September 2022 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council Meeting
28th September 2022 19.30
Venue: Harlaxton Village Hall
1. Meeting open:
Opened at 19.30 by Councillor Cartlidge- went through what the Parish Council is responsible for and what the Parish Council has no responsibility for/ jurisdiction over.
2. In Attendance:
Andrew Cartlidge (AC)- Chair Jane Mann (JM) Kate Darcey (KD) Simon Wicks (SW)
Samantha Key (SK)- Clerk
3. Apologies:
Jane Brown (JB)
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meeting 27.07.22: This has been deferred until the next meeting.
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest: None
6. Public Forum:
K. Smith (KS) - concerned about the Mowbeck at the bottom of the gardens Parklands Drive. Has anything come from this and who is responsible for it?
AC - according to riparian rights it is the duties of others, not the Parish Council.
N. Bason (NB) - grateful for the opportunity to come along previously and again tonight to draw attention to the flooding on Trotters Lane and see what progress has been made.
- comments made about limits of the Parish Council has been taken on board, however the Parish Council have a valuable role in making and reminding others of how minor improvements can make a difference.
- the Parish Council is urged not to ignore the problem and think it will go away. We all get lazy and forget to do things that will help safeguard ourselves but the danger is flooding will become more of an issue.
- there have been reports of people throwing things into the Mowbeck, this has now been cleared.
- there are drainage issues along the High Street and Trotters
- have previously suggested the idea of a nominated councillor who would lead flooding issues, others could go to them.
- it is a concern for everyone and wondered what had happened from the last time it was raised?
AC - A councillor wrote a letter to Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) as a personal letter, from this there was movement on some things. Others need to write to LCC, copy the Parish Council in and then the Clerk can follow up.
Councillor Vernon mentioned the drains/gullies.
SW - did photos get sent to Cllr Vernon?
SK - Yes
SW - this is also a fix my street issue.
NB - Over 5 years ago an extensive piece of drainage was put in, a flap was fitted at the end to stop water/debris from the Mowbeck flowing back up the drainage pipe. However, because of the flow in the Mowbeck this flap stays firmly in place and unless it is manually lifted then water in there cannot escape.
- the Parish Council used to get planning applications, could the Parish Council add an automatic response such as “must not hard service any driveways”.
- Trotters Lane has 4 roads that meet and when there is an issue there is about 10 minutes warning before anything happens, however this is an issue that could be mitigated by small acts.
JM - If people write to LCC and copy us in, could we also have something in the Village Voice? There is going to be something on fix my street in there.
AC - Also write to the Inland Drainage Board.
7. Updates from County Councillor, District Councillor and Police and Crime representative:
County Councillor was planning to attend, however has been delayed and sends her apologies (shared before the meeting)
District Councillor invited again but no response
Police and Crime representative invited again but no response
8. Updates and Discussions
A) Co-option: currently the Parish Council has 5 out of 7 seats filled. There have been 3 applicants of which 2 have been interviewed (1 has been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances). Kathy Smith is here tonight.
Vote to co-opt Kathy Smith as Councillor- AC, JM, KD, SW agreed
B) HSBC: SK has requested that a deposit card be issued for the Parish Council account, this would allow the few cheques we receive to de deposited in Post Offices rather than just at HSBC (who are closed on a Saturday)
Vote to agree to complete mandate requesting a deposit card- AC, JM, KD, SW agreed.
C) Wildflower verges: AC noted that this was mentioned on 19.05.22 and 29.06.22. The land is owned by LCC Highways- permission should be sought before any action is taken.
Actions: KD/JM to create a plan and dimensions. SK to then contact highways for approval.
D) Grass cutting on the A607 verge: AC noted as per minutes of 19.05.22 we now have quotes for cutting (note this was not in the agreed minutes), Quote received on 23.08.22 for £32.23 per cut every two weeks, which for 15 cuts is
£483.45. Quote 2 received 27.08.22 was £400. SK- quote 1 was not for every 2 weeks it was for every occasion we asked for it to be cut. Quote 2 was from a villager for expenses for cutting an additional area to what they already cut. KD- last year the grass did not need cutting as much, do we put that into the conditions. JM- suggested the volunteer charges are made in 3 payments.
