March 2022 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
3 Church St
NG32 1HB
30th March 2022, 19:30,
Harlaxton Village Hall, Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HB
1. Meeting open:
Simon Wicks opened meeting at 19:30
2. In Attendance:
Simon Wicks (SW)- Chair
Andrew Cartlidge (AC)
Jane Brown (JB)
Jane Mann (JM)
Sue Flindall (SF)
Samantha Key (SK)- Clerk
3. Apologies:
Emma Connelly (EC)
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council meeting:
Minutes from meeting dated 23.02.22- agreed and signed by SW
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest:
6. Public Forum:
Kate Darcey- there has been a thank you from a villager for the flowers that have been planted by the bench on the A607. They were not sure who had planted them but wanted to extend their thanks.
7. Updates from County Councillor, District Councillor and Police and Crime Representative:
SK- County Councillor- has been elected (Charlotte Vernon) and was invited but did not respond
- District Councillor (Councillor Westropp) has work and family commitments that are making it difficult to attend meetings, however we can contact her via email.
- Police and Crime representative had accepted the invite but has not attended nor has let us know that they will not be attending.
8. Updates and discussions:
A) Meeting dates and invoicing:
SK- As agreed the meetings have been moved to monthly and the proposed list sent out. The Village Hall have asked how we want to be invoiced.
Discussion- remove August 2022 meeting completely. December 2022 and January 2023 meetings should be cancelled and then a meeting scheduled for the first week of January 2023 (around the 4th- subject to availability).
The AGM and annual parish meeting are not included in those dates and they do not have to be on the same day.
Agreed to site the AGM with the meeting on the 27th April 2022 and SK to look for a date in May for the annual parish meeting.
Invoicing to be done in bulk for the pre-arranged meetings each at 1hour 30minutes and then ad-hoc meetings to be billed separately.
B) Speed Indicator Device:
SF- Had a reply from contact at LCC just before meeting.
Discussion- contact at LCC still warned about the weight of the unit but there was a statement saying, “there was no issue with the Pandora 903 option provided it meets the 0.3 surface area requirement”. It comes in at 0.305 which is a negligible difference but do they round it up and are they likely to measure it? The Parish Council do not want to spend money on this to be told that it can not be sited on the pre-agreed posts as this would then involve additional costs. It was agreed that all wanted to see a on the speed sign- hence the selection of the Pandora 903. SF to email contact and ask the question directly around the sign size and gain approval.
The weight is around 19kg with the battery unit, 12.5kg with the battery removed. When ordering we must be specific that the battery unit will need removing. Need to consider providing access equipment to ensure the sign sits about the required height and is safe for people to move. SK to look at and price up a double ladder with plank between style unit.
C) Telephone Box:
SK- this is ongoing, currently waiting a response from SKDC to confirm our options.
D) Grantham Town Council:
SK- this was added as a reminder for people to complete the survey.
Discussion- some Parish Councillors have already completed using the link provided, looking at the map it does not appear to affect Harlaxton and thus not affect precepts going forward. It also came in through the post so people should have received that.
E) Cricket Club Request:
Discussion- email was received asking if Grantham Cricket Club could use the cricket pitch on selected dates for a fee of £60. £15 of which would come to Harlaxton Parish Council.
Vote to allow usage: All agreed.
F) Village Hall access and car park request:
SK- email was received from the Village Hall asking for the car park lines to be repainted and for a ramp to be provided for access.
Discussion- the lines were repainted approximately 6 years ago and were around £500, they have not lasted particularly well. The ramp must meet a certain specification, look at installing a permanent ramp rather than a removeable one. The village hall was left a legacy and looked at getting a ramp installed but the quotes were coming in above what they were left. There may be an option to get grants too support with the installation cost. The possibility of doing it ourselves was discussed, having filled in the potholes in the car park at the HSSC.
Vote to get quotes for line painting and ramp installation: All agreed.
G) Application for Parish Councillor position:
SK- an application was received from Kate Darcey and shared with the councillors prior to the meeting
Discussion: all were agreed that Kate would be a welcome addition to the Parish Council, needed to work out how communication (outside of meetings) would happen. Kate happy to be contacted by either telephone or text message and her number to be shared amongst the Parish Council. SK will be responsible for keeping KD up to date with information and then passing back comments to the other councillors. Any paper documents can be passed between KD and SK.
