December 2020 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Held on Tuesday 15 December 2020 - @ 19:00 (7:00pm)
Held by Video Conference
COVID 19 Restriction.
In accordance with the Harlaxton Parish Council Covid19 Business Statement, all scheduled face-to-face public meetings have been suspended until advised by the appropriate authority they can recommence.
Accordingly, Council meetings will be conducted by alternative means. Currently, the Council have chosen to use the virtual Zoom application.
In the usual way, the first 15 minutes of the Parish Council Meeting was open to the Public Forum.
HPC complies with GDPR regulations.
NB: This meeting was recorded.
1. Meeting Open: Council Chair.
Cllr Wicks welcomed all to the meeting and thanked his fellow councillors for all their work and contributions during what has been a difficult year.
2. In Attendance.
Cllr S. Wicks (Chair)
Cllr K Gabriel (Vice Chair)
Cllr J. Mann (Member)
Cllr A. Cartlidge (Member)
Mr J. McCloskey (Parish Clerk)
3. Apologies.
None. All Parish Councillors were in attendance.
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 3 November 2020.
Resolution Passed> Minutes approved as an accurate and true record of the meeting.
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest.
None declared.
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)
Mr Christian Gleave joined the meeting to raise a question regarding security in the community in light of recent events of theft and attempted break-ins, one of which occurred at his property.
The Parish Council were asked for their views on installing neighbourhood CCTV at key locations in the village to record any suspicious activities and individuals to enable incidents to be identified and reported to the police.
The Parish Council concurred with Mr Gleaves concerns and the options were discussed, however the council felt that a village CCTV system was beyond the means of a small Parish Council, and that individual householder CCTV may be a more effective solution.
Concerns over a community system were expressed as:
- Cost of installation and maintenance.
- Monitoring and Data protection.
- Privacy limitations.
Other options were use of:
- Neighbourhood Watch.
- Improved flow of information within the community.
- Improved communication with Lincolnshire Police and awareness campaign.
Resolution: The discussion concluded with no formal resolution, however the Parish Council would engage with the Lincolnshire Police Neighbourhood Team in an effort to increase awareness and prevention measures available to householders.
7. County Councillor and District Councillor.
Updates on Parish Council queries raised.
a. County: Request for assistance in re: responsibility for flooding from collection chamber.
b. District: Request for assistance with SKDC Planning Department in Re: Willow Brook trees.
As neither the County Councillor or District Councillor attended the meeting there were no updates on the above queries.
Parish Council Comment:
The Parish Clerk had invited both the County and District Councillors to the meeting to discuss the issues raised. The Parish Council expressed their disappointment that neither the County Councillor, nor District Councillor attended the meeting, nor were any apologies received.
8. Lincolnshire Police.
There was no representative from the Lincolnshire Police Neighbourhood Team.
Parish Council Comment:
The Parish Council again expressed disappointment that although invited to the meeting, no representative had attended and not apologies had been received.
9. Parish Councillors: Update and Discussion.
a. HSSC.
Cllr Wicks gave an update on the flooding situation in the HSSC/Manor Drive area. This is still an ongoing issue with increasing damage to the car park surface. A meeting is planned for January with all parties concerned (LCC Highways, Anglian Water, Harlaxton Manor and the Environment Agency to discuss resolution.
As the HSSC is not currently in use regular checks are being carried out and thanks to Mr Dave Cody and Mrs Dawn Gabriel for their ongoing efforts.
Concerns were raised over the amount of dog waste on the HSSC field, especially as dogs are not allowed on this area.
Resolution: Improve signage to ensure area is kept clear and the Play Park gates are kept closed.
Littering and discarded materials (cans of spray etc) associated with the use by the Cricket Club.
Resolution: Cricket Club to be reminded to keep the area tidy and remove any discarded items and material.
b. Village Hall.
Following the recent three resignations from the Village Hall Committee, two new members have been accepted and the committee will be updating their information accordingly. The new committee will be taking over all aspects of village hall bookings and accounts in the near future as roles are assigned.
The work to refurbish the village hall heating is now complete and shows a promising improvement. There remains some work to the boxing in, which the Parish Council will be attending to.
The new committee will be approached to consider making a contribution towards the final costs of the refurbishment.
The roof vents have also been installed and additional damp proofing of the walls has also been carried out, which combined with the heating, should show an improvement to the condition of the hall and ensure availability for use when restrictions are lifted.
Resolution: A vote of thanks was proposed to Cllr Andrew Cartlidge for his work and perseverance in helping to deliver the project.
10. Village Environment.
a. Phone Kiosk.
Options for refurbishment and future of the village telephone kiosk were discussed and if a self help type project could be implemented with volunteers from the community.
Kiosk requires removal from base, cleaning and transporting for professional painting and renovation. Disconnection of the power supply wil require further investigation.
Resolution: Article in Village Voice asking for volunteers to participate in the project.
b. Obelisk and Millennium Sign.
Cllr Keith Gabriel was thanked for his work on restoring the village millennium sign and his ongoing work with regards the obelisk and installation of two planters and plants.
The council considered the initial funding and ongoing funding for annual upkeep.
Resolution: The Parish Council voted:
An initial outlay of £350 for plants and materials.
Ongoing maintenance funding of £100 per annum in perpetuity.
Work to commence in the Spring of 2021.
A vote of thanks to Cllr Gabriel for continuing with the project.
c. Flooding.
As discussed at item 9.a., flooding of the village in certain areas remains an issue of major concern to the Parish Council.
