November 2022 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
3 Church St
NG32 1HB
Parish Council Meeting 30 November 2022 19.30 at Harlaxton Village Hall
1. Meeting opened at 19.30 hrs by Councillor Cartlidge who welcomed new councillor, Siobahn Whitworth to the Council.
2. In attendance - Councillor Cartlidge, Councillor Wicks, Councillor Darcey, Councillor Brown, Councillor Whitworth, County Councillor Vernon. No members of the public were present.
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance) – Councillor Smith
4. Approval of minutes of Parish Council Meetings held:
4.1. PCM 27 July 2022
4.2. PCM 28 September 2022
4.3. PCM 26 October 2022
All unanimously approved and later signed and dated by the Chair.
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest - Councillor Wicks declared a pecuniary interest in item 12.5.4.
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion) - None required.
7. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime.
7.1. County Councillor Vernon provided a verbal report on County Council wide matters.
Topics covered: Cost of Living. Help available to residents struggling with the cost of living from LCC and other organisations. The LCC website has useful links on how to apply for help with free school meals, childcare costs, the household support fund, and the Holidays Activities and Food Programme (HAF). Those facing financial difficulties can also visit Avian flu. Lincolnshire is an avian flu hotspot. Anyone who keeps birds should take measures to prevent the spread of disease. If clusters of dead birds are found this should be reported to APHA on 03459335577. LCC budget preparations. LCC is asking residents to share their views on the budget for 2023/24 by joining the County Views citizens’ panel online at
Councillor Wicks raised the issue of the gullies and drains in the village not being cleared by LCC contractors which results in flooding on the highway. Councillor Vernon agreed to pass this on to the relevant department.
7.2. District Councillor Westropp. No correspondence received.
7.3. Maisie McMahon, Police and Crime Commissioner, Safer Together Coordinator North and South Kesteven. Email update on traffic report received. See item 12.10.
8. Parish Councillor Vacancy - Co option
8.1. There is currently a parish councillor vacancy. 3 people have applied to fill this vacancy. It was agreed that the vacancy would be filled by co-option and members voted on each of the applicants. Keith Gabriel was the successful candidate and will be asked to join the council subject to completion of the necessary paperwork.
Action – Councillor Cartlidge to contact the successful candidate and arrange for the completion of forms. Also, to advise unsuccessful candidates of the result.
9. Parish Clerk Vacancy
9.1. Allocation of tasks
9.1.1. Appointment of temporary RFO
It was agreed that Councillor Cartlidge, Councillor Wicks and Councillor Brown would jointly fulfil this role on a temporary basis until a permanent solution was in place.
Councillor Cartlidge had obtained 3 quotes for management of the HPC payroll for the Parish Clerk and Community Cleaner salaries. These were discussed and it was unanimously agreed that the quotation provided by Peter Chalk would be accepted.
Action - Councillor Cartlidge to contact Peter Chalk and the others providing quotes to advise the result
9.1.3. Bank mandates
HSBC – It was unanimously agreed that Councillors Wicks and Brown should be given access to online banking along with Councillor Cartlidge, who does not want to be the only person with access.
The deposit card previously requested has not yet been received.
The mandate for signing cheques will need to be updated to include Cllrs Cartlidge, Wicks, Brown and Whitworth and, if she agrees, Councillor Smith.
Action - Councillor Cartlidge to arrange online access for Councillors Wicks and Brown, arrange the updated mandate and chase HSBC regarding the deposit card.
Melton Building Society – Mandate to be updated to include the names as for the HSBC mandate.
Action – Councillor Cartlidge to organise updating the mandate.
9.1.4. mails and Correspondence
Action - Councillors Cartlidge and Brown to monitor HPC Gmail account and take any action required.
9.2. New Parish Council Clerk
9.2.1. Job Specification and hours - Human Resources Committee to look at job specification and options for replacement Clerk and RFO. County Councillor Vernon suggested advertising via Indeed and Find a Job as well as talking to the local Job Centre and using local advertising.
Action – Human Resources Committee to investigate options for replacement Clerk/RFO and report back to Councillors.
County Councillor Vernon suggested advertising via Indeed and Find a Job as well as talking to the local Job Centre and using local advertising.
10. Dates for Parish Council Meetings 2023-24 – (Generally last Wednesday of the month)
Jan 2023, 22 Feb 2023, 29 Mar 2023, 15 May 2023(AGM), 28 June 2023, 26 July 2023, 30 Aug 2023, 27 Sep 2023, 25 Oct 2023, 29 Nov 2023, 24 Jan 2024, 28 Feb 2024, 27 March 2024, 24 Apr 2024. N.B. No
PCM in April due to elections in 2022.
Action - Councillor Cartlidge to book Village Hall.
11. LALC Training for Councillors - Councillors Cartlidge, Brown, Darcey, Whitworth and Smith interested in attending training courses. Councillor Gabriel to be asked to attend also.