Vote on accepting quote 2- JM, KD, SW agree
Vote on the agreed terms sent over email- KD, SW agree
SK- how will it be paid, if it is an expense form does there need to be receipts? Expenses are just a claim form, no receipt would be needed as not just for fuel- alternatively could it be done as an invoice?
E) Playing field maintenance: it has been discussed in principle about reseeding and spiking to aerate. JM visited the playing field to inspect but was in the drought period- needs to be looked at to see how/if it has recovered. AC- has there been any quotes for this and if still a concern can we have quotes in for next Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 26th October. KD- spiking needs to be done as soon as possible.
JM- to arrange quotes.
Play area report: SW has been through the ROSPA report, the junior swing needs looking at as a priority. There is a problem with the main beam (split). AC- can you get quotes?
SW- have already got a quote for beam approx. £100 AC- who would fit it?
SW to get quotes for someone to fit the beam.
Medium risk areas are also balance beams and holes in the mat.
SW to remove junior swings in the interim.
F) Hedge Cutting: AC- this is for the hedges around the Harlaxton Sports and Social Club (HSSC), Gregory Pearson Playing field and additionally this year the Gregory Close hedging. Previously we have gone out to Denton Farming Company, EnviroSK (who are changing their name from April 2023), should we add back in ATP garden Services? They don’t have the equipment so outsource to Denton Farming Company.
SK to seek quotations from 3 parties
G) Grass Cutting: This will be for the usual areas, however there is a concern about how much the contractor is actually doing on the playing field.
AC- can we vote to split the playing field off for a separate quote.
JM- think we should ask for the price as a whole village and then the sports field area separately.
AC to amend drawing and send to SK separately
H) Planters/Flower Beds: This is for the maintenance of the flower beds, nominally around the obelisk but presumably also applicable for the bus shelters and perhaps outside the HSSC building. The planting outside the Village Hall is part of the Village Hall committee area. AC- would we like to set a budget, if so is £150 too little or too much. JM- previously the budget was £250, however we should do this in the budget setting and so should defer until December. A former councillor has previously maintained them, we should find out if they are willing to continue.
SK to contact volunteer to see if they are still willing to maintain the beds
I) Facebook: AC- currently villagers can see minutes, notices, and the like on the noticeboards and the HPC website. In today’s swipe culture we could probably engage more widely if we had a Parish Council Facebook page for putting up notices, reminders, advice etc that might otherwise appear on the noticeboard (or where space allows in the Village Voice). The Facebook page would have comments turned off and the place for interaction would remain by post and email.
JM- should Instagram and Twitter be looked at as well as more people are using these.
SK- there would need to be a social media policy in place beforehand.
Vote to create social media platforms once the policy is in place- AC/JM/SW agree
KD abstained
SK to create policy.
J) MacAfee: has expired and did not auto renew as it did last year. SK- currently can find it for £64.99 however have only had a brief look
Vote to renew for a maximum of £64.99- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
SK to source and expense if it cannot be invoiced.
K) Telephone box: the glass needs removing before the volunteer can proceed with the restoration.
SW to remove glass by end of next week and then let SK know who will make volunteer aware.
L) Memorial tree: AC-this is a tree in memory of a previous councillor. A location in front of the HSSC and a spend of £30-£40 for the plaque has previously been agreed. Has this been ordered? In the minutes of 29.06.22 it was mentioned about planting it in September/October- Presumably we are now waiting for spring 2023 to plant it?
KD- the tree is still alive, weather dependant we could look to plant in November
SK to order plaque (words given tonight)
M) Harlaxton Manor planning application comments: AC- Councillors produced several draft responses to this and a version was agreed last week and submitted by the clerk and is now live on SKDC website. Vote to arrange an informal meeting with the Manor here at the village hall to run through with them and help them find a resolution to the expressed concerns.
SK- should be miniuted that this was agreed without an EGM and treated different to the Saltby planning application.
AC- No an EGM is the Parish Councils choice to hold or not- it should not be miniuted.
SW- suggested a meeting with the Manor to keep them on board.
JM- it may be jumping ahead slightly as the project will be over years but will open dialogue and get the bigger picture sorted.
AC- Meeting at the village hall? JM/KD- agree
SK to get dates from Harlaxton Manor contact for the next 2-3 weeks.