Actions taken to date include:
i. Site meeting with Anglian Water. LCC Highways, DASA Insurance and Cllr Cartlidge. As yet without clear resolution or acknowledgement of responsibility by any authority, despite evidence presented.
ii. Drainage inspection using coloured dye to trace source, passage and emergence in the HSSC car park.
ii. Further meeting with relevant authorities planned for January 2021 to discuss options for resolution.
d. Dog Waste bin replacement & repair.
Dog waste continues to be an issue throughout the village and its surroundings.
Emptying of the village dog waste bins is carried out by the Community Cleaner and it has been noted that the bins are often full to capacity. This will be monitored and the cleaner advised of bins requiring attention.
Vandalism damage to one of the waste bins has been repaired and a vote of thanks goes to Cllrs Keith Gabriel and Andrew Cartlidge for this.
e. Village Christmas tree and decorations.
The Parish Council discussed the provision of a Christmas tree for the village, and as in previous years voted to purchase a tree and appropriate decorations for the village hall windows.
Cllr Mann authorised to purchase a suitable tree up to a value of £40.
Cllr Cartlidge authorised to purchase suitable tree lights up to a value of £20 and if required, village hall lights up to a value of £50.
Cllr Gabriel offered donate lights and timers for the village hall.
Cllr Mann also offered to donate lights and timers.
11. RFO Financial Report.
a. Account reconciliation for period:
FY 2020/21 AP08 1 November 2020 - 30 November 2020
Opening Balance 29,903.16
Income 0.00
Expenditure 418.82
Closing Balance 29,484.34.
Resolution: Accounts approved. All transactions correct and authorised.
b. Review Precept requirement for Financial Year 2021-22.
Options for the precept requirement were discussed.
Expenditure on investigation of flooding, village hall refurbishment and projects planned for 2021:
- Installation of gated type village warning and speed signs.
- Refurbishment and new equipment for the play area.
- Phone Kiosk refurbishment.
- Village enhancement projects (Obelisk Planters).
Based on ongoing expenditure for ground maintenance and general community environment (hedgerows and trees etc), the Parish Council voted to increase precept by 5.00% - £1050.00 on 2020/21.
a. Precept Requirement 2021/22: 19,500
b. 2021/22 Tax base for the Parish: 349.00
c. Parish Band D Charge 55.87
d. 2020/21: Band D Tax Rate 53.19
e. 202/22 Band D increase/decrease: 5.00%
These are the Band D charges per property and any % increase will be shown on the Council Tax bill.
As in recent years Parish and Town Councils Band D equivalents have reduced due to the Local Council Tax Support Scheme and that council tax bills are required by statute to show the percentage increase for each Parish/Town Council precept.
12. Planning Applications (Annex B): Review.
a. New Applications Received.
S20/1956. Proposed first floor pitched tiled roof extension over existing kitchen. 2 Swine Hill Harlaxton NG32 1HP
Council Representations: Non notified.
S20/1966. a) Common Juniper Tree - To Fell - To be replaced with smaller bushes, b) Pine tree - To fell as dead, c) Apple - remove an overhanging bow that hangs over Manor Drive. 77 High Street Harlaxton NG32 1JA
Council Representations: Non notified.
S20/1970. Raise the height of boundary wall to the front of the property
Location: 77 High Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1JA,
Council Representations: Non notified.
Fell Sycamore tree that is growing lopsided and towards 1 Rectory Lane. T2: Sycamore.
This application is further to a previous TCA 5-Day Notice (Reference
S20/1455 S-198) that approved on 7 September 2020, that this tree be
felled to avoid further storm damage after a number of large branches fell
onto the property. It also follows a recent visit from a Tree Officer (Mr
Richard Jones) who approved the tree be felled (report attached). The aim
of this application is to resubmit the application for one tree (T2) rather than
two (T1 has had a TPO applied). 1 Rectory Lane, Harlaxton, NG32 1HD, ,
Council Representations: Non notified.
b. Decision Notifications Received.
S20/1678. T1: 3-stemmed Sycamore T2: Single Sycamore - Fell both trees
Location:1 Rectory Lane Harlaxton.
Date:12th November 2020.
Applicant informed that the trees involved have now been protected by a Tree Preservation Order. To proceed with proposal, a formal Tree Preservation Order application (for topping, lopping or felling) will be required.
S20/1715. Fell and remove Silver Birch. 3 Willow Brook Harlaxton Lincolnshire NG32 1GA
Decision/Date: Work Allowed 16th November 2020.
Harlaxton Parish Council are concerned regarding the number of applications to fell and remove trees from this location.
Parish Council representation regarding this application was submitted to SKDC 27 October 2020.
S20/1769. T1 - Cupressus Leylandii - To fell. 5A Trotters Lane Harlaxton
Lincolnshire NG32 1JQ
Decision/Date: Work Allowed 1st December 2020
13. Communication.
a. Village Voice newsletter.
14. New Business for Next Meeting.
Matters arising during meeting for inclusion as agenda item for discussion at next meeting.
a. Village Hall. Review any notes and accounts information obtained from outgoing chair/treasurer and status of committee.
b. Review mowing contract for 2021 season.
Note: Tenders for the 2021 season sent out to approved contractors by Parish Clerk 23 December 2020 for return for review at PCM 26 January 2021.
15. Closed Session.
Not required.
16. Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting.
Tuesday 26 Jan 2021
1900 - 2100
Zoom virtual meeting.
17. Meeting Close.
The chair thanked those present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 21:30hrs (9:30pm)
Clerk J.McCloskey
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with extant COVID 19 restrictions.
Minutes Action.
Minutes accepted by the council and approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting on 15 December 2020.
Minute Ref: PCM 26/01/2021 Item 4.
Signed: Meeting Chair: Cllr S Wicks (Electronic Copy),
Date: 26 January 2021
Print: S.Wicks
Sign: Hard copy to be signed when circumstances permit.