March 2024 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Chair: Andrew Cartlidge
Address: 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB
Parish Council Meeting
7:30pm on Wednesday, 27 March 2024
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
1. Meeting Opened: 7:30pm
2. In Attendance: Cllrs Gabriel, Wicks, Phillips, Smith, Clawson and Cartlidge. Also, Cllr Leadenham from South Kesteven District Council
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance):
4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests: Cllr Cartlidge acknowledged item 8.6, and Cllr Phillips item 15.1
5. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: PCM of 28 February 2024:
Unanimously approved and signed on the night.
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion):
Two were in attendance and contributed to items 12.1 and 13.2
7. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime
Cllr Leadenham advised that there were funds available for Green Spaces Projects and work in the village provided by the Prosperity & Rural Fund, and has been urging councils to consider applications. Improvements to the Sports Field Drainage, HSSC Car Park and the Accessible WC project at the HSSC may be eligible.
Cllr Leadenham also reported good attendance at the various Community Speed Watch training and monitoring exercises and advised that training is still available for Harlaxton Villagers to join the initiative.
Cllr Leadenahm advised that he is still working on arranging a joint meeting with all Councils in the Belvoir Vale area and the relevant District/County Councils, and a date will be announced shortly.
8. Updates and Discussions
8.1. Telephone Box (Cllr Wicks): The first edition of the village information board, along with QR codes, is now in place. With comments received, the information board will be matured and updated. Cllr Gabriel remarked that the refurbishment work by Cllr Wicks and Irvin Metcalf is a significant improvement, and grateful thanks were given. The Harlaxton History Society is now developing various displays to promote the history of Harlaxton.
8.2. Traffic and SID (Speed Indicator Device): SID is currently facing north at the bottom of the High Street, and villagers have commented to Councillors that this is positively changing the driving habits of those travelling south down the High Street. It was suggested that a future position should consider facing south further up the High Street. It was agreed that the next SID position would be Swine Hill facing south on a suitable pole adjacent to the School entrance.
Cllrs Clawson and Gabriel remarked that there is still an issue with speeding through the village, and it was agreed that the current yellow Community Speed Watch [CSW] 30mph signs on The Drift should be changed to other poles, and other CSW 30mph signs distributed on Swine Hill.
Cllr Leadenham commented that Swinehill may now be eligible for a local reduction to 20mph near the school, and it was agreed that the Parish Council would like to pursue this improvement. Cllr Leadenham will work with Cllr Vernon to progress this.
8.3. Proposed Development off Swine Hill (Cllr Gabriel)
Cllr Gabriel attended the SKDC Planning Policy Consultations broadcast on Wednesday, 20 March and reports that the current 2018-2036 plan is being updated to include an allocation of Housing for The Drift, but the other areas, including Swine Hill, continue to be identified as currently unsuitable. [Post meeting Note: HPC has made representation regarding The Drift development and Cllr Leadenaham has called the plans in for review].
It was noted that some villagers had received letters regarding an ecological assessment related to the land to the west of Swine Hill. Cllr Gabriel to write a letter to SKDC Planning to request further clarification on the the land.
8.4. Harlaxton Twinning with Pontmain: The Village Hall Committee has agreed to host the mirror in the entrance Foyer.
8.5. Finance
8.5.1. Invoices Received: HVH invoice for meetings 2024/2025: This was approved for payment.
8.5.2. Projects 2024/2025: Councillors discussed various improvements required around the village, which included drainage to the Sports Field of Manor Drive, completion of the surfacing work to the HSSC car park, progress on the Accessible WC for the HSSC, tree management to Coopers Plantation, paint repairs to the Harlaxton Millenium Sign, possible contributions to efforts to appraise other flooding and drainage issues affecting the village and cladding the bus shelter near Gregory Close [like the one opposite Rectory Lane] – the budget for this was previously agreed but needs to be requoted and reconsidered.
8.5.3. Budget 2024/2025: The Council’s bank balance remains healthy, with the addition of the 24/25 precept expected shortly, and a pending VAT reimbursement for 23/24. The 2024/2025 budget allocation was discussed and agreed.
8.5.4. “Chairman’s Allowance” – LALC suggestion
At the Councillor training session on Tuesday, 19 March, another council raised the option of adopting an allowance for donations, gifts [e.g., flowers of thanks], wreaths, prizes and recognising community service and achievements. Subsequently, LALC provided a draft Policy and Procedure. Councillors discussed this and the Policy and Procedure and unanimously approved it.
