April 2022 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
27th April 2022, 19.30,
Harlaxton Village Hall
Church Street
NG32 1HB
1. Meeting open:
Simon Wicks opened the meeting at 19.30
2. In Attendance:
Simon Wicks (SW)- Chair
Andrew Cartlidge (AC)
Jane Brown (JB)
Jane Mann (JM)
Kate Darcey (KD)
Sue Flindall (SF)
Samantha Key (SK)- Clerk
3. Apologies:
Emma Connelly (EC)
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council meeting:
Minutes from meeting dated 30.03.22- agreed and signed by SW
Minutes from EGM dated 19.04.22- agreed and signed by SW
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest:
6. Public Forum:
Steven Manson (SM)- not sure if it has been mentioned previously but have LCC been spoken to about putting a lower speed limit down Swinehill. Could the Parish Council make a representation to the Highways department? People come flying down Swinehill into the village.
Discussion- lots of schools have 20mph limits outside of them. It may have been discussed at previous Parish Council meetings, but nothing more recently. The Parish Council could speak with the school to see if they have any comments. The SID has been received this week, it will be moved around the village, this may give us some data that could be used along with government advice around a 20mph speed limit. Also, useful if householders wrote to LCC and copied the Parish Council in to give more support to the request.
Christian Gleave (CG)- There are cars really speeding along the A607.
SM- There was some work done about 6/7 years ago on it, got the radio station involved.
Discussion- The Parish Council have tried on numerous occasions to get the speed lowered. There is a requirement for enough movements onto the A607 and the highways are saying there is not enough. Harlaxton Manor are hoping to have work on their garden area and this would involve access back onto the A607. What would the speed limit drop to if the pre-requisite for movements was hit?
Craig Potter (CP)- Should there be some sort of crossing as half the village is on the far side of the A607?
Discussion- Prior to Covid the Parish Council started doing a monitor, which had to be put on hold but could look to restart it.
7. Updates from County Councillor, District Councillor and Police and Crime Representative:
SK - County Councillor is at another Parish Council meeting for Hungerton, Harlaxton Parish Council were invited as it was relating to Saltby Airfield however the date and time clashed with our meeting.
- District Councillor none
- Police and Crime representative none
8. Updates and Discussions:
Need to set a date before 1st June 2022 (confirmed by LALC), AC had suggested using the 25th May 2022 and cancelling the Parish Council Meeting booked for that date due to availability issues with the Village Hall. On checking the date of 30th May 2022 had become available.
Vote to hold APM on 30th May 2022- all agreed
B) Jubilee Gifts:
EC is managing this area. A commemorative cup has been proposed (details sent through to councillors prior to meeting) however need to know how many children are in the village. There has been a request sent out but not many people have come forward. There was a suggestion to offer it to those coming to the party. The Jubilee Committee need to have a rethink as the products need to be ordered in bulk. They have another meeting planned for a couple of weeks, also the maximum age needs to be decided. The Parish Council need to decide if they are funding the gifts and what section it would fall under.
CG- it is something that should be celebrated.
C) Dog Fouling:
There have been two requests received supporting an additional dog bin. There has been an increase in dog fouling recently both in the Manor grounds (correspondence received) but also in footpaths going through the fields around West End/ Rectory Lane/ Swinehill. Would having an extra bin encourage more people to pick up after their dog?, Also is this part of land at West End Parish Council land or would permission be required.
CG- Advocate of buying another bin, the farmer (who owns one of the fields where fouling is becoming worse) has spoken to him and said that he may have to close the field as the amount of dog faeces is leaving him unable to straw.
Vote to buy a dog bin:
SW proposed
AC, JB, JM, KD, SF agreed
Employment sub-committee to speak with village cleaner about emptying.
SK- to gain permission from council.
D) Pay Scales:
Employment sub-committee have more work to do on this.
E) Telephone Box:
Previously it has been mentioned that the Rotary Club may be able to get involved in the restoration. Could Western Power “sponsor” the restoration, in the form of the disconnection and reconnection not being charged? It was previously quoted that it would cost approx. £3000 for the disconnection and reconnection. The question was asked do we need it reconnected? This would give a power source should it ever be needed and help to future proof the phone box. £3000 is a massive chunk of the precept and would limit other projects. Grants may be available from Historic England however there has to be a purpose for them. Moving the defibrillator was mentioned. The history society are interested in it and it could be used for a tourist information point.
SM- moving the defibrillator is not a good idea, everyone know where it is, also it would be moving a short distance so no benefit would be gained.
F) Speed Indicator Device (SID):
The SID has arrived and is charged, the software needs loading onto a laptop. A safe lifting policy statement needs to be written down (contact at the council also advised this). The SID was purchased because there had been complaints about speeding through the village, whilst we do not have permission to place on the A607 it can be moved throughout the village. Need to let insurance company know that it has arrived. Are more brackets required? SF and SK have both asked Pandora that question and both parties were told no, they only need one set of brackets.
Vote to use The Drift as the first location- all agreed
G) Saltby Airfield:
An EGM was held last week for the purpose of discussing the retrospective planning application of moving straw from Saltby Airfield to Sleaford. The proposed route would run through Harlaxton. The applicants had previously been granted planning permission elsewhere but there were conditions attached, they have since found somewhere located outside of Lincolnshire (Saltby) and applied retrospectively. The Parish Council have logged an objection and sent a copy to our local MP.
SM- What are we objecting to?
The route being used would pose a health and safety risk to the village, the increased traffic flow and they type of traffic (large lorries) would be detrimental to the villagers and the countryside. There is an increased carbon footprint having the straw located such a distance away from the plant. Other local Parish Councils have objected and in total (to date) there are over 100 objections. Harlaxton Parish Council would like to support our neighbours in this.
9. RFO Financial Report:
All documents (bar the bank statements) for year end 31st March 2022 are ready to hand over to the auditor.
The VAT reclaim has been sent over to SK.
There have been no bank transactions this month as JM had her access removed but SK had not received all her log in details. JM and SK to arrange a zoom to go through.
10. Planning Applications:
Discussions- nothing to discuss
11. Communications:
K.Allison- email received supporting an additional dog bin.
Phone call and email received re a ‘monkey wall’ for the playpark- information sent before the meeting, agreed to place on hold.
12. AOB
A) CG- has the Parish Council heard about any planning permission for the field behind Rectory Lane?
The Parish Council are not aware of any planning requests for that area.
B) KD- Plantlife are encouraging the planting of wildflowers along verges, where the A607 has a wide verge could this be looked at? There is a benefit to nature and the environment in doing so. KD and JM to conduct a walkabout to look at options. They do not supply the wildflowers but they would advise on what could be done.
C) KD- Harlaxton History Society are trying to collate funds to do an archaeological dig, could they apply to CHIPPS?
D) The grassed area between the millennium sign and Trotters Lane is not currently being mowed, having previously been done by volunteers (this is LCC land). Can the Parish Council explore the options available to them as this is one of the first impressions of the village? The Parish Council would like to acknowledge and make thanks to the volunteers who have kept this area looking lovely.
E) Oak tree planting. Following on from the offer of a memorial Oak Tree the Pearson Gregory field is full, however an area near to the HSSC is available and this would replace a tree that has previously been removed. In this location the tree will be widely visible. SK to write to HSSC and Bowls Club to see if they know the location of the septic tank. KD to speak to contributor re the location and words they would like on the memorial plaque.
13. Closed session:
Not required.
14. Next meeting
Parish Council Meeting 25th May 2022
Annual Parish Meeting 30th May 2022
15. Meeting Close
Closed at 20.44
Chair – Simon Wicks
E-mail: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com