September 2020 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 22 September 2020
Parish Council Meeting
1900 – 2100 hrs
Held by Video Conference
COVID 19 Restriction.
In accordance with current COVID 19 guidelines and until further notice all Harlaxton Parish Council meetings will be virtual meetings conducted by video using the following link:
NB: This meeting was recorded
1. Meeting Open: Council Chair – Welcome Address.
Cllr Wicks welcome those able to attend.
2. In Attendance.
Parish Council:
Cllr S Wicks (Chair)
Cllr K Gabriel (Vice Chair)
Cllr A Cartlidge.
Cllr J Mann
Mr J McCloskey (Parish Clerk).
County and District Council.
Cllr B Adams (LCC).
No attendee
Lincolnshire Police.
No attendee
No attendees. (An apology was received from Mrs S Flindall)
3. Councillor Apologies (Non Attendance).
None required, all council in attendance.
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 4 August 2020.
Proposed and Seconded.
Resolution passed.
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest.
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)
Not required.
7. County Councillor and District Councillor: Update.
a. LCC – Cllr Adams updated the Parish Council on the following matters.
- District and County budgets, including pressure points and plans.
- SKDC Leisure facilities to be “in house” from Jan 2021.
- SKDC Planning consultations
- Development of parish neigbourhood plans.
- County Devolution proposals.
- Proposed legislation and penalties re: parking on footways expected.
b. The Parish Council questioned Cllr Adams on the following:
- Neighbourhood planning and development of a Harlaxton Plan.
- Knowledge of potential developer interests in Harlaxton parish.
- Time scale of developing a plan and value.
- Anomalies of “Fix My Street” reports.
- Traffic calming measures proposed for village (gated signage)
c. Cllr Adams advised:
- Neighbourhood plan. He would forward all known details and other plans as examples to the Parish Clerk.
- No knowledge of development plans at this time.
- Time scales could vary depending on detail and level of planning with a possible period of 12 months.
- Would look into “Fix My Street”
- Advised Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership be consulted. Contact to be forwarded to Parish Clerk.
- To consider developing a Neighbourhood Plan and review at nest council meeting.
- To seek advice from LRSP on traffic calming measures and suitability of proposed locations.
8. Lincolnshire Police: Update.
- No information received.
- Cllr Wicks advised the council of a request received to allow two youth offenders undergoing community service to carry out any work that may be required in the village area.
Council to consider and advise.
9. Parish Councillors: Update and Discussion of:
a. Risk Register (Cllr Mann).
No change at this time.
b. Three Year Plan (Cllr Wicks)
No update at this time
All agreed for a full review and development of a suitable plans for prioritising short and long term projects and activities.
c. HSSC - General (Cllr Wicks).
- Missing roof slate replaced. NFA required.
- Advised boiler may need replacing. Query HPC responsibility as building owner.
- Request by Sri Lankan cricketers to play weekly for 10 weeks, summer 2021.
- Review HSSC agreement and advise of responsibility for boiler.Sri Lankan cricket team to be contacted and a usage fee agreed based on a pro rata of current fee.
- HSSC Noticeboard.
- Request by HSSC to erect a Noticeboard at the entrance to the car park.
- Cllr Wicks to contact HSSC to confirm permission granted on agreement of suitable location.
d. Village Hall (Cllrs Mann & Cllr Cartlidge)
- Ongoing maintenance of the VH and risk of problems from lack of use.
- Need for inspection schedule for VH during closure.
- Advised VH committee meeting delayed until 7 October.
- Ongoing project to replace and update VH heating system. Low response for quotes for work.
- Cllr Gabriel to draft letter to J. Altham re: use of hall and limitations.
- Cllr Mann to arrange video meeting with J. Altham to discuss issues for use, proposal for winter maintenance and proposed refurbishment of heating system.
- Clerk to follow up existing and potential new tenders.
e. Sports Field and Play Area (Cllr Wicks)
- Field and play area inspected and some maintenance of play equipment required and included in monthly report.
- Trimming of hedges around the area needed.
f. Pearson Gregory Field (Cllr Wicks).
- Nothing to report
g. Grass Cutting (Cllr Gabriel).
- Grass cutting of acceptable standard. Weeds and uncut area around electricity sub station.
- Potential for additional cuts this season over and above contacted 15 @ two per month.
- A607 and Coffin Walk strimming carried out by Cllr Gabriel.
- Cllr Mann to consult with Gardening Club regarding planting around sub station.
- Contact ATP for availability to make additional cuts.
- Collective thank you to Cllr Gabriel for his ongoing work on behalf of the community.
h. Highways and Road Safety (Cllr Cartlidge)
Nothing to report.
i. Drains and Potholes (Cllrs Cartlidge & Wicks).
- Query whether drains and gulley cleaning has taken place and problems with drainage rectified as water still overflows and subsides slowly.
