August 2020 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 4 August 2020
1900 – 2215 hrs
Held by Video Conference
COVID 19 Restriction.
In accordance with current COVID 19 guidelines and until further notice all Harlaxton Parish Council meetings will be virtual meetings conducted by video using the following link:
NB: This meeting was recorded.
Agenda Serial |
Discussion Item |
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Welcome Address – Council Chair. Council Chair Cllr S. Wicks opened the meeting and welcomed Mr Christian Gleave to the meeting as a new resident to the village |
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Attendees: Harlaxton Parish Council: Cllr S. Wicks (Chair), Cllr K. Gabriel (Vice Chair), Cllr A. Cartlidge, Cllr J. Mann, Mr J. McCloskey (Clerk) Public: One member of the public attended via video link |
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Parish Councillor Apologies: Resolution to Accept. Not Required. All members of the Parish Council were present as in accordance with the published guidelines for COVID 19 virtual meetings |
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Minutes of Previous Meeting: Resolution to:
Revision to drafted minute 7.h.ii. approved.
Revised minutes approved. |
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Parish Council Declarations Of Pecuniary Interest: Resolution to Note There were no DPI’s in the agenda items. |
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Public Forum (Maximum 15 minutes)
It was proposed by Mr Gleave and the Parish Council that he continue to help with maintenance of the area with assistance of the councillors. Resolution(s): Proposal agreed.
Action proposed and agreed: Cllr Wicks will continue to review the play area and its needs and explore all available funding options. It was recommended that a survey of the average age group of children be undertaken and information sought on the number of children living in the village. |
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County and District Council: Update
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Lincolnshire Police: Update/Discussion. Lincs Police representative not in attendance and no update/information available.
Action proposed and agreed: Further monitoring of car park use and investigate potential to install gate at entrance. |
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Parish Council: Update and Discussion
The condition of the Copper Beeches on Gregory Close and the danger posed by loss of branches was discussed. Action proposed and agreed: Await more information on status and continue to monitor and conduct an annual inspection to address any issues should they arise at the time.
It was proposed that the Three Year Plan should include input from the community at large, and that further discussion be carried forward to the next meeting. Resolution: Carry forward and go out to the community for input.
Resolution: Approval given subject to no cost to the parish council for removal or replacement.
Resolution: Purchase of a PIR approved and fitting by a member of the council. This to be considered a one off and without prejudice for further cost to the parish council.
The parish council had no objections subject to a formal application to include design and plan in writing. That the noticeboard was to be free standing and located at the entrance to the car park. Resolution: Approval given subject to conditions proposed. Cllr Wicks to advise Mr K. Young accordingly.
To date one quote received, one other expected but will source a third where possible. All will be reviewed as necessary. During the inspection by contractor, twoissue were noted:
Resolution: Village Hall Committee to be notified of the issues and the risks posed. Quotes be obtained to rectify both issues.
Proposed repairs to the roof ongoing and contractor to be appointed and work expected in 4 to 6 weeks. Contractor requested permission that weekend working be permitted. Proposal: Contractor to forward details to parish council for consideration and approval.
Proposal: Option to use HSSC to be considered. For further review and discussion.
The general condition and status of the village hall was discussed due to a number of issues with the general condition and fabric of the building in addition to the heating and roof having been identified and the potential of significant refurbishment being required in the future. Resolution: All options for the future of the present village hall to be considered and its status as a memorial to the WW1 veterans of the village. Establish costs for making the hall fit for purpose and present options to the community for consultation on the future of the hall.
Play area. The annual RoSPA inspection due August. General condition of the area and equipment considered fair with some minor maintenance required. Action proposed and agreed: Await outcome of inspection and make any future decisions based on the report. Sports field. General condition acceptable, with cricket club carrying out some trimming and some work still I progress at the top end of the field and there remains a need to dispose of the Bowls club waste. A Well Done was proposed to the councillors for their work in clearing and maintain the area in general.
Grass cutting satisfactory and options for A607 hedges to be considered for quotes for work October 2020.
Action proposed and agreed: Request information from Cricket Club for dates for 2021 season. If cuts are required in addition to those contractedobtain price of cuts.
Action proposed and agreed: As change to speed limit raised previously, but not considered justified by LCC Highways and evidence would be required before review by LCC, Parish Council to conduct further traffic survey at junction for submission to LCC.
Action proposed and agreed: Review potential locations and contact school for support and input. Review requirements and draft application for planning submission.
