June 2024 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Chair: Andrew Cartlidge
Email: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Address: 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB
Website: http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Harlaxton/
Parish Council Meeting
7:30pm on Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
1. Meeting Opened:7:30pm
2. In Attendance: Cllrs Clawson, Smith, Wicks & Cartlidge. Also, Cllr Vernon [LCC] and Leadenham [SKDC]
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance): Cllrs Phillips and Gabriel
4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests: None. However, Cllrs Wicks and Cartlidge reminded Councillors that they were on the HSSC Committee.
5. Appointment of Vice Chair and signing of the Acceptance of Office: Following Cllr Gabriel's resignation as VC, nominations were asked for a replacement Vice Chair. Cllr Wicks put themselves forward, and this was unanimously approved.
6. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: AMC/ACM [AGM] of 22 May 2024: These were agreed and signed on the night.
7. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion): None Present
8. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime:
8.1. Cllr Wicks raised concerns with Cllr Vernon that the footway between Harlaxton and Denton is hazardous because of overgrown hedges, and also in Harlaxton, on the High Street between the Substation and towards Trotters Lane. Cllr Vernon requested an email to confirm the concerns so that this can be taken up with LCC Highways.
8.2. Cllr Cartlidge advised Cllr Vernon that villagers have expressed concern about the significant overgrown verges in the open space along The Drift. While volunteers have tried to keep the weeds at bay, the problem is now too much, and the area is becoming an eyesore. Villagers are requesting that LCC take further action to resolve the issue. Cllr Vernon requested an email to confirm the issue so that this can be raised at LCC.
8.3. Cllr Wicks expressed concern that the developer has not reinstated the grass verge along the Drift despite LCC’s request. An email will be sent to Cllr Vernon to request action to have the verge reinstated.
8.4. Cllr Leadenham advised that the next Community Speed Watch training day was scheduled for 15 July [7:45pm at Harlaxton Village Hall]. Cllr Cartlidge volunteered to attend the training.
9. Updates and Discussions
9.1. Finance Update
9.1.1. Invoices received: The BDG [mowing] invoice for May 2024 for £380 was approved for payment.
9.1.2. Website Maintenance: 3.39 hours remain on the current contract with LALC, and the website's projected update time is 12 hours per year. It was agreed to pay £180 for an additional 10 hours for the 2024/25 period.
9.2. Proposed Development off Swine Hill: No new updates
9.3. Traffic and SID (Speed Indicator Device):
9.3.1. Villagers have raised concerns about the increase in speeding on The Drift [especially large trucks], particularly when the A1 has been closed. Can a weight limit be imposed? Can Chicanes be installed? What can LCC do about this issue? Cllr Vernon requested an email to confirm the issue, which can be discussed at LCC Highways meetings.
9.3.2. As previously agreed, SID is to be moved to The Drift.
9.4. Community Emergency Plan [SKDC Initiative]: Councillors had read through the SKDC application pack and considered this an excellent initiative. HPC Admin to progress with the first draft of the application.
9.5. LCC Highway Gullies
9.5.1. Cllr Wicks advised that LCC has responded to the HPC gulley survey to advise that a full cleanse will be carried out during the week commencing 5 August. HPC Admin will write to villagers to ask them to keep parking well clear of all gulleys during that week.
10. Village Events
10.1. D-Day 80th Anniversary, 6 June 2024: This was a well-attended event, with an excellent display of information from the Harlaxton History Society, and well-organized by the Club. Thanks were given to Andy Moore & Son for setting up The Beacon and Sarah Tierney for reading the International Tribute.
10.2. Village Fayre, 31 August 2024: Cllr Smith confirmed that attractions had been booked, including the Fun Dog Show and Falconry display. Other events will be Children’s games and a Decorated Bikes/Scooter competition.
11. HSSC
11.1. Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding: The claim for reimbursement has been escalated within AXA and HPC is waiting for a meeting to agree on the resolution.
11.2. Channel Drain to the rear/south of HSSC building: Work is scheduled for 19 August 2024.
11.3. Gutters, rainwater pipes and surface water drainage: since installing the gutter grills and clearing the rainwater pipes, the rainwater goods seem to be operating normally. No further action.
11.4. Solar Panels and Independent Energy Assessment. The HSSC [the Club] Committee has written to HPC to request permission to install PV panels on the roof to help reduce their electricity bill, which is primarily due to the chiller in the cellar. It was unanimously agreed that Councillors had no objection to the principle. However, concerns were raised over Planning issues, maintenance of the roof and panels, condition of the current tiles and structural adequacy of the existing trusses. The possibility of a car charging point was also raised, for which Councillors also had no objection, subject to the position agreed with HPC first.
12. Sports Field
12.1. Playing Area Equipment. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks) [RoSpa inspection August 2024]
12.1.1. Thanks were given to Cllr Wicks for installing the timber post protectors, and cutting the grass multiple times over the last few months while the contractor's machine has been out of action. Expenses of £8 were unanimously agreed to cover fuel costs. Cllr Wicks to submit an expenses claim.
12.2. Playing Field/Pitches: Villagers have raised concerns that the cutting of the Sports Field off Manor Drive has not been kept up. The Parish Council has been in regular contact with the contractor and has been advised that, while they have tried to maintain some cutting in the meantime with other machines, repairs to their machine are near complete and they hope to return to the normal schedule shortly.
12.3. Drainage/Maintenance:
12.3.1. Cllr Clawson is following up on drainage improvement by Slitter and Vertidrain. Quotations and costs are pending.
12.3.2. Two quotations have been received for the replacement drainage to the south of the Sports Field, and the Parish Council is awaiting two more before a decision can be made.
12.3.3. Quotations are being sought to clear the Coopers Plantation ditch.
13. Grass Cutting, Hedges, etc
13.1. Coopers Plantation: The quotations for assessing the current trees need to mature before a decision can be made.
13.2. Gregory Close: A contractor has reported that the tree is a good specimen, health and shape with no obvious signs of fungal infection. Quotes are to be sought to remove deadwood and consider a crown reduction.
13.3. Grass Cutting: It was noted that there are a lot of grass cuttings on both the Pearson Gregory Field and Gregory Close. Councillors considered this may be due to the fast growth between the cuts every two weeks and to monitor the performance over the following month.
13.4. Hedge Cutting: It was agreed to seek quotes for hedge cutting in September.
13.5. Manor Drive Hedge [alongside the Bowls Club and Play Area]. Cllrs Wicks reported that the Manor’s contractor has damaged the chainlink fence. Cllr Wicks to draft a letter to the Manor regarding repairs.
14. Any other business
14.1. A villager has expressed concern that the repaired pothole outside No 34 Swine Hill is beginning to fail again. The issue will be raised to LCC via FixMyStreet.
14.2. Several enquiries have been received regarding hiring the Manor Drive Sports Field for football training. While the grass is recovering from the recent wet period, the contractor is working through the repair of their machine, and there is pending work to improve field drainage; it was considered inappropriate to book hires at the moment. Draft response to be prepared for consideration.
15. Next scheduled Meeting: Annual Meeting of the Council: Wednesday, 24 July 2024 at 7:30pm
16. Meeting close.