April 2024 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Chair: Andrew Cartlidge
Email: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Address: 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB
Website: http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Harlaxton/
Parish Council Meeting
7:30pm on Wednesday, 24 April 2024
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
1. Meeting Opened: 7:30pm
2. In Attendance: Cllrs Wicks, Clawson, Smith, Phillips & Cartlidge
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance): Accepted from Cllr Gabriel, and County Cllr Vernon and District Cllr Leadenham
4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests: Cllr Cartlidge acknowledged item 8.5.
5. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: PCM of 27 March 2024: Agreed unanimously.
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion): None Present
7. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime: None
8. Updates and Discussions
8.1. Traffic and SID (Speed Indicator Device): Previous readings on the High Street showed that 85% of vehicles were below 30mph, with the greatest speed being 50mph. SID is currently on Swine Hill, outside the school, facing south up the hill. Towards the end of May it was agreed to move SID to The Drift.
A villager has written in to express concern at the speed of the traffic on the A607 and the lack of a pedestrian crossing. Permission is being sought to forward this to LCC, who are responsible for highway matters, and the PC will reply with a letter of support.
8.2. Proposed Development off Swine Hill: The group, formed after the EGM on 20 October 2022, along with a representative of the current Parish Council, are meeting with Shaza Brannon of SKDC Planning. Councillors discussed having a village vote on the development to understand villagers' opinions, which would then help guide Council actions if there is a planning application in the future.
8.3. Finance: The 2023/2024 accounts are complete, pending the arrival of the MMBS interest statement. The Annual Governance and Accountability Return [AGAR] document and file are with the internal auditor for review. The Budgeted income for 2024/2025 is £25.7k, however, to meet the current budgeted expenditure of £35.5k [which covers the much-needed improvement of the Sports Field drainage, and may include the completion of the car park surfacing this year once the ground has stabilised following the drainage repairs] circa £10k will need to be drawn down from the current circa £25k reserves. In the meantime, potential savings include Councillors continuing to carry out the Clerk/RFO roll, with a saving of circa £3k. Invoices have been received from BCG for the village mowing, LALC for the recent online training session, and Belvoir Tree Services for the work on the Coopers Plantation trees. All were discussed and unanimously approved for payment. The use of the Chairs Allowance was discussed, and it was agreed that, as a small token of appreciation to Pam and Irvin Metcalf for their year's worth of litter picking along the A607, the Chair is permitted to offer a dinner for two at a local restaurant.
8.4. New Projects: Forming part of a Three Year Plan, the following projects were raised for consideration: Improvement to the Pearson Gregory Field [maturing plans from 2019], improvement to the Play Area, e.g., a Ball Wall, and Village Gates [which was previously considered in 2019/2020]. It was acknowledged that grant funding will be required to achieve these projects.
8.5. Councillor Expenses: Expense claims received from Cllr Wicks, Gabriel and Cartlidge were discussed and unanimously approved for payment.
9. Village Events
9.1. Annual Meeting of the Parish, 7pm on Monday, 15 April 2024: This was noted to have better attendance than previous non-covid years, and there was a good atmosphere. Letters of thanks to be written to the stall holder for attending, and to LCC for their waste presentation, which was well received.
9.2. D-Day 80th Anniversary, 6 June 2024: Ongoing with the History Society.
9.3. Village Fayre, 31 August 2024: Cllr Smith advised that the HSSC are progressing with this event preparations, and a detailed flyer has been produced. It was agreed that the flyer could be placed on the PC noticeboards. It was noted that the PC has previously agreed to cover up to £100 for the promotion and advertising of the event. The status of the PFA and their penalty shootout games is unknown; to be followed up.
10. HSSC
10.1. Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding: Discussions with the Loss Adjuster have been ongoing but have reached an impasse on the technicalities of the status of the conduit across the car park. Additionally, representations have been made to request improvement on their offer for the repair of the car park surfacing. It was agreed that the Council should complain to AXA and the Financial Conduct Authority about the Loss Adjuster handling of the claim. It was noted that the contractor had made some progress on the reinstatement of the grassed area, but there is still much to do before the work is complete.
10.2. Channel Drain to the rear/south of HSSC: The contractor has been instructed but has not yet responded with a start date; to be followed up.
10.3. Gutters, rainwater pipes and surface water drainage: Cllr Wicks reported that the gutter grills have been fitted and the downpipes cleared out of debris/moss and rainwater goods are now running clear. Thanks were given to Cllr Wicks.
11. Sports Field
11.1. Playing Area Equipment. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks): Small repair items are in progress. The playing area grass desperately needs cutting [the appointed contractor’s machine is currently broken]. Cllr Wicks to ask The Manor if they can assist with some one off cuts.
11.2. Playing Field/Pitches: The appointed contractor’s machine is broken. Cllr Wicks to ask The Manor if they are able to assist with some one off cuts.
11.3. Drainage/Maintenance: Field Drainage: Slitting will cost around £1600 + VAT, including the operator, plus sanding and rolling. Cllr Clawson to seek other quotes. Drainage Channel: Excavator hire is £387 per week + perforated pipe and backfill. Other quotes are being sought. The ditch in Coopers Plantation needs clearing; quotes are to be sought. It was agreed that the Council should write to The Manor to ask for improvement to their field south of the Sports Field [pending further Manor Drainage work in the future] to help reduce run-off saturating the Council Sports Field – While Disking reaches circa 2” into the ground, and Ploughing circa 8-9”, Subsoiling will reach circa 10/12”, which will improve drainage and reduce run-off. The ongoing saturation of the Sports Field is why the Portuguese Football Club temporarily has to practice and hold their matches elsewhere, and the main grass cutting is delayed.
12. Grass Cutting, Hedges, etc
12.1. Coopers Plantation: The recent tree work is complete. An enquiry has been sent to SKDC about the various self-seeded trees younger than the 1963 Tree Preservation Order.
12.2. Gregory Close: A tree unexpectedly fell across Gregory Close on Monday, 15 April. This was reported to LCC. In the meantime, the PC tried to contact various tree surgeons to clear the debris without success at short notice. LCC’s contractor, Maple Beck Tree Care, completed the exercise later that morning. A villager has since asked about the condition of the adjacent tree, and quotes for an assessment are now pending.
13. Planning Applications:
13.1. S24/0533, Proposed replacement single-storey rear extension. Manor Croft, 3 Rectory Lane, Harlaxton, NG32 1HD
14. Any other business:
Cllr Wicks asked for volunteers to form a Working Party for various maintenance tasks: cutting back the hedge over the footpath on the High Street, Trotters Lane and Gregory Close, the High Street footpath and steps to the footpath to the Manor, and the weeds/hedge around the HSSC.
15. Next scheduled Meeting: Annual Meeting of the Council: 22 May 2024.
16. Meeting close: 21:15