Dalbuie House, 2 Willow Brook, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1GA. TPO No.
App Type: Tree Preservation Order
20/0611 (Amended)
Mr Timothy Waite. Proposal: Erection of first floor side extension, erection of porch and part render exterior (new works) to 3 elevations. Convert one garage into living space. Location: 8 Swine Hill, Harlaxton, NG32 1HP.
Nicola Jefferson. Proposal: Spruce (T1) - Fell the tree or cap tree by at least 1/3. Atlantic Cedar (T2) -The tree needs a small amount of pruning (a basic trim of the longer branches). Thuja (T3/T4) - Extensive pruning of both trees (a third on each tree). Spruce (T5) - Fell the tree or cap tree by at least 1/3.
Location: 1 Pond Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HW, App Type: Trees in CA - Section 211 Notice.
Harlaxton College. Proposal: Approval of details required by condition 3 of listed building consent S17/1915. Location: Harlaxton College, Harlaxton Manor, Harlaxton Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire.
App Type: Discharge of Cond(s) Listed Building
b) Application Decisions Notified (Since Last Meeting)
Date Received: 24th April 2020
Mr G Cakebread. Proposal: Confirmation of compliance with condition 1 (Time of Commencement) of planning approval S16/2700 for the erection of 7 dwellings. Location: Land To North Of Strood Close Harlaxton Lincolnshire
Decision/Date Complied 7th May 2020.
Date Received: 3rd April 2020
Mrs Ann Thompson. Proposal: Proposed garage conversion/single storey extension to front & single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling including. 'attached' single garage' Location: 14 High Street Harlaxton NG32 1JE
Granted: Decision/Date: 22nd May 2020
Date Received: 9th April 2020
Mrs and Mr S Burn. Proposal: Erection of garage and alterations to dwelling. Location: 9 Church Street Harlaxton NG32 1HB
Refused : Decision/Date 5th June 2020
Resolution: All above noted, not further comment or representation at this time regarding the above.
9 Village Improvements
a) Handsome Harlaxton – Cllr Mann
i. On hold pending lifting of COVID19 restrictions.
b) Friendly Bench – Harlaxton College – Cllr Wicks.
i. On hold pending lifting of COVID19 restrictions
c) Play area - Additional equipment – Cllr Wicks
i. Obtain quotes and explore funding for new/replacement equipment. Contact Cllr Hannah Westropp (SKDC) for possible funding options.
ii. ROSPA Inspection due August, nothing of major concern at this time.
iii. Remains closed pending lifting of COVID 19 restrictions.
d) Repainting/refurbishment of phone box/creation of book exchange.
i. Review at next PCM.
e) Millennium Sign
i. Review at next PCM.
f) Other potential projects for 2020
i. Under review for remainder of 2020 once COVID 19 restrictions are revised or roll forward to 2021.
10 Acknowledgement of Villager Contribution and Support.
a) The Parish Council formally recognise the contributions and support given to enhancing and maintaining the village of Harlaxton.
i. Recognise assistance during COVID 19 restrictions.
ii. Promote actions of volunteers in local press.
iii. Presentation to volunteers when able to re-convene Annual Parish Meeting. Resolution: List of volunteers to be compiled and request nominations from the community.
11 RFO Financial Report
Report from the Parish Clerk/RFO to include:
1) Annual Audit – AGAR 2019-20
a) Resolution to approve and sign off Annual Audit for submission to External Auditor, PKF Littlejohn
b) End of FY 2019/20 Bank Account Reconcilliation
Harlaxton Parish Council - Bank Reconcilliation |
As at 31 Mar 2020 - FY 2019/20 Year End |
£K |
£K Totals |
a |
Opening Balance as at 1/04/2019 |
14297 |
b |
Income |
19801 |
34097 |
a+b |
c |
Outgoings |
16602 |
HSBC Balance as at 31 Mar 2020 |
17495 |
17495 |
a+b-c |
£K |
£K Totals |
a |
Opening Balance as at 1/04/2019 |
8273 |
b |
Income (interest) |
0 |
8273 |
a+b |
c |
Outgoings |
0 |
0 |
MMBS Balance as at 31 Mar 2020 |
8273 |
8273 |
a+b-c |
Total Cash Balance as at 31 Mar 2020 |
25768 |
Resolution: Passed.
