November 2020 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of Harlaxton Parish Council
Held on Tuesday 3 November 2020 @ 1900 hrs (7 pm) by Zoom Video Conference
COVID 19 Restriction.
In accordance with current COVID 19 guidelines and until further notice all Harlaxton Parish Council meetings will be virtual meetings conducted by video using the following link:
NB: This meeting was recorded.
1. Meeting Open: Council Chair – Welcome Address.
Cllr Wicks (Chair) declared the meeting open and welcomed those present and thanked Cllr Adams (LCC) for joining the meeting.
2. In Attendance
Parish Council:
Cllr S. Wicks (Chair), Cllr K. Gabriel (Vice Chair), Cllr A. Cartlidge, Cllr J. Mann, Mr J McCloskey (Parish Clerk/RFO)
Cllr B. Adams.
Nil. No requests to participate had been received from members of the public.
3. Apologies (Non Attendance).
Nil. All the current members of the Parish Council were in attendance.
4. Approval of minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 22 September 2020.
Resolution passed.Minutes approved as correct.
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest.
Nil. No interests declared in agenda items.
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion).
Nil. No members of the public present or had notified the clerk of any item for inclusion.
7. County Councillor and District Councillor.
LCC Cllr Adams updated the council on current issues at both county and district councils. COVID 19 restrictions and the inability to hold face to face meetings were having an impact on resolving issues reported to both LCC and SKDC. He asked that the councillors exercise patience when reporting and following up on issues.
Q1. Councillors Wicks and Gabriel reported issues were still being encountered with reporting highway repairs with repairs not being carried out or repaired badly.
A1. Cllr Adams asked that any outstanding matters of concern be forwarded to him for further investigation.
Q.2. Cllr Wicks updated Cllr Adams regarding the ongoing situation of rain water run-off flooding in the village, causing increasing damage to the sports and social club car park surface. The main cause appears to a chamber into which water from the school and surrounding area runs and from there it comes up under the car park.
Ownership of the chamber is disputed by all agencies including Anglian Water (the name on the cover). The Parish Council has spent a great deal of time over the past year in trying to resolve the problem with a number of agencies to no effect. To ensure no further damage occurs and presents a safety hazard, unless Anglian water are wiling to properly investigate ten chamber, the Parish Council will take action to fill the chamber in or brick it up to prevent water escaping to other parts of the village.
A.2. Cllr Adams acknowledged the ongoing issue and requested all current information be passed to him for review.
Resolution: Cllr Gabriel will update the documentation and forward through the Parish Clerk
8. Parish Councillors: Update and Discussion.
HSSC: Boiler. The boiler in the sports and social club was thought to be 25 years old and problems with its condition were being experienced.
Discussion took. place as to whether the Parish Council or the Sports and Social club committee were responsible for its maintenance and/or replacement.
Resolution: for further investigation and discussion.
Village Hall. Heating.
Quotes had been received for the heating works to the village hall and a suitable contractor identified subject to confirmation of all aspects of the work required, start date and time scale to complete.
Resolution: Proposal to award contract to G Mahon on confirmation of village hall contribution towards costs, acceptance of quote by village hall committee and work schedule.Acceptance by village hall committee to be confirmed and apportionment of funding from the Parish Council towards total costs.
Village Hall: Roof.
Resolution: Remains ongoing with further quotes required at this time.
Sports Field and Play Area Equipment.
Play equipment and RoSPA report. Refurbishment and replacement of worn and damaged play equipment required at a total cost of £279.60 (inc VAT).
Resolution: Vote Proposed and Seconded to approve expenditure of £279.60.
Ongoing COVID 19 restrictions effecting play areas discussed and possible requirement for sanitisation facilities for the play area.
Resolution: For further investigation.
9. Village Environment. (Discussion)
Ground Maintenance: Parish Shredder/Mulcher.
Discussion of purchase of a shredder/mulcher for use by the Parish Council on maintenance of the village communal areas.
Resolution: On hold for further review in regards adequate storage facility.
Grounds Maintenance:
Grass Cutting
Grass cutting up to date. HSSC field noted may require additional cut. Possible earlier start to cutting season in 2021 subject to ground state and accessibility.
Resolution: Monitor HSSC field and review as required. Review early season start for 2021.
Parish Council Self Help.
Vote of Thanks: Cllrs Cartlidge and Gabriel for their work at Coopers Plantation.
Opportunity for parish to acquire a mower.
No longer available.
Phone Kiosk.
Advice obtained from X2 Connect (Newark) regarding electricity supply (and replacement parts for K6 Phone Kiosks.
Glass Kits £500.
Disconnection/reconnection £1800 or free of charge depending on supplier.
Advice Obtained from JB Blasting (Foston)regarding refurbishment of phone box. Costs for Parish Council to remove kiosk from base, remove glass and frames and transport to Foston £700 - £800 to shot blast and paint and if additional high bond filler used to cover imperfections, £1200 to complete.
For consideration before a decision on next stage:
- Future usage.
- Status as Listed building
- Parish Council self help with regards H&S and possibility of leaded paint having been used originally.
- Electricity supply and disconnection/reconnection. (Query EON/Western Power).
Resolution: Continue with further enquiries regarding electricity supplier/connection and review.
Trees and Hedges.
Trees. No immediate issues noted. Awaiting quotes for Gregory Close Beech. Query timing of tree works during autumn/winter period to be confirmed.
Hedges. Quotes received for review.
Resolution: Review quotes and award contract.
Road Safety and Highways: Gated Signage.
Awaiting quotes from BTAC and JC Groundworks.