N) Employment Sub-Committee: AC- the sub-committee comprising of AWC and KD met with the community cleaner. This was only recently issued to councillors so we need to arrange a separate EGM to discuss West End dog bin, additional litter picking time and as applicable possible changes to the Community Cleaner hours. Vote to defer to EGM/ next PCM?
O) Dog Bin West End: AC- defer as with point N.
SK- there was also an email from a company offering to empty dog waste bins and removed- could this be an option when Community Cleaner is on holiday. JM- the Parish Council did go through this exercise a few years ago and the charges were high (there may be something in the Gmail). KD- it was implied that the Community Cleaner would do more if paid for it.
P) CCTV: AC- this is awaiting installation, who is doing this and can you have this in place by the PCM on 26th October. SW- it is now in the HSSC storeroom, can help with installation. AC- would it be done for next PC meeting?. Vote to look at getting a contactor to install with a budget of £350+vat- AC/JM/KD/SW agree. SK to get quotes.
Ask Dan Wicks, PTS and one other, 4 cameras to be put up in locations TBC. Go for quickest and cheapest- defer to chair and vice chair for decision.
Q) Insurance: AC- we have had an offer of resolution from the loss adjuster, which would presumably allow the case to be closed. The offer is £3000 in full and final settlement to cover repairs to the car park surfacing. Noting that this is not related to the correction of any below ground drainage defects, whether on our land or elsewhere. SK- the offer was for £3000 less the excess.
Discussion was that we need to go back to them and ask if the amount the Parish Council spent comes off the excess and confirm the actual excess to then be considered further.
SK to contact the insurers
SW to contact Harlaxton Manor to discuss further actions.
R) Traffic report: AC- with grateful thanks to Cllr Brown for her herculean efforts in pouring through the reems of data and producing the report which identifies what the villagers have known and canvassed LCC for several years. This has now been sent to County Councillor Charlotte Vernon, Lincolnshire County Council Highways Rowan Smith, The Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) and the Parish Council website. We need to send to District Councillor
Hannah Westropp and press both District and County Councillors to follow up with Lincolnshire Highways for action, particularly with the pending Melton planning application for Saltby and the pending SKDC planning application for the Manor walled garden project. We also need to reach out to LRSP to arrange the site meeting that is part of our membership and to discuss further. I have no doubt that Cllr Brown will be fired up to progress with this upon her return.
Vote to send to Cllr Westropp- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
SK to send report
Vote for locations of concern to be put through to LRSP as Swinehill/ The Drift/High Street and Rectory Lane- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
Can also look to contact Mr Ansell re speed monitoring, see if he would be interested in getting 3 other volunteers as part of a pilot scheme for speed monitoring.
S) Bus Shelter Roof: this is now completed. With thanks to Cllr Cartlidge for completing.
T) Village gates: AC- We’ve previously obtained quotes for pairs of gates to be installed either end of the A607 through the village, at the bottom of The Drift, top of Swinehill and possibly Rectory Lane. In light of the traffic report, pending the meeting with LRSP we’ve previously agreed to put on hold at least the A607 gates. Which leaves the Drift, Swinehill and possibly Rectory Lane. Please can we have a vote on also deferring these until we’ve had the meeting with LRSP or progressing with at least The Drift and Swinehill? If the decision is to progress with The Drift and Swinehill, the quotes we have so far (just for placing concrete footing in the verge) are: quote 1 £1740 inc. VAT per location, quote 2 £480 inc. VAT per location and quote 3 (who recently completed work at HSSC) £2100 for 5 sets of gates (which may be £420 inc. VAT per location or more if the cost is not pro-rata. Subject to the contactor confirming compliance with LCC requirements for highway works, do we accept quote 3 (so long as it’s around the £420 inc. VAT) and revert to quote 2 if quote 3 for only 2 sets is more than £480 inc. Vat each?
Vote to defer decision on gates until after the meeting of LRSP- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
U) Defibrillator: AC- current Village Hall cabinet and defibrillator, this now seems to be working correctly now that the threshold temperatures have been set correctly to trigger than cooling fan. The PC will continue to monitor. In previous years the 10 Duracell 123A batteries in the main unit have needed changing in the early part of the year and can take a few days to arrive via Currys/Amazon. Previous to December 2021 they were also replaced in February 2020 when the cost was £39.95. The current cost from Currys is still £49.95. Can we have a vote on whether we buy a set for stock or order as required (which is likely when the unit has suddenly failed with no notice).