Annual Governance and Accountability Return approved for signature and submission to external auditor.
Clerk to sign and annotate relevant pages and post to Council Chair for signature.
2) HSBC Account Reconciliation
Resolution to approve accounts income and expenditure reconciliation for: Period 1 May 2020 - 31 May 2020 (AP02)
a. Accounts Reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation |
Actual |
Forecast |
Date |
01-May-20 |
01-Jun-20 |
Opening Balance |
35,813.76 |
33,356.19 |
Income |
60.00 |
453.44 |
Expenditure |
2,517.57 |
1,091.99 |
Forecast Closing Balance |
33,356.19 |
32,717.65 |
Date |
31-May-20 |
30-Jun-20 |
b Income Received
Date Paid |
Payment In Respect of |
Debtor |
£ |
14-May-20 |
Bowls Club Annual Fee (refund) |
60.00 |
c. Payments made (Signed cheques or email authorised BACS
Date Paid |
Service/Item |
Creditor/Payee |
£ (Inc VAT) |
06-May-20 |
Insurance |
Came & Co |
1,812.85 |
18-May-20 |
Mowing and Strimming Harlaxton |
ATP Garden Services |
204.00 |
18-May-20 |
Mowing and Strimming Harlaxton |
ATP Garden Services |
204.00 |
d Business Expenses
Sub Total (c) 2,220.85
Claim Date |
Expenses Details |
Payee |
£ Net |
12-May-20 |
COVID 19 Assistance Mobile Phone Auto Top Up |
Cllr K.Gabriel |
10.00 |
e Staff Salaries and HMRC payments to date:
Sub Total (d) 10.00
Pay Date |
Pay Period |
Payee |
£ Net |
29-May-19 |
May 2020 - Month 2 |
Parish Clerk |
211.20 |
29-May-19 |
May 2020 - Month 2 |
Community Cleaner |
75.52 |
Sub Total (e) 286.72
Expenditure Total c+d+e 2,517.57
Resolution: Passed.
Accounts reconciliation correct and all expenditure properly authorised and approved.
12 Parish Council Vacancies
a) Review Parish Council Casual Vacancies.
i. On hold due to COVID 19 restrictions.
ii. Continue to canvass potential candidates.
iii. Re-Advertise.
Resolution: Produce leaflet highlighting the role of a councillor in the community and skills and knowledge that may be of use in supporting the Parish Council and community.
13 Issues Arising
Matters not on agenda for review/discussion at next formal Parish Council Meeting.
a) Neighbourhood Plan.
i. Update on status and further action required.
ii. Discussion on viability of plan against cost/time.
iii. Involvement of community and village led working group.
1. Include as agenda item for discussion at next PCM.
2. Draft and circulate questionnaire to aid discussion. (Cllr Mann)
14 Closed Session (if required)
a) Not required
15 Meeting Closed at 22:00 (10pm) Next meeting:
a) Tuesday 4 August 2020 @ 19:00 (7:00pm).
b) Meeting agenda will be posted on Thursday 30 July 2020. Items for inclusion on the agenda must be received not later than 5pm Monday 27 July 2020.
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to current and ongoing COVID 19 restrictions on public gatherings.
Minutes Action:
Minutes accepted by the council and approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting on 16 June 2020
Signed: Cllr S.Wicks (Chair) Date: 4 Aug 2020
Print: S.Wicks (Soft Copy)
Sign: Hard copy to be signed when circumstances permit.
James McCloskey
Clerk to Harlaxton Parish Council.
E-mail: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com