Vote to Co-opt Kate Darcey to the Parish Council:
Proposed SW
All Agreed
H) Jubilee Hall Hire Costs:
SK- this was added at the request of EC.
Discussion- the Parish Council agreed to pay for the hire costs associated with the Jubilee meetings and have been doing. However, when booking they have not been booked under the Parish Council umbrella and as such invoices have gone to individuals. Although these have been paid there has been a crossover in paying and the individual being chased. There is already one booked for 13.04.22, at this meeting a decision will be made as to when the next one is needed and SF/EC to let SK know who will book, the invoice will then come to the Parish Council.
9. RFO Financial Report:
Discussion- The financial year is going to close 31.03.22, JM has put together a timetable for the steps involved in closing the year. JM and SK to work closely on this. The internal auditor has been approached and is happy to complete the internal audit in May. In previous years there has been an exemption certificate as the income/expenditure has been below £25000, this is not the case this year and as such an external audit will also be required. The external auditors have made contact. An earmark reserve will be set for the SID as have been trying to get it through in this financial year but external actions have prevented this. The accounts as at the 23.03.22 show income £28991 and expenditure £22153. The cost of the SID and the income for the VAT reclaim have been removed from the accounts as they will go into the next financial year. The surplus for the year is around £6000, this has been driven by the unplanned income from the sports field hire and the SID not being finalised. Currently there are good balances in the accounts, however with 2 buildings need to be aware of the potential cost implications should something happen. Could look to do more in the village, there is already an extensive list of potential projects, look to add to the next agenda and prioritise these. SK is still waiting for access to HSBC, the forms have been resubmitted. For transparency need to regularly publish expenditure on the website.
Summary and bank reconciliations signed by SW
10. Planning Applications:
Discussions- nothing to discuss
11. Communications:
12. AOB
A) Email received after cut off date for agenda asking to hold a plant sale around the obelisk. JM is part of the gardening club so abstained.
Vote to allow: SW, AC, JB, SF agreed.
B) Finalising details of response to HSSC re various questions, the field can be used after 14.00 for the event. Agree to get the football club to sweep out the changing rooms, SK to email the football club and ask them to sweep the changing rooms out regularly. SW has requested an updated meter reading form HSSC to try and resolve the electricity cost issue, however this has not been forthcoming. SK to contact HSSC and ask for meter reading.
C) Need to approach Harlaxton Manor and ask about using their tractor to roll the field before cricket season.
D) Sudden weather change has meant the grass is growing quicker and therefore feel the sports field needs weekly cuts at present. This is to happen for the next 4 weeks and then review again.
Vote to pay for weekly cuts (2 additional) for April: All agreed.
E) There are no padlocks on the Pearson Gregory field again.
Vote to replace padlocks: All agreed
F) Additional and replacement ‘no dogs allowed’ signs are needed on the sports field.
Vote to replace up to a value of £20 plus p+p: All agreed
G) Previously grass on the edge of the A607 has been cut by 2 villagers (incredibly grateful for this), noticed that only half has been done this time. This does not form part of the grass cutting tender, need to establish if it is Highways responsibility or Parish Council and then add to grass cutting tender if we want it cutting more than twice a year.
H) Conduct an inspection of the pitch before cricket season and then look at reseeding/aerating if needed.
I) Does our insurance cover us to do a dog show for the jubilee celebrations- there are 3 parish councillors on the sub-committee organising this. SK to contact Gallagher and get confirmed. Also, which councillors will be around on the Sunday for judging?
J) CCTV for car park next to HSSC, SW has identified 3 systems ranging from £170- £250. AC has a set that may be available. This need has been driven by anti-social behaviour in the car park. SK to work on CCTV policy and publicise before the Parish Council vote on the system. Keep HSSC informed (as courtesy) when the system has been decided.
K) Insurance is due for renewal in June, look at getting quotes for renewals and can ask LALC for advice.
13. Next meeting:
Wednesday 27th April 2022
14. Meeting Close
Closed at 21.40
Chair – Simon Wicks