May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Harlaxton Parish Council
25th May 2022, 19:30
Village Hall
3 Church Street
NG32 1HB
1. Meeting open:
Annual meeting of the Parish Council opened 19:30 by Simon Wicks
2. In Attendance:
Simon Wicks (SW)- Chair Andrew Cartlidge (AC) Jane Brown (JB) Jane Mann (JM) Kate Darcey (KD)
Samantha Key (SK)- Clerk
3. Apologies: None
4. Appointment of Chairperson: SW- not standing for Chair JB/JM/KD- not standing for Chair
AC- will stand for chair- all agreed
Thank you to SW and AC for their service in the previous office.
5. Appointment of Vice-Chair:
Discussion: do we need a vice-chair? Useful to have one to support the Chair.
JB/JM/KD- not standing for vice-chair
AC- propose SW for vice-chair- all agreed.
6. Signing of the acceptance of office:
7. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest: None
8. Financial:
A) JM- propose no changes. SW- seconded. AC/JB/KD- all agree
9. Roles and Responsibilities:
A) Village Hall: JM- propose AC
SW-seconded JB/KD- agree
B) Harlaxton Sports and Social Club: SW happy to stay on
AC- proposed SW KD- seconded JB/JM- agree
C) Finance:
This role is to support the clerk, JM has been doing the role both as a support and on her own.
JB- proposed JM SW- seconded AC/KD- agree
D) Employment Sub-Committee:
Was AC/JM/SF (has now left the Parish Council). AC/JM happy to continue.
SW- propose KD join to replace SF JB- seconded
E) Village Voice: JM- propose JB KD- seconded AC/SW- agree
F) SID/Traffic
KD- propose JB and SW AC- seconded
JM- agree
Annual meeting of the Parish Council closed 19.45 Parish Council meeting opened 19:45 by AC.
I will do my best to fill the role, they are big boots to fill.
10. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meeting: Minutes from 27.04.22 approved and signed by AC
11. Public Forum: None
12. Updates from County Councillor, District Councillor and Police and Crime representative:
SK- all representatives have been sent the meeting dates for the upcoming year. County Councillor and District Councillor- no updates, they have both been emailed asking to support us with speeding.
Police and Crime- having responded to email from JB she is going to speak to the local Traffic Police team around speeding in the village.
13. Updates and Discussions
A) Grantham Canal Payment
Discussion: A donation of £50 paid by standing order annually under Section 137, this has been an ongoing donation for a long time (prior to current councillors).
Vote to continue with donation- all agreed
B) Councillor Vacancy
Emma Connelly has resigned and been accepted. SKDC has been notified. Sue Flindall submitted her resignation today (before meeting), this has been accepted. SK to notify SKDC.
HPC would like to recognise them both for their commitment and contribution to the Parish Council, the jubilee celebrations and SF for her work on the SID. On a personal level all current members of the Council would like to donate their own money to purchase flowers/plants to show their appreciation.
C) Playing field hire charges/booking system
Discussion: The sports field has become more popular over the last year. Are the Parish Council going to trial a booking system (like the Village Hall use)? If so when do we get the Football Club, Cricket Club and Sports and Social Club on board?
Need to do a contract for those booking including reference to the changing rooms. The building is owned by the Parish Council but HSSC are responsible for the changing rooms as part of the licensing agreement so co-operation is needed.
Using a booking system would keep check of who is using it and when, e.g., Vintage Car club use the field but no-one has a real indication of when. This would also allow the Parish Council to manage usage more effectively.
Football Club sent an email regarding lower charges for June/July/August. Originally when they approached to hire the field from last year there was a pricing based on £20 per session- Carlos proposed a single monthly fee of £300 (this was agreed). The email is proposing £250/£125/£250 (July reduced due to 2 weeks holiday).
This would form a new agreement from 1st May, however for May the Football Club has paid £300. Going forward would a proposal of £15 per session be suitable for summer sessions? The cricket club have also informed us that they are using the field for fund raising on Friday 8th July 2022 (this was not agreed), Carlos has been informed and is happy to forfeit use on this day. Everyone agreed that charges going forward (from September onwards) need to be agreed.
Vote on reduced rate for Football Club for June/July/August- all agreed.
D) Jubilee Gifts:
We have been informed that they may be delayed- if so then will look to set a couple of dates when people can collect them.
E) Fencing Quotes:
3 quotes received (ATP, K and S, Vale)
Discussion: K and S have come in at the lowest price, SK has sent an email to check it is a like-for-like replacement.
Vote to accept K and S quote (subject to being like-for-like)- all agreed
Vote to accept ATP if K and S is not like for like- all agreed.
F) Insurance:
Discussion- BHIB and Zurich have been approached to quote for insurance renewal. Gallagher have sent through their renewal; this is with Hiscox. SK contacted Gallagher to enquire why there was not one from AXA (previous insurer) the response was they have stepped away from Local Authority insurance.
Zurich have removed themselves from the process as they are not able to beat the price offered by Gallagher/Hiscox. BHIB are waiting for more information re the flooding claim with AXA before they can proceed. SK has already contacted AXA/Gallagher to gain a formal update to pass on.
Hiscox are offering a 3-year fixed price (subject to certain increases). Could Hiscox be contacted directly to see if a quote that does not go through a broker would be better. SK to action.
As there is currently only one quote received and insurance cannot lapse do we accept the Hiscox but for only one year- by the time renewal is due in June 2023 the claim will have been spent (3 years)?
Vote to accept 1 year Hiscox policy: AC- propose
SW- seconded JB/JM/KD- agreed
G) Risk register:
Thank you to JM for pulling together the document. This is a heavy document and all agree to be jointly responsible. Review every 3 months.
14. RFO Financial Report:
Accounts were issued prior to meeting; expenditure is high for May as in April there was no access to bank account. Thank you to JM for keeping the accounts in line and providing the ongoing support to the Clerk.
JM suggestion at the next meeting we look at the priorities for this year. Also, in June meeting the accounts will need approving and the timescale will be tight to get them published.
15. Planning Applications: No comments.
16. Communications
A) Requests for Jubilee Mugs: these were all forwarded to SF as Jubilee/Parish Council representative, may need to get a list off SF if the gifts do not arrive in time.
B) Speeding on the Drift- have emailed back with comments from LCC re the possibility of repeaters. Police and Crime representative has been contacted and she is speaking to Grantham Neighbourhood Policing Team who have a dedicated Road Policing Unit officer.
C) Speeding on Swinehill- District and County Councillor have both been contacted to gain support for this. The school have also been contacted; they have not raised it as in issue previously but are happy to support.
17. AOB
A) In relation to speeding the Parish Council need to consider whether a professional survey is needed at the A607 crossroad junction.
B) KD has spoken to the contributor re the offer of the memorial Oak Tree, she is happy with the suggested location. KD will pick up again with regards to words on the plaque.
C) AC asked that we all review the list of pending projects, together with others that we may wish to list, and prepare to agree on progressing with some at the next meeting.
18. Closed Session: Not required.
19. Next meeting: 29th June 2022
20. Meeting Close:
AC- closed meeting 21.25.
Chair – Andrew Cartlidge