January 2022 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
3 Church St
NG32 1HB
Email: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
18th January 2022, 19:30, Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HB
1. Meeting open:
Simon Wicks opened meeting at 19.30
2. In Attendance:
Simon Wicks (SW)- Chair
Andrew Cartlidge (AC)
Jane Brown (JB)
Jane Mann (JM)
Sue Flindall (SF)
Samantha Key (SK)- Clerk
3. Apologies:
Emma Connelly (EC)
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council meeting:
Minutes from meeting dated 18.12.21- agreed and signed by SW
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest:
6. Public Forum:
Mr C. Ansell (CA)- came for an update on speed control in The Drift
- interested in any historical research in the village or a group to get involved in?
SW- Harlaxton history group has been mentioned and will be discussed later in the meeting.
7. Updates from County Councillor, District Councillor and Police and Crime Representative:
SK- County Councillor- there is going to be a by-election on 24th February 2022 for the Colsterworth Rural position
- District Councillor- Councillor Westropp has not responded to the invite.
- Police- Representative had accepted the invitation but has not turned up.
8. Updates and Discussions:
A) Employment Sub-Committee.
Discussion: SF happy to join the group. Need to organise a session to go through documents and policies
B) Speed Indicator Device.
Discussion: SF provided a presentation. Pandora have since increased their price and there are costs missing from all parties. All in favour of continuing with presentation. There has been some concern that having a SID could encourage reckless drivers. Presentation- 3 companies were approached in 2019, these are Westcotec, Pandora and Unipart Dorman (This firm is in partnership with Lincolnshire Road Safety and was also recommended in email communication with Graham Butler). Whichever SID is decided on must be under 0.3sq metres (email dated 06.08.19) to be able to be used on existing posts, anything over this size would require their own specific posts. Some images on the brief were there just to give an indication of the variety of styles available.
Vote- no emojis on the sign:
All Agreed
CA- displaying the speed is one thing but if it doesn’t give you the speed limit, like the one in the 40mph area of Bottesford, then can almost create a “so what” attitude.
- The Drift needs repeaters along it. The highway code says it should be obvious that it is a 30mph limit but it isn’t. There needs to be signage as well as an indicator.
Discussion: Some of the literature seen previously has mentioned additional non statutory signs for example bin stickers, they could be considered. The prices in the presentation have been based on the entry level but there has been an increase in prices. The Unipart Dorman price includes installation and commission. Does the Pandora have signage at the bottom? No. If people can install it themselves then that needs to be considered. The solar option has been ruled out. The weight comparisons are similar, when different batteries and more advanced signs are considered then they change. The ones in the presentation that fall within the 0.3sq metres size are all the Westcotec (apart from the last one), all the Unipart Dorman and all the Pandora (excluding 901). SF has spoken to LCC re additional posts, currently waiting a response, but also wanted it on the record that HPC are looking to use the existing posts. As there are 15 posts that can be used are we needing 15 sets of brackets? It has been suggested that the brackets are left where they are and the unit is moved so need to select a few locations first, analyse data and then make the decision on more brackets.
CA- Have highways given any indication where the sign would be best placed in relation to the start of the speed limit? A sign that shows actual speed and either “slow down” or “thank you” would be more beneficial as if not you are paying a lot of money for something that can fixed.
The Unipart flashes at you regardless of the speed you are going. The Pandora 903 doesn’t say thank you.
Vote on using existing posts:
All agreed
Discussion: Pandora 903 version is ticking more of the requirements. No prices have been given for the brackets so this has been estimated. The price is £2867+VAT for the Pandora 903. Additional batteries could look to be purchased in the future if required. The original budgeted amount was £2500, however since then there have been price increases.
Vote on ordering the Pandora 903 version at the cost of £2867+VAT:
Proposed- SW
Seconded- JM
Agreed- AC, JB, SF
C) Budget for 2022.
Discussion: The proposed budget for 2022/2023 and the Year-to-date accounts have been circulated. The budget figures have been calculated to be prudent having used the year-to-date and last year figures for example hire of the sports pitch has been historically poor (although this year has been good). The precept has been set at 0% however any changes to the budget can be agreed in February. If the income is higher there will be an increase in the amount available for projects. A concern has been raised about the grass-cutting tenders that have already been received, if the final one comes in much higher than planned then this could affect the projects, however some money could be applied from the reserves. Section 137 is a discretionary payment to Grantham Canal society.
