October 2022 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council Meeting
26th October 2022, 19.30
Venue: Harlaxton Village Hall
1. Meeting open:
Opened by Councillor Cartlidge at 19.31. Thank you all for attending.
2. In Attendance:
Andrew Cartlidge (AC)- Chair Jane Brown (JB) Kathy Smith (KS)
Samantha Key- Clerk
3. Apologies:
Kate Darcey (KD) Simon Wicks (SW)
4. Resolution to Co-opt New Council Members [Closed session as necessary]: Vote completed.
SK to liaise with candidate
5. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 5.1- minutes dated 27th July 2022
AC propose, JB second
5.2- minutes dated 28th September 2022 AC proposes.
Signing of both sets of minutes deferred.
AC motion to propose the approval of EGM minutes. JB second
KS agrees.
6. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest: None
7. Public Forum: None
8. Updates from County Councillor, District Councillor and Police and Crime representative:
9. Updates and Discussions:
9.1 Resignation of Jane Mann- acknowledge receipt of resignation. This leaves a vacancy of the employment sub-committee and someone to collaborate with Clerk on finance.
AC to action note of thanks.
9.2 Creation of working parties- this is a work in progress.
Defer until next meeting
9.3 Parish Council Social Media policy- this is a work in progress.
Defer until next meeting
9.4 David Wilson Homes- EGM has been held to bring to the attention of the Parishioners. The informal working party is not a Parish Council group, need to ensure this is made clear.
SK- email from SKDC has been received today (read out to councillors, this was emailed out before the meeting).
JB to formulate a response to SKDC SK to respond to DWH
Email received from parishioner re monitoring traffic on Rectory Lane- Speed indicator device (SID) can be used to count traffic. Other options can be considered in the future.
All agreed to site SID on Rectory Lane- this will be in place by end of November.
SK to respond
9.5 Traffic in Harlaxton- a response has been received from R. Smith, unfortunately not what was hoped for. LCC have no money for physical deterrents nor do they use 20mph as a matter of course, even outside a school. JB has created a response to R.Smith.
All agree to response and for it to be sent.
SK to send
C. Ansell wanted clarification re Barrowby roundels. This has been gained from Barrowby Parish Council. JB has created a response.
All agree to response and for it to be sent.
SK to send
Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership have been informed of agreed areas of concern; they will not visit unless they are to be used in the speed monitoring scheme.
All agree for a separate response from above to be sent to Mr. Ansell asking if he would like to be the lead coordinator for the recruitment of volunteers with a minimum of three people being available to cover all areas in the village.
SK to send
There has not been a response from Police and Crime Commissioner from the traffic report.
JB propose that the Parish Council remind representative that a response is outstanding. KS second, AC agree.
9.6 HSSC
9.6.1 Accessible toilets- went out to quote with five companies, four responded (1 received after the cut off date). Anonymised quotes shared with Councillors, query over “garden room” comment in one quote. All agree to defer decision until the next Parish Council meeting.
SK to confirm “garden room” meaning and to let HSSC know that quotes are being considered.
9.6.2 Roof- the contractor (quote accepted at previous meeting) has been instructed based on a start date within three months, which they have agreed to (weather dependant).
9.6.3 CCTV- went out to quote with four companies, one has declined and one is waiting to complete a site visit (requested within the cut-off time). Two quotes anonymised and shared with Councillors
All agree to defer decision until third quote received and revise expenditure to £500.
SK to share third quote when received with chair.
9.7 Village Hall
9.7.1 Ramp and line painting- this is now completed and the invoice has been paid. Comments that the space reserved for number 5 used to have No. 5 painted on it however this was not part of the planned work and there is a reserved sign in place.
9.7.2 External solar lighting- the conduit has been placed up. Comments have been received back from HVH committee re the location of solar lights and they are happy with suggested locations, as per previous meeting Councillors to install.
9.8 Hedges and Grass cutting
Hedge cutting- struggling to find a third company to quote for hedge cutting which now includes the top of Gregory Close on the A607 and the selected area of Pearson Gregory.