Vote to have 10 in stock to a maximum of £50- JM/KD/SW agree.
AC-We’ve also had a request for another defibrillator unit, the request came from a hirer of the Manor Drive Sports Field on the basis that now with two principal hirers (albeit one is more seasonal), saying that it would be prudent to have a defibrillator kit adjacent to the primary sports area. To our knowledge we have never had a need for one there, but similarly the unit at the Village Hall has not reported use either. Current indicative cost of like for like is around £1300 for the defibrillator, £600 for the cabinet and as a guess say around £200 or thereabouts for an electrician to install. With no commitment to purchase, can we have a vote on seeking grants for the purchase and install and defer a decision on this until a later meeting?
Do we need one and would it be fair on those that pay the precept to use money on this?
Sports field has had more use and this money has given opportunity to do more with the precept.
Could we look at fundraising/grants for it?
SK to investigate further
V) Football Academy storage: AC-hirer has rejected having their own storage facility near the other hirers containers. Instead, they have requested to have their unit down by the entrance gates on the edge of Coopers Plantation. Nominally this has been accepted by councillors and we have now requested they clear the area and mark out for final approval. Please can we have two councillors to attend for 17.30 on Friday 30th September to observe and report back to the clerk.
Vote to formalise pre-agreed area- AC/JM/KD/SW agreed AC/SW to meet at 17.30 on 30th September 2022
Roof: AC- we have two quotes on all of the same items. Quote 1: £1580 no VAT (items requested number 1-4 are £1070, item 5 £340 and item 6 £170). Quote 2: £4716 inc. VAT. The third quote requested was too busy. Motion to proceed with quote 1, subject to their quote remaining current after so long, a copy of their insurance, the lead in time/date of commencement and duration and confirmation they will remove all waste and leave the site clean and tidy.
Vote to proceed with quote 1- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
SK to accept with a maximum lead time of 3 months.
Accessible toilets: AC- per previous minutes the HSSC committee has had a request on our current accessible WC status. This prompted them to consider some layout options and refer back to their landlord (The Parish Council).
Although there has not knowingly been a need in the past., this does appear to be a legal obligation. During informal documents email discussions leading up to today the consensus is that the project is far too big for the Councillors to specify and prepare tenders for the works. With no commitment to proceed can we confirm that the Clerk should be asked to obtain three quotations (list already provided) for architectural drawings and specifications for further consideration?
SK- we received a letter from HSSC after the cut-off date for correspondence but has been shared as this was already on the agenda.
AC- yes there will be no financial contribution from them but may be able to contribute materially.
Vote to proceed with quotes- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
SK can I add in “or any other aspect they see fit to future proof”
Vote JM/KD/SW agree
SK to action
Lighting : AC- again a request from a hirer to provide solar lighting on the south/field side and the east/container side of the HSSC. At a budget of less than £50 for circa 3 or 4 units is this something we want to action. The hirers request was also that the PC illuminate the footpath to the play area and the play area. Please can we have responses to that?
SW- there is no play park that is illuminated at night.
JM- no to the play park. We have motion sensor solar lights and they work well. There is a security benefit from having lighting to support the CCTV.
Vote to spend a maximum of £50 for a minimum of 2 lights to support CCTV- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
Vote to not provide lighting on the play area/path to play area- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
AC/JM to purchase AC/SW to install
X) Village hall
Electrics/lighting: AC- the conduit is now in place, pending some junction parts on back order. Only a junction box needs to be fitted to complete the tidying exercise. We still need to purchase solar lighting for the car park side and along the rear. We’ve previously discussed units and nominally agreed costs, can we reconfirm a budget of £50 for 3 or 4 units remains acceptable?
Vote to spend a maximum of £50 for a minimum of 2 lights (ties in with the HSSC limits)- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
AC/JM to purchase AC to install
Ramp/Line painting: AC- these works are in progress; three councillors had a meeting with the contractor Monday morning. The contractor has proposed applying a resin bound gravel to the surface at no extra cost. We are not sure this is warranted nor required. Comments? We have also asked the clerk to revert back to the contractor on the line painting cost.
Vote to leave ramp as it currently is- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
SK to speak with contractor re line painting.