10. RFO Financial Report (Annex A).
a. Resolution to approve:
1. Accounts Reconciliation.
2. Income.
3. Expenditure.
Resolution: Reconciliation, income, payments made and forecast all correct as at 31 October 2020. Accounts validated and approved.
b. Consider precept requirement for discussion when notified by SKDC (December)
Resolution: RFO to draft precept summary and forward to councillors.
11. Planning Applications (Annex B).
a.New Applications Received.
Parish Council representation was made regarding application S20/1715, felling of Silver Birch at 3 Willow Brook. The council have requested a review of the number of trees allowed to be felled in this location.
Resolution: Clerk to contact SKDC and request a meeting to discuss.
b.Decision Notifications Received.
All noted no further council action required.
12. Communication.
a. Correspondence Received.
Sports Holiday Club proposal discussed.
Resolution: Request declined.
b. Web Page.
Clerk updated the council on new website progress. Old website to be discontinued prior to being withdrawn by LCC at the end of December 2020.
Focus on development of new website approved by LCC.
Resolution: Approved.
13. New Business for Next Meeting.
Matters arising during meeting for inclusion as agenda item for discussion at next meeting.
a. HSSC Storage Box/Container – Council contribution for shared access.
b. Village Hall Heating – Council contribution towards total costs, contractor access and working schedule in re: noise/disruption.
c. Village Voice Newsletter – Review format and content to publish December/January issue.
d. Recognition of Assistance by members of the community.
14. Closed Session (As Required)
Not Required.
15. Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting.
Tuesday 15 December 2020
1900 - 2100
Zoom virtual meeting.
16. Meeting Close
Meeting Closed at 21:15.
Clerk J.McCloskey
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with extant COVID 19 restrictions.
Minutes Action:
Minutes accepted by the council and approved for signature as a true and accurate record of the meeting on 15 December 2020
Meeting Chair: Cllr S Wicks (Electronic Copy),
Date: 15 December 2020.
Print: S.Wicks
Sign: Hard copy to be signed when circumstances permit.
Annexes and Attachments:
Annex A: RFO Financial Report 31 October 2020.
Annex B: Current Planning Applications
Annex A
PCM Agenda Item 11
RFO Financial Report
11 Harlaxton Parish Council - HSBC Account Reconciliation
Period 1 October 2020 - 31 October 2020
a. Accounts Reconcilliation
Bank Reconcilliation
Date 01-Oct-20
Opening Balance £30,106.24
Income £ 453.44
Expenditure £ 656.52
Closing Balance £29,903.16
Date 31-Oct-20
b. Income Received
Community Cleaner Grant Tranche 2 SKDC £453.44
c. Payments made (Signed cheques or email authorised BACS
Contract Mow No 15 of 15 ATP Garden Services £204.00
d Staff Salaries and HMRC payments to date:
HMRC PAYE Quarter 2 HMRC £160.00
AP07 October 2020 Parish Clerk £217.00
AP07 October 2020 Community Cleaner £75.52
Annex B to
Parish Council Meeting - Agenda Item 12
Applications Received for Parish Council Representation
Application No: S20/1534
Applicant: Mr Christian Gleave
Proposal: T1- Pine - To Fell, T2 - Pine - To Fell
Location: Waterside , 11 Pond Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HW,
App Type: Trees in CA - Section 211 Notice
Representations Response Date : 1 October 2020.
Council Representations: Non notified.
Application No: S20/1649
Applicant: Mrs S Alison
Proposal: T2, T3 Lawson Cypress - Remove, T4 Beech - Reduce hight by 2m crown
reduce by 2m, T5 Cheery - Remove, T6 Conifer - Remove
Location: 4 West End, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HE,
App Type: Tree Preservation Order
Representations Response Date : 22 October 2020.
Council Representations: Non notified.
Application No: S20/1678
Applicant: Mr Christian Gleave
Proposal: T1: 3-stemmed Sycamore T2: Single Sycamore - Fell both trees
Location: 1 Rectory Lane, Harlaxton, NG32 1HD, ,
App Type: Trees in CA - Section 211 Notice.
Representations Response Date : 22 October 2020.
Council Representations: Non notified.
Application No: S20/1715
Applicant: Mr Simon Sharp
Proposal: The tree is a Silver Birch that i would like to fell and remove
Location: 3 Willow Brook, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1GA,
App Type: Trees in CA - Section 211 Notice.
Representations Response Date : 28 October 2020.
Council Representations: TBC.
Application No: S20/1740
Applicant: Mrs Susan Archer
Proposal: T1. Sycamore. Crown lift by removing 5 X lower branches T2. Ash. Remove
1X large branch
Location: 2 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HB, ,
App Type: Trees in CA - Section 211 Notice.
Representations Response Date : 30 October 2020.
Council Representations: Non notified.
Applications – SKDC Decision Notifications.
Application No: S20/1243
Date Received: 27th July 2020
Applicant: Mark Cooke
Proposal: To Fell one mature eucalyptus, already lost several large boughs, ( safety concerns )
Location: Coneygree 26 High Street Harlaxton NG32 1JD
Decision/Date: Work Allowed 7th September 2020.
Application No: S20/1353
Date Received: 12th August 2020
Applicant: E H Tipton
Proposal: Removal of two fir trees.
Location: 12 Pond Street Harlaxton Lincolnshire NG32 1HW
Decision/Date: Work Allowed 21st September 2020
Application No: S20/1534
Date Received: 14th September 2020
Applicant: Mr Christian Gleave
Proposal: T1- Pine - To Fell, T2 - Pine - To Fell
Location: Waterside 11 Pond Street Harlaxton NG32 1HW
Decision/Date: Work Allowed 28th October 2020