Action – Councillor Brown to investigate training dates with LALC and circulate dates.
12. Parish Councillors: Update and Discussion
12.1. Creation of Working Parties
Councillors agreed that the Council may form or disband a Working Party to carry out tasks as defined by Full Council. The proposed Terms of Reference for Working Parties was discussed and accepted.
Action - Councillor Brown to place final copy of Working Parties Terms of Reference on HPC G Drive and website.
12.2. Harlaxton PC Communications Policy
Councillors agreed that further work was required to the draft policy document. A Communications Working Party consisting of Councillors Darcey, Whitworth and Brown will review and mature the draft document.
Having a mobile phone contact number for Harlaxton PC was discussed and it was agreed that this was a good idea. The use of this phone will be included in the Communications Policy.
The use of a .gov email address is recommended for Parish Councils and individual councillors. The Working Party will investigate this further as part of its remit.
Action – Communications Working Party to make recommendations to the next meeting
12.3. Harlaxton PC Co-option Policy
It was agreed that further work is required on the draft policy document. The Employment Committee plus Councillor Brown to work on this.
Action – Human Resources Committee & Councillor Brown to make recommendations at the next meeting
12.4. Harlaxton PC Standing Orders
It was agreed that the Standing Orders should be reviewed by a working party consisting of Councillors Cartlidge, Brown and Whitworth.
Action – Standing orders Working Party to make recommendations at the next meeting.
12.5. HSSC
12.5.1. Car park flooding – Insurance settlement offer
It was agreed that the Loss Adjusters offer of £3000 in settlement for the repair of the car park surfacing should not be accepted at this time. Further investigation into the route of the conduit beyond the shared drive should be carried out in conjunction with Harlaxton Manor. A cost for a pipe to replace the stone culvert beneath the car park should be obtained to aid negotiations with the Loss Adjuster working on behalf of AXA Insurance.
Action – Councillors Cartlidge and Wicks to liaise with Harlaxton Manor re investigating the route of the drain on their land, and obtain quotes for a pipe to replace the stone culvert below the car park.
12.5.2. Accessible toilets
Four quotes for the provision of drawings for the accessible toilets have been received. These were discussed and it was unanimously agreed that Steven Turner Designs Ltd should be asked to prepare the drawings.
Action – Councillor Brown to contact Steven Turner Designs to accept their quote and advise others that their quotes were not accepted.
12.5.3. Roof Repair
The contractor has told Councillor Cartlidge that the work will be completed before Christmas.
The CCTV system has now been installed. It was agreed that an extra camera is required to ensure that all the building is covered and purchase of this was approved. A TV monitor is required to complete the job and Councillor Wicks may be able to provide this at no cost. The invoice for installation of the system was approved.
Action – Councillor Cartlidge to purchase additional camera and make payment to the electrician. Councillor Wicks to try and source a TV monitor
12.5.5.External solar lighting
Work not yet carried out. Locations should be revised to suit the CCTV cameras
Action – Councillors Cartlidge and Wicks to determine locations of lights and carry out installation.
12.6. Play equipment – replacement beam
It was agreed that the quote obtained for the purchase and installation of a replacement beam was expensive and, as the equipment 20+ years old and other parts are likely to need replacing soon, it may be more economical to purchase a new swing.
Action – Councillor Wicks to obtain 3 quotes for a new swing.
12.7. Grass cutting
Quotes have now been requested to be returned by 23 December 2022.
Action – Quotes to be assessed at the next meeting.
12.8. Hedge cutting
Still waiting for quotes to come in.
Action – Councillor Wicks to chase quotes for assessment at the next meeting.
12.9. Saltby Airfield
Update provided by Councillor Brown. Some straw movements have recommenced due to deterioration of a number of the straw bales. Saltby Estates have told MBC about this saying that only off movements would be undertaken. However, there have been reports that straw has also been moved on to the site. Outbound vehicles are probably using the Wyville route and then Gorse Lane to Grantham. MBC have been informed and have said that they will check with the operator regarding the off movements. No date informed for planning meeting. Informal meetings to discuss traffic routes etc have taken place with the operators and local PCs. Operators say that they wish to find an acceptable solution for everyone.
12.10. Traffic in Harlaxton
Update provided by Councillor Brown. Maisie McMahon from the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner has advised that the Community Beat Manager for Harlaxton has reported that one of the special constables will carrying out speed checks in the village shortly. She also said that checks had been carried out in May by traffic officers. The Community Beat Manager has also updated the Traffic Team and Safer Roads teams with the info from the traffic report. It was agreed that Councillor Brown should ask Maisie if we could have sight of the results of the checks carried out in May. Maisie suggested HPC about a Community Speed Watch activity and will put us in touch with another village which has had some success with CSW if we wish.
The Speed Indicators Device has been moved to Rectory Lane. The clips which secure it to posts have deteriorated and replacements required. It was agreed that these could be purchased.