Y) Pearson Gregory field
Daybrook tree close: AC- this has been established to be outside of the PC land and a letter written to the adjacent landowner. No further action. No vote needed- AC/JM/KD/SW all agree.
Hedging/brambles: AC- the Parish Councils Northwest boundary, bordering the laurels (on private land) is overgrown. Please can we vote on a budget for the works on Parish Council land of say £500?
SK- how much does it need cutting by?
Cut down to 2 metres and include as part of hedge cutting quote going forward.
Gate: AC- a councillor purchased a gate for the hedge gap from The Gregory car park to help prevent go-carts etc from accessing the field. Previous minutes, from some years back, have approved the installation. This matter is pending.
Should we obtain a quote for the installation and complete this exercise? Motion to seek quotes for say £250 for the install of two posts and the gate?
SW- as per email discussions could the gate become a kissing gate to stop all wheeled vehicles?
SK to seek quotes to install gate and posts and advice on whether it could be made a kissing gate.
Dog bin post: AC- there is a redundant waste bin post, with no bin, which is also hampering the proper mowing of the field where the brambles are growing on the West/Gregory car park side of the field. The field is also still signed as “NO DOGS” despite it being regularly used by people far and wide, both local and those parking in the Gregory car park. Should we have the post removed?
Should we accept that owners use it and remove the “no dogs” sign? Should we consider whether to install a bin on the Pearson Gregory field as part of the other in discussions and involve the community cleaner?
SK to get a quote to remove the post
Councillors to discuss via email.
Planted trees and whips: AC- other than the larger trees that were planted, it appears that most, if not all of the whips that were planted did not survive the extreme temperatures.
KD- Do we need any more?
JM- Have planted whips twice in this area and both times they have failed.
9. RFO Financial Report:
The accounts were circulated before the meeting. Balances are currently healthy, there are no large outstanding/expected invoices (those expected after July meeting have been received and paid). Is there anything we could outsource to clear the jobs list and make the workload for councillors lighter? (Apart from what has been already agreed). Since the last meeting we have received the VAT reclaim (which had to be applied for manually)
10. Planning Applications:
AC- the clerk has issued these by email for comment. Are there any that a councillor has a burning desire to discuss, otherwise comments should be shared with the clerk so that an appropriate Parish Council consultee response can be considered.
11. Communications:
29.07.22: R. Gray Lincolnshire Police: Fire at allotments on Harlaxton Road- request for information, response sent as not under our Parish.
03.08.22: G. Boxall Lincolnshire Police: Survey on policing matters- one councillor has completed a draft and one councillor has agreed. Survey not yet submitted pending further councillor contribution.
04.08.22: Centrebus: revision of bus timetable between Grantham and Melton Mowbray- put on noticeboard.
08.08.22: HSSC: Accessible toilets (further to letter dated 18.07.22)- see above. 15.08.22: Portuguese Football Academy: Football pitch hire agreement- complete. 17.08.22: Lincolnshire reservoir: proposal for two new reservoirs- does not seem to affect Harlaxton so no response.
22.08.22: SKDC: update on Gambling Statement of Principles- has this been sent to HSSC? No, SKDC to send to affected parties.
23.08.22: Harlaxton Cricket Club: Pitch layout- incorporated within Portuguese Football Academy.
27.08.22: I. Metcalf: cost for cutting A607 grass verge and planned restoration of telephone box- see above
30.08.22: M. Phillips: application for co-option- pending interview 11.09.22: S. Tierney: Harvest festival- a councillor attended
12. AOB
AC- future permanent agenda items: finance, HVH building matters, HSSC building matters, play area, Pearson Gregory, Sports and Social Club
Hatchings are required on the car park at HSSC- vote to gain quote from current contractor employed to do the Village Hall ones- AC/JM/KD/SW agree
13. Closed Session:
Further to an email from the external auditors with three questions there was a discussion around historical accounts (going back 5 years), errors made that have then carried forward and the need to amend items currently published on the website as well as resubmit- AC/JM have investigated and found there was no financial loss to the Parish Council.
14. Next meeting: 26th October 2022
15. Meeting Close:
AC closed the meeting at 22:10 Chair – Andrew Cartlidge
NOTE: the dates being referred to are incorrect and not realised at the time of discussion, there was no Parish Council meeting on 19.05.22, it was held on 25.05.22.