May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Harlaxton Parish Council
Outgoing Chair: Andrew Cartlidge
Incoming Chair: Andrew Cartlidge
Address: 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB
Annual Meeting of the Council
7:30pm on Wednesday, 22 May 2024
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
1. Meeting Opened: 19:30
1.1. The outgoing Chair explained that their exclusive role was to chair the meeting until a new Chair was voted in.
2. In Attendance: Cllrs Clawson, Wicks, Phillips, Gabriel, Cartlidge, plus one villager.
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance): Cllr Smith
4. Appointment of Chairperson: Cllr Wicks put forward Cllr Cartlidge as chair. A vote was taken, and it was unanimously agreed. Cllr Cartlidge signed the Declarations of Acceptance.
5. Appointment of Vice-Chair: Cllr Gabriel put their name forward. A vote was taken, and it was unanimously agreed. Cllr Gabriel signed the Declarations of Acceptance.
6. Signing of the acceptance of office [Chair & Vice Chair]: These were counter-signed by Councillors.
7. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests: Cllr Wicks advised that there were expenses in item 9.
8. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: PCM of 22 April 2024: It was agreed that these were a true and accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair.
9. Financial [review of standing orders and approval of accounts/AGAR for 2023/2024]
9.1. The MMBS savings statement was discussed, and it was agreed that consideration would be given to moving the Savings to achieve a better return on the investment. Cllr Gabriel to report back.
9.2. The end-of-year Bank Reconciliation, Annual Return, Explanation of Variances and Completed Annual Internal Audit report for 2023/24, the Annual Governance Statement, Annual Accounting Statement, and VAT126 form were discussed. All documents were approved, including the Annual Governance Statement Section 1 and 2, which were signed by Cllrs Wicks as RFO and Cartlidge as Chair.
9.3. Invoices received were discussed and approved as follows:
HCC [cutting sports field and around HSSC], £127.00 [fewer cuts due to inclement weather]
Link Magazines [delivery of Village Voice], £21.23
Warren Contracting Services [100% drawdown of retention for reinstatement of HSSC grass], £2912.10
Cllr Wicks expenses [parts for maintenance of play area], £72.99
BDG [grass cutting around village and Pearson Gregory], £570.00
Insurance [2nd year of 3 year fixed premium], £1470.21
10. Roles and Responsibilities:
10.1. Village Hall Representative: Cllr Cartlidge was asked to continue, and agreed.
10.2. Harlaxton Sports & Social Club Representative: Cllr Wicks was asked to continue, and agreed.
10.3. Finance/RFO: Cllr Phillips offered to take on the role, and it was agreed.
10.4. Grants and Funding Champion: Cllr Wicks was asked to fill this role, and it was agreed.
10.5. Employment Committee: It was agreed that Cllrs Gabriel, Cartlidge and Clawson would stand.
10.6. Village Voice: Cllr Gabriel asked to be PC representative, and it was agreed. Villager JB to be asked if they are willing to continue writing and preparing the newsletter.
10.7. SID/Traffic: Cllrs Wicks, Gabriel, Phillips, and Cartlidge will be on the SID Working Party. Villager JB will be asked if they are willing to continue downloading and reporting on the data.
11. Any other business:
11.1. Villager Question:
11.1.1. Who cuts Coffin Walk? Cllr Wicks advised that various parties have cut it over the years, and he has already cut it once this year. The villager offered to work with Cllr Gabriel to help cut it next time, and they were thanked.
11.1.2. Where does the PC get its money from?: Councillors advised that the Parish Council received its Precept from SKDC to cover all the Parish Council responsibilities, for which a significant expenditure is grass cutting, hedge cutting, maintenance of trees, responsibility for maintenance and improvement of village facilities including the Sportsfield, the exterior of the Village Hall and Sports and Social Club, and several waste bins around the village.
11.2. Cllr Wicks proposed the following items for the 26 June Agenda
11.2.1. Parish Council to consider joining the LCC Resilience plan
11.2.2. Gulley Report and Village Flooding
11.2.3. Formation of a Mow Beck Drainage Survey Working Party
12. Next scheduled Meeting: Annual Meeting of the Council: 26 June 2024.
13. Meeting close: 21:50