Vote to only go to two companies for quotes all agreed.
SK to request quotations.
Grass cutting- the volunteer has agreed to terms and conditions previously communicated. Three quotations needed for annual grass cutting contract with the playing field separated out.
SK to request quotations.
9.9 Post Box- it has been confirmed that the post box removed on The Drift will not be replaced. SK has gone back to query their decision and not had a response yet. SK to respond to J. Parker to update.
9.10 LALC training- LALC website was showing courses had been booked but candidates had received nothing confirming. Need to investigate dates for other zoom courses and clerk training courses.
SK to check dates/availability for courses.
9.11 PKF Littlejohn Audit- this has now been completed, the auditors noticed a historical error on the fixed assets submitted. An explanation was offered and accepted; this will be corrected going forward.
All agree to accept audit comments.
9.12 Flooding around the village- the Parish Council understand that SKDC employed a contractor to clear the Mowbeck (advised by residents). Currently it seems okay, there needs to be a reminder to those living near of their riparian responsibility. Harlaxton Manor are going to dig a slip trench in their land to investigate the flooding on HSSC car park.
9.13- there has been a response confirming the excess figure, however a request as to how the settlement figure was reached has not been answered.
All agree to defer decision pending further information.
10. RFO Financial Report:
Balances are healthy, there are currently no outstanding large invoices to deplete the balance (however there are some bigger projects planned/in progress such as the telephone box and accessible toilets). There will be a cost for the election 2023 but that can fall into next years budget. Request for any outstanding expenses to be submitted. Secondary user has been removed from HSBC bank account.
11. Planning Applications:
No comments on any of the planning applications listed.
Whilst seeking advice it came to light that Parish Council comments should be made in one of three ways. Either during the Parish Council meeting (not possible because of tight timescale from SKDC), with an EGM or via the clerk (currently the normal procedure). If being compiled by the clerk then the District Council should be made aware.
SK propose this statement is added to all submissions compiled by the clerk “These comments have been compiled by the clerk on behalf of Harlaxton Parish Council” Vote- all agree.
12. Communications
- HSSC, 22 Sept - Accessible toilets [request for update on scheme]- previously covered.
- J. Hubbard, 26 Sept - Play area equipment [marketing information]- keep on file.
- C. Ansell, 26 Sept & 17 Oct - Various on traffic, esp. The Drift [responses by JB, see 8.4]- previously discussed, response to be sent.
- Creative Play, 29 Sept & 12 Oct - Play area equipment [marketing information]- keep on file.
- M. Carter, 03 Oct - Sports and Play Consulting [marketing information]- keep on file.
- J. Parker, 4 Oct - Post Box on The Drift [queries where it is]- has been responded to, update to be sent.
- G. Chinn, 07 & 10 Oct – Mow Beck clearing [update on recent cleaning by others]- respond with thanks.
- G.Chinn (via Cllr Wickes email) 19 Oct – Mow Beck and information on “Lincolnshire Riparian Project Update”- respond with thanks.
- Royal Mail, 12 Oct - The Drift Post box [update on position/placement]- response already sent asking for more information.
- S. Argent of Crawford Loss Adjusters, 12 Oct – Update on Claim [settlement proposal]- response already sent, waiting further information.
- Melton borough Council received 13 Oct but dated 29 Sept - Saltby Airfield- no response needed.
- Scribe, 18 Oct - Scribe accounting [marketing invite for free seminar]- not of current interest part way through the year but keep on file.
- PKF LittleJohn, various Sept/Oct – AGAR [query and replies + completion certificate]- invoice paid, no response needed.
- E. Massey of LCC, 19 Oct – Replacement trees [request for update on planted trees]- AC to complete.
13. AOB:
SK submitted resignation letter with 1 month notice given.
Pearson Gregory gate – 3 companies approached, two quotes received and shared with Councillors. Queries over both as kissing gate not mentioned in either.
SK to go back and query.
14. Closed Session: Not required
15. Next meeting:
30th November 2022
16. Meeting Close: Closed 22:05
Chair – Andrew Cartlidge
E-mail: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com