Action – Councillor Brown to contact Maisie McMahon to request results from May checks. Councillors Cartlidge and Brown to liaise on purchase of replacement clips for SID.
12.11. Proposed Development off Swine Hill
A reply has been received from Shaza Brennan, SKDC Planning Department. No decisions made about the land. Status will be clarified when the local plan and SHLAA document are updated early next year. HPC will have the opportunity to comment on the draft Local Plan early next year. An informal group working in opposition to the proposed development has now been set up. Keith Gabriel is the current liaison between the group and HPC.
12.12. Flooding around the village
No major flooding, apart from HSSC car park/Manor Drive, has been evident since the Mow Beck was cleared last month. Some minor flooding is still occurring on Trotters Lane and Pond Street after heavy rain.
12.13. Village Hall - External solar lighting – work in progress.
Action – Councillor Cartlidge to complete work.
12.14. Telephone Box
Councillor Wicks provided an update on refurbishment. The phone box has gone to be shot blasted and the base has been prepared for its return. No date for the reinstatement is available at the present time. A new pane of glass/Perspex will be required to replace a pane which was broken during removal. New clips to secure the glass will be required when the glass is put back in. Purchase of these items was approved.
Action – Councillor Cartlidge to purchase replacement parts.
12.15. The Drift Post Box [update on position/availability]
Initially Royal Mail said the post box removed from The Drift would not be replaced but have since informed HPC that they have now reconsidered, and a new box will be placed at the end of Daybrook Close. This may take time.
12.16. Oak Tree Planting
The memorial plaque has now been purchased and reimbursement of £28.99 to Councillor Brown was approved. A date for planting the tree will be arranged with Mrs Jane Hawkins, who donated the tree.
Action – Councillor Darcey to liaise with Mrs Hawkins regarding the date for planting. Councillor Cartlidge to reimburse Cllr Brown expenses.
12.17. Christmas Tree
Councillor Whitworth suggested that a larger tree (8ft) should be purchased this year, probable cost up to £40. This was agreed. The tree will be located near the obelisk in the centre of the village. Children from the school and the Gardening Club could be asked to help with decorating the tree. The tree will need to be fixed securely to prevent it blowing over.
Action – Councillor Whitworth to purchase a suitable tree. Councillors Cartlidge and Wicks to investigate a suitable site and way of supporting the tree.
12.18. Coronation of King Charles III
It was agreed that Councillors Darcey and Whitworth should work on a plan for the Coronation celebrations to take place on one of the days of the Coronation weekend. Councillor Smith may also wish to join this group.
Action – Councillors Darcey, Whitworth and, possibly, Smith to formulate a plan for the celebrations.
12.19. Precept 2023-24
It was agreed that there would be a 0% increase in the precept for 2023/24 as an acknowledgement of the cost of living increases currently being experienced.
Action – Councillor Cartlidge to submit the required return to SKDC
13. RFO Financial Report
Action – RFO working party to update for next meeting
14.1.1. S22/2063 - Previously commented on.
14.1.2. S22/2088 Proposal: Construction of three self-build dwellings Location: 25 High Street, Harlaxton. Lincolnshire, NG32 1JB, App Type: Full Planning Permission. Comments to SKDC by 01/12/202. Councillors commented on the need to preserve trees on the site.
Action – Councillor Cartlidge to submit comments to SKDC 14.2.Decisions: The following decisions were noted. 14.2.1.S22/1907. Approved
14.2.2. S22/1908. Approved
14.2.3. S22/1947. Refused 15.Correspondence
15.1.15/11/22: Clerks & Councils DIRECT and Local Councils Update – Request for details of Parish
Clerk. Councillor Cartlidge has informed the company that the Parish Clerk post is currently vacant.
15.2.16/11/2022: National Lottery Fund – Reminder about new system for grant applications. No further action required.
15.3.16/11/2022: Paul Watson, Saltby Estates. Copy of letter sent to Melton BC re movement of straw bales from Saltby Airfield. (Covered in item 8.11). Noted.
16. New Business for Next Meeting / Any other business.
16.1.A Mums and Babies exercise group has contacted the Council to ask if the play area at HSSC can be used for group activities. This was agreed subject to sight of appropriate insurance documents.
Action – Councillor Cartlidge to provide details of booking process and fees to the Group.
16.2. Additional signage is required for the HSSC car park and CCTV. Purchase approved up £100.
Action – Councillor Wicks to source and purchase appropriate signs.
16.3. Some signs of peeling paint in the Village Hall due to damp penetration. A further exercise of injected DPC should be carried out. Indicative cost of around £150 for new tub of liquid and plugs was approved.
Action – Councillor Cartlidge to purchase and action.
17. Closed Session (If Required) - Not required
18. Next scheduled Parish Council Meeting 10 January 2023 @ 19.30 at Harlaxton Village Hall 19.Meeting closed at 22.30hrs.