October 2024 Minutes
Parish Council Meeting
7:30pm on Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
1. Meeting Opened at 19:30
2. In Attendance: Cllrs Wicks, Phillips, Smith & Cartlidge, also Cllr Leadenham from SKDC
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance): Cllrs Clawson and Gabriel. Cllr Vernon not present.
4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests: Cllr Cartlidge is a Sponsor of Harlaxton Cricket Club, and has submitted and expenses form.
5. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: PCM of 25 September 2024. Unanimously approved.
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion): One villager present. Cllr Cartlidge read out emails received from residents: 1) A villager was concerned that the street lights were on all night. Cllr Leadenham advised that most of the lighting in the Village was SKDC’s responsibility and on the A607 was likely LCC’s responsibility. Councillors discussed the village lighting and considered that continuance of the lighting would be a deterrent for thieves. It was also considered of benefit to those walking home late at night and dog walkers Cllr Leadenham advised that there was currently an ongoing programme to replace the lights was energy efficient LED units. 2) A villager was concerned at the nature of parking at school pick up and drop off times. 3) A villager has asked if HPC can consider the SKDC rewilding initiative. Cllr Phillips to review and report back.
7. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime
7.1. Cllr Leadenham: 1) SKCD Warm Places initiative was offering grants to venues that can offer places for people to go for an hour or so a week. 2) Following the removal of the Winter Fuel Allowance, there are still many who are not coming forward to receive Pension Credit. 3) More volunteers are required for the Community Speed Watch. The Ward Meeting is arranged for 22 November, Cllrs AC, KS, SW and MP confirmed their intention to attend.
8. Updates and Discussions
8.1. Finance Update: Finances are healthy with a current balance of £36,307.94. SKDC have paid the second instalment of the Community Cleaner grant of £463.32.
8.1.1. Invoices/Expenses received: BDG [main village grass cutting] £456 for two September cuts. Approved for payment. Expenses from Cllr Cartlidge, CSW equipment at £477.30, reams of A3 paper for Village Voice at £59.94, 5No tree protectors for Gregory Close and Pearson Gregory at £83.75, A1 form display boards for the Village Fayre at £82.67, 1No large poppy for Remembrance at £24.49. Total £728.15. Approved for reimbursement.
8.2. Proposed Development off Swine Hill: No further update.
8.3. HPC Bins around the Village: The new larger bin has been installed on Manor Drive outside the Sports and Social Club. Thanks were given to Cllr Wicks and Gabriel. New bags are required from SKDC. Cllr Cartlidge to follow up. Repurposed bin still to be installed at the junction of West End and Rectory Lane.
8.4. Traffic
8.4.1. A607 Consultation: No update on LCC’s consultation. No response from MP Gareth Davies.
8.4.2. SID (Speed Indicator Device): Currently on The Drift. Will be moving to High Street facing south [downhill].
8.4.3. CSW (Community Speed Watch): The interim coordinator reported that they are trying to attend at least twice a week, although with only four members plus Cllr Leadenham volunteering too this is quite a commitment. More volunteers are required to help support Harlaxton. At the session on the Drift on Wednesday 30 October 110 vehicles passed with 3 recorded more than the permissible level. Today on the High Street, 270 vehicles passed, and while none were more than the permissible level, there was a noticeable change in driving behaviour. Cllr Leadenham said that the Harlaxton CSW team were dedicated and work together to create a good atmosphere and, following recent concerns of speeding around the village, volunteers are required to be more present and cover more areas.
8.4.4. School Traffic & Parking: Cllr Leadenham advises that this is the responsibility of LCC. Cllr Wicks to write a letter to the school with copy to Cllr Vernon to ask that further reminders are sent to parents to drive and park with consideration.
8.5. LCC Highway Gulley Cleansing: Councillors are not aware of any work to cleanse the gullies along the A607, nor to improve the drainage from the gullies down Swine Hill. It was agreed to follow up with LCC and ask for an update.
8.6. Anglian Water work on the High Street: The 11/11 work has been cancelled. It was agreed to follow up with Anglian Water and LCC to request an update.
8.7. LCC’s Emergency Plan: This is a work in progress. Re-request advice/information from Cllr Vernon.
8.8. Harlaxton Design Statement: Volunteers would like other to become involved. Cllr Cartlidge to follow up with the History Society and ask for involvement from the Land Adjacent to Swine Hill Working Party.
9.1. Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding: The Loss Adjuster has written back to having completely ignored all of the requested evidence and Expert Witness Statements. It was agreed to follow up with a further complaint to the Insurer [AXA] with a letter before action, and to write directly to the AXA Board Members directly.
9.2. Channel Drain to the rear/south of HSSC: The contractor has not yet carried out the remedial work. There is still a £500 held in retention. Cllr Cartlidge to follow up with the contractor before Cllrs complete the work.
10. Sports Field
10.1. Playing Area Equipment. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks): Minor repairs in progress. Grass cutting contractor to be followed up to request strimming and mowing. If no cut is forthcoming, it was agreed to set aside £20 fuel costs for volunteers to complete the work.
10.2. Drainage/Maintenance: No action from contractor. Cllr Cartlidge to follow up with contractor and request the work to be completed urgently before the wet weather arrives.
11. Grass Cutting, Hedges, etc
11.1. Village Tree Survey: Work in progress [Cllr Gabriel from last PCM].
11.1.1. Coopers Plantation fallen branch: Planning Application is awaiting decision by SKDC.
11.2. Gregory Close Trees: Cllr Clawson has installed further tree protectors to the vulnerable trees near the A607. A contractor has confirmed they can action the work on the Maple on a Sunday in November.
11.3. HPC Grass Cutting, Coffin Walk & LCC Verge on A607: One quote has been received for the main village grass cutting; they have confirmed they are unable to quote for the Manor Drive Sports Field etc. No quotes yet received for the Manor Drive Sports Field. Cllr Cartlidge to follow up with contractors asked to quote. Additional contractor’s names will be asked to quote.
12. Village Voice: The draft newsletter was discussed and it was agreed to send to print. Cllr Leadenham to be added to the copy request list for future issues. Cllr Phillips volunteered to proofread the Village Voice before going to print.
13. Any other business: Cllr Phillips advises that the yearly Defibrillator checks need to be carried out. The attending villager advises they are an NHS nurse and would like to assist. Thanks were given.
14. Next scheduled Meeting: Wednesday, 27 November 2024 at 7:30pm
15. Meeting Close: 20:48