No new items for consideration at this time. |
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Village Improvements
On hold pending lifting of COVID19 restrictions
On hold pending lifting of COVID19 restrictions
Obtain quotes and explore funding for new/replacement equipment. Follow up with Cllr Hannah Westropp (SKDC) for possible funding options.
Options for the refurbishment and future use of the village phone box discussed.
Action proposed and agreed: Its suitability as a book exchange/information point was not considered practical and therefore it was proposed that the community be canvassed on its future use and potential cost of refurbishment. Quotes for professional refurbishment required.
Review of action required to refurbish both the sign and the framework. Action proposed and agreed: Carry out an inspection to determine condition and action to refurbish framework and painted panels. Option to replace panels and images to be considered.
At the request of a resident, the bench at the corner of Westend and Rectory Lane was refurbished by members of the Parish Council. The request for a dog waste bin in the same location was forwarded to SKDC for further action. SKDC have advised they will not place a dog waste bin at that location, however the parish council may provide a facility funded from the parish council budget. The resident has been informed. |
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RFO Report. Financial Report: 1 July 2020 to 31 July 2020 (AP04 FY 2020-21) Resolution to approve:
Opening Balance:£32,857.15. Closing Balance:£31,723.25
Invoices paid - £612.00 Business expenses –£79.98 Staff salaries -£441.92 Resolution: Passed. Accounts reconciliation correct and all expenditure properly authorised and approved.
Noted: Clerk to arrange for banking mandate to be updated to add new and remove redundant signatories.
Approved: Clerk authorised to remove from asset register and arrange disposal.
Approved in principal subject to safeguards from fraud. Clerk to make initial enquiries.
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Planning Applications: Reviewed
S20/1108 & S20/1107 – 9 Church St. Erection of garage and building alterations. Representations Sent to SKDC: None Notified
S20/1129 & S20/1128- 1 Pond Street. Single storey extension. Representations Sent to SKDC: Non Notified
S20/0712 – 1 Pond Street Tree Works. Decision/Date: Work Allowed 25 June 2020
S20/0612 - 8 Church Street. Tree Works Decision/Date: Work Allowed 25 June 2020
S20/0611 – 8 Swinehill Erection of first floor side extension, erection of porch, part render exterior to 3 elevations. Convert garage to living space. Decision/Date: Work Allowed 19 June 2020.
S20/0825 Dalbuie House, 2 Willow Brook. Tree Works Decision/Date Work Allowed 22nd July 2020
S20/0978 – 9 Pond Street. Tree Works Decision/Date: Work Allowed 28th July 2020
S20/0957 – Coneygree, 26 High Street. Tree Works Decision/Date: Work Allowed 28th July 2020
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Correspondence and Communication Reviewed:
Following submission of invoice for the 2020 season use of HSSC sports filed by the cricket club, a request was received to review and consider a reduction in the fee due to limited playing season and reduced income and funds. Action Proposed and agreed: The Parish Council felt the reduction already made was appropriate and no further reduction could be made and the Cricket Club advised accordingly that payment of the fee was requiredin accordance with the invoice issued. The Parish Councilwill respond formally to the Cricket Club treasurer and the HSSC secretary to explain the decision and the options the club and HSSC should consider to address the Cricket Clubs financial situation
See Minute Ref: 10.f.
Query received regarding responsibility for repair and maintenance of the roadside fencing adjacent to Harlaxton Wharf. Action proposed and agreed: Further investigation into ownership/responsibility of the fence required. Correspondent to be informed matter is ongoing. |
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New Business for Next Meeting: None noted. |
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Closed Session (If Required for Confidential and Personnel Matters). Not required. |
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Meeting Close and Next Meeting.
Meeting Closed at 22:15 (10:15pm) Next meeting: Tuesday 22 September 2020 @ 19:00 (7:00pm). Meeting agenda will be posted on Thursday 17 September 2020. Items for inclusion on the agenda must be received not later than 5pm Monday 15 September 2020.
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend subject to current COVID 19 restrictions on public gatherings. A link to the meeting can be obtained from the Parish Clerk on request. |
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Minutes Action: Minutes accepted by the council and approved for signature as a true and accurate record of the meeting on 4 August 2020
Meeting Chair: Cllr S Wicks (Electronic Copy), Date: 42 September 2020. Print: S.Wicks Sign: Hard copy to be signed when circumstances permit. |
Clerk J.McCloskey