Vote to agree proposed budget:
Proposed- JM
Seconded- SW
Agreed- AC, JB, SF
Year to date accounts and proposed budget signed by SW.
D) History Project.
Discussion: Have had a lot of interest in the project so far, HPC are looking to put interested parties together. SF to be included within the history group as this links in with Jubilee preparations. A web domain name will be donated free of charge by AC. HPC will pay for the initial session at the village hall to put all interested parties together and will also provide lockable storage space in the committee room for documents to be kept. CA wishes to be added to the group. Once formed the history group could apply to the CHIPPS fund to cover future costs.
E) Banking Mandate.
Discussion: There is a minimum requirement for 2 signatories to be on the mandate for both HSBC and MMBS, having 3 allows for flexibility if signatories are absent. Historically HPC has allowed all councillors and clerk to go on the mandate. AC to print off mandates and take to all parties who wish to be on the mandate. For HSBC and MMBS to process the mandates there will be a need for personal information and documentation. EC to be asked if she wants to go on the mandates.
Parties agreed to go on the mandate:
SW, AC, JB, JM, SF and SK
F) Trees for LCC.
Discussion: These have been delayed and not arrived yet.
G) Bin for West End/ Rectory Lane.
Discussion: LCC have refused the request for a dog bin, however a request for a normal bin has been placed. SK to follow up.
H) Drainage.
Discussion: Nothing to update.
I) Village Hall- update on repairs.
Discussion: Sam (electrician) has not been back in touch and Richard (electrician) can not do anything until late March. Dan (electrician) to requote based on new criteria. Solar lights to be installed at the side and back of the village hall, JM has spoke to village hall representative and they approve of this. There has been an updated quote from DG roofing for the gutters and fascia. The electrics need to be actioned before the gutters and fascia can be completed. Normally because of the cost involved there needs to be 3 quotes, however because of the lack of availability of quotes and the timescale already taken then this has been waived. SW and JM happy to proceed with the two quotes (Avanti and DG)
Vote to approve quote of £2211.60 for DG:
Proposed- SW
Seconded- JM
Agreed- AC, JB, SF
SK to accept DG quote and look at availability.
J) Harlaxton Sports field.
Discussion: Car park fencing needs replacing/repairing SW to speak to Adam to get quote. The approximate cost for HPC to do it using supplies from Musson’s is £300 (7 posts, 21 rails and 14 bags of postcrete) Quotes to be received and then decision made.
Discussion: The cricket club have put in a request to put up additional fencing using unused fence panels, HSSC have no objections to this. Concerns were raised around the area being a wildlife area and the mess/rubbish that is around there already. SK to speak with cricket club to gain a plan, timescale, and agreement to clear the area. This will then be passed to HPC to formally vote on.
K) Harlaxton Sports and Social Club.
Discussion: Request to install a patio area, HPC have not heard any more after the initial proposal and counter request for a drawing. Currently waiting for HSSC to respond.
Discussion: CCTV, AC has some spare cameras and storage device that can be considered, these are moveable style cameras. A set up from Currys is coming in at approximately £225 for a fixed style camera. Need to get an agreement in writing from HSSC that they are happy to supply the electricity. There will have to be a policy put into place to cover the responsibilities and ensuring all legalities are covered. £250 has been allocated in projects.
Vote to proceed with CCTV:
All Agreed
L) Noticeboards.
Discussion: Donated noticeboard has not been removed yet. SK to contact Lucy at The Gregory to ensure they are still happy for the noticeboard to be placed on their wall. Once agreement received then SW can remove and gain all keys.
M) Play area.
Discussion: 2x seats and 1x cradle seat need replacing as per report). SW to resend prices for this and then a timescale needs to be set.
9. RFO Financial Report.
Discussion: previously discussed, links in with budget discussion.
10. Planning Applications.
Discussion: SK to chase LCC for update on the hardstanding area that has been created on The Drift.
11. Communications.
Received from C.Cunningham. Discussion: There are a variety of different style practice nets available around the £250 price point. Need to establish what type of net and speak with cricket club. The cricket club could make an application to be considered by CHIPPS.
Received from N. Bason. Discussion: need to respond as points made at last meeting and in letter are still a work in progress.
12. AOB
Discussion: SLCC email received, this needs more investigation, need to establish the costs and what they offer.
13. Next meeting:
23rd February 2022
14. Meeting Close
Meeting closed at 21.30
Chair – Simon Wicks
E-mail: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com