- Harlaxton Manor drains awaiting response from insurers for future action and rectification. Damage to surface still poses a risk to public H&S.
- Follow up blocked gulleys on Fix My Street (Cllr Cartlidge)
- Post warning of hole and risk of injury and/or damage.
- Collective thank you to Cllr Wicks for persisting with efforts to resolve the flooding and problems caused.
j. Trees and Hedges (Cllr Mann).
- Overgrown tree on Daybrook Close.
- Conneygree hedge blocking footway remains a problem with a number of complaints made to the council.
- Report overgrown tree on LCC Fix My Street.
- Contact Conneygree resident for resolution and possible solution and available assistance. (Cllr Cartlidge).
10. Village Environment.
a. Handsome Harlaxton Projects.
No current projects due to COVID restriction.
- Review and identify potential projects and works required..
- Publicise events to encourage volunteers.
- Schedule works and projects for October and advertise (Facedbook).
b. Friendly Bench.
- Harlaxton College and community joint project.
- Currently still on hold until college students return.
No Resolution
c. Play Area Equipment.
- Replace and refurbish current equipment where required.
- Potential for additional equipment.
- Investigate funding options for updating and refurbishing equipment (i.e. National Lottery etc)
d. Phone Box.
- Future of, and intention to refurbish the village phone box.
- Review cost options of professional contractor (JB Blasting £2000 - £3000 quoted).
- Consider level of work and time required for self help option.
- Consider joint self help and contractor work.
- Identify future use/purpose when refurbished.
- Canvas community on cost of refurbishment and future use with possible second Defibrilator location.
- Consider PC self help to remove glass and JB Blasting to complete cleaning and repainting @ quoted £1500.
- Contact Western Power isolate power supply prior to any work and power requirements.
- Include in 3 Year plan.
e. Millennium Sign.
- Refurbishment of the millennium sign pictures and framework.
- Offer by Mrs S.Flindall to remove picture panels, copy, tidy and replace in repainted framework.
- Accept offer with thanks and PC to respond accordingly.
- PC to confirm requirements for work and materials and contribute to costs.
f. Village Obelisk. Residents Support and Assistance.
- Offer by Mrs S.Flindall to improve area surrounding the village obelisk.
- Project to include raised beds and shrubs around the monument.
- Determine level of funding support required from PC.
- Offer accepted with thanks from PC subject to location and plan being approved. Cllr Gabriel to draw up and work on plan with Mrs Flindall
- Consider funding required and if it would qualify for CHIPPs grant. Cllr Mann to make enquiries with Charities Commission.
g. Gated type roadside signage.
- Ongoing subject to gate types, costs and availability and quotes from licensed contactors.
- Follow up quotes for installation, (BTAC and JC Groundworks)
11. RFO Financial Report (Annex A).
Financial Report: 1 Aug 2020 to 31 Aug 2020 (AP05 FY 2020-21)
a. Resolutions to approve:
i. Accounts Reconciliation.
HSBC Opening Balance: £31,723.25
HSBC Closing Balance: £31,564.03
ii. Income: £ 187.50
iii. Expenditure: £ 346.72
Invoices Paid: £ 50.00
Cll Expenses: £ 10.00
Staff Salaries: £ 286.72
- Accounts reconciliation correct and all expenditure properly authorised and approved.
b. Forecast Expenditure.
Mid Year AP06 accounts review and forecasts review.
RFO to compile AP06 mid year review, revise forecasts as at 30 September 2020 and forward to council for review.
Review Banking and Financial Processes.
New mandate submitted to HSBC.
12. Planning Applications (Annex B): Review.
a. New Applications Received.
Reviewed – No action required.
b. Decision Notifications Received.
Reviewed – Decisions noted.
13. Communication.
a. Newsletter.
No issue since Feb 2020. Remains on hold.
b. Web Page.
Ongoing, Clerk updating new site and reviewing content to comply with accessibility legislation.
c. Annual Parish Meeting.
Deferred. PC to issue simple statement regarding ongoing restrictions.
14. New Business for Next Meeting.
a. Opportunity for parish to acquire a mower. For consideration
- Storage and safe keeping.
- Operating requirements and HSAW legislation.
- Areas of use, moving in and around the village. Legality of crossing public highway.
15. Closed Session.
Not required.
16. Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting.
Tuesday 3 November 2020
1900 - 2100
Zoom virtual meeting.
17. Meeting Close.
Meeting closed at 22:30 (10:30pm)
Minutes Action.
Minutes accepted by the council and approved for signature as a true and accurate record at the Parish Council meeting on 3 November 2020.
Minutes Action:
Minutes accepted by the council and approved for signature as a true and accurate record of the meeting on 3 November 2020
Meeting Chair: Cllr S Wicks (Electronic Copy),
Date: 3 November 2020.
Print: S.Wicks
Sign: Hard copy to be signed when circumstances permit.
Clerk J.McCloskey
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with extant COVID 19 restrictions.