8.6. Councillor Expenses:
[Cllr Cartlidge left the meeting]
Cllr Cartlidge has been asked many times to claim for the material and equipment he bought to resolve Parish problems and issues. A detailed list and all receipts of personal expenses have now been received, which sums to £3487.70. Councillors carefully scrutinised and discussed the receipts, and it was acknowledged that the greater majority of these expenses are related to the protracted work over many years of identifying and thus enabling the resolution of the flooding issue at the HSSC Carpark. For the record, it is noted that whilst this sum is substantial, it in no way reflects the countless personal hours and expertise that Cllr Cartlidge has diligently provided to the Parish to help resolve the flooding issue. Councillors unanimously agreed to reimburse Cllr Cartlidge in full.
[Cllr Cartlidge was invited back into the meeting]
The Council expressed their gratitude for all this work and instructed Cllr Cartlidge to make an expenses claim, which the Council would reimburse.
9. Flooding
9.1. Trotters Lane, High Street and Manor Drive: On Saturday, 16 March, Cllrs Wicks, Clawson, Phillips and Cartlidge carried out a visual inspection of the highway gullies along parts of the A607, the High Street and Trotters Lane, which has identified that many gullies continue to be congested and full of silt and standing, meaning that they are non-functional. Councillors are now preparing a detailed report which will be sent to LCC Highways and Cllr Vernon with the request that urgent improvement work is carried out to help mitigate future flooding events.
10. Village Events
10.1. Annual Meeting of the Parish, 7pm on Monday, 15 April 2024: There has been a good response from invitees. The style and format of the advertising flyer were agreed for distribution around the village. It was agreed that the refreshment budget should remain at circa £100, and Cllr Gabriel confirmed he was happy to look after the purchase of the drinks and snacks.
10.2. D-Day 80th Anniversary, 6 June 2024: HSSC, HVH and the History Society have reported that they are actively developing activities for the event.
10.3. Village Fayre, 31 August 2024: The HSSC [the Club] is organizing this event. Various event, dispay, and activity bookings have been made, and promotional graphics are being produced.
11. Village hall
11.1. Licence Agreement [1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025]: The HVH committee signed this at their meeting on 18 March, and the document has now been counter-signed by Cllrs Wicks and Cartlidge
12. HSSC
12.1. Premises Licence: The application to increase the licensed area was discussed and unanimously approved.
12.2. Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding: It was noted that the new drainage across the car park continues to operate well, and the temporary surfacing dressing, despite the inevitable settlement along the trench line, remains in a serviceable condition. The letter to the Insurance company regarding their settlement figure was discussed, and amendments were agreed to the response, which will request an uplift to their settlement figure.
12.3. Channel Drain to the rear/south of HSSC: The contractor has replied with a revised cost of £1,775, which is less than the £2k ceiling agreed at the previous meeting, so the contractor will be instructed to progress with the work.
12.4. Gutters, rainwater pipes and surface water drainage: A set of gutter covers has been purchased for a trial fit to prevent the build-up of moss causing congestion. Cllrs Wicks and Gabriel to install. If the parts fit, the remaining items can be sourced and installed for the rest of the HSSC guttering.
13. Sports Field
13.1. Playing Area Equipment. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks): Minor maintenance matters are in hand.
13.2. Playing Field/Pitches: The significant rainfall over recent months has saturated the playing field and made the surface unplayable. The Portuguese Football Academy has advised that they are temporarily using facilities elsewhere, which is a loss of income to the Council, but they would like to return for the start of the new football season in August 2024, subject to the improvement of drainage across the Sports Field.
13.3. Drainage/Maintenance: Surface overflow from neighbouring land may not be improved/reduced for several years. In the meantime, quotes are being sought for remedial work to the sports field, including spiking and rolling, mole/slit drains, and overhauling the gravel drain towards the top of the sports field in the hope this will help reduce the saturation of the field improve the playability of the pitches.
14. Grass Cutting, Hedges, etc
14.1. Coopers Plantation: The contractor has reported that these works will commence on 3 April.
15. Planning Applications:
15.1. S24/0302, Single storey rear extension and installation of home-lift and roof dormer to accommodate, 65 High Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1JA
15.2. S24/0304, T1 Laylandi removal due to its close proximity to the neighbouring property as well as the owners property. Manor Croft , 3 Rectory Lane, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HD
15.3. S24/0339, Section 211 notice to remove two Lime Trees (T1 and T2) to low stumps and to crown lift Beech Tree (T3) by up to 1.5 metres. Holly Lodge, 9 Rectory Lane, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HD
16. Any other business: Cllr Wicks advised that the UK government is making portraits of His Majesty The King available. It was agreed that the Parish Council would apply for a portrait.
17. Next scheduled meetings:
Annual Meeting of the Parish on Monday, 15 April at 7:00pm
Regular Council Meeting on Wednesday, 24 April at 7:30pm
Annual Meeting of the Council: Wednesday, 22 May 2024 at 7:30pm
18. Meeting close: 10:30pm