September 2023 Agenda

Harlaxton Parish Council
Chair: Andrew Cartlidge
Address: 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB
Parish Council Meeting
7:30pm on Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of Harlaxton Parish Council on Wednesday 30 August at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. All Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.
Andrew Cartlidge
Date: 21/09/2023
1. Meeting Opened.
2. In Attendance:
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance):
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: EGM of 7 September 2023
5. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)
6. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime
7. Updates and Discussions
7.1. Co-Option
7.2. Clerk/Administrator
7.3. Harlaxton PC Standing Orders (Standing Orders Working Party – Cllrs Gabriel and Wicks)
This is a work in progress
7.4. LALC Training
7.5. Telephone Box (Cllr Wicks)
7.6. Village Voice
7.7. Traffic and SID (Speed Indicator Device)
7.8. Saltby Airfield
7.9. Proposed Development off Swine Hill (Cllr Gabriel)
7.10. RFO Financial Report (Cllr Cartlidge)
7.11. Bank Mandates
7.12. Harlaxton Twinning with Pontmain
7.13. Village Flower Beds
8. Village Hall
8.1. Licence Agreement
8.2. Improvements to WC’s, sinks and Flooring (Cllr Wicks & Smith]
9.1. Defibrillator (Cllr Wicks)
9.2. CCTV (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
9.3. Solar Lighting (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
9.4. Accessible Toilets (Cllr Cartlidge)
9.5. Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding. (Cllrs Cartlidge, Wicks)
9.6. Drainage of patio area to south side of HSSC building (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
9.7. Clearing blocked hoppers and below ground surface water drainage
9.8. Car Parking during events
9.9. Weed clearing
10. Sports Field
10.1. Playing Area Equipment. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks)
10.2. Football Pitch Hire – Portuguese Football Academy
10.3. Coopers Plantation
10.4. Enquiry to hire for a Charity Dog Show & Fete
11. Pearson Gregory Field
11.1. Consider a working party to make proposals to develop and improve
12. Grass Cutting, Hedges, etc
12.1. Grass Cutting and Hedges
13. Church
13.1. Harvest Festival, Sunday, 24 September 2023
14. Planning Applications
14.1. S23/1563, 9 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HB. T1 - Crown raise the lowest branches on the Douglas fir tree up to approx. 4.5m, T2 - Reduce prunus back by 2.5m reduce the tops by up to 2m in
15. Correspondence
21082023 AllertonUK, confirming the sewerage treatment service for 4 September
21082023 LCC Staying Alive, confirming that The Drift is now on their list for a traffic survey
21082023 Crimson Kings, quote for Coopers Plantation
22082023 Belvoir Tree Surgery, confirming they’ll attend to quote for Coopers Plantation work
23082023 Crimson Kings, further quote for Coopers Plantation
23082023 Belvoir Tree Surgery, quote for works to Coopers Plantation
24082023 Crawford Loss Adjusters, update ref Manor Drive Flooding
24082023 Police MB, confirms will not be attending the PCM on 30 August
24082023 SKDC confirms receipt of co-option forms
25082023 DW, arranging date to install defibrillator box at HSSC
25082023 Quote for channel drain for HSSC rear patio
25082023 PFA, requesting a meeting with the Council ref the playing field hire contract/agreement
28082023 JG/HCC, invoice for grass cutting the playing field
28082023 SM, informal enquiry ref the HPC administrator role
29082023 Bates Environmental, agreeing a date for clearing the HSSC stone culvert
29082023 LCC, confirming receipt of request ref A607 consultation
29082023 SKDC, request to complete the Open Places study consultation
29082023 CH, providing bank reference donation [in lieu of internal audit fee]
30082023 HM, dates for Councillors meeting
30082023 CA, confirming receipt of data
30082023 Receipt of claim for additional hours and confirmation of response
30082023 PFA, request for additional hire usage of playing field
31082023 SKDC, confirms that they will be issuing invoices for the grass cutting in due course
02092023 Invoice for plants
03092023 Receipt of claim for additional hours
04092023 PKF, review of AGAR
04092023 HM, confirms Councillor meeting for 22 September
04092023 RoSPA, play area inspection and invoice
04092023 JB, confirms discussion
04092023 PW, follow up ref Saltby
04092023 PKF, confirms telcon and closure of query
04092023 BW, confirms receipt of notice
04092023 DefibWarehouse, confirms receipt of order
05092023 AllertonUK, HSSC Sewerage service report
05092023 SM, confirms not currently able to apply.
05092023 DW, additional cost for the HSSC defibrillator on the front/north wall
05092023 RS, enquiry to hire the sports field for a charity dog show and fete
06092023 Quote for CCTV survey of stone culvert
06092023 PC, confirms a bank holiday payment is owing
06092023 PFA, advises that the games are 0930 to 1130
07092023 RC, quote for the HSSC accessible WC
08092023 RS, confirms run-time, likely attendee numbers and cars
08092023 DS confirms meeting date for 12 Sept.
08092023 Bates Environmental, confirms cost for CCTV survey of the stone culvert
10092023 Quote for a CCTV survey of the stone culvert
10092023 PW, requests help with leaf collection
10092023 RW, parking concerns
11092023 PKF, confirm receipt of information
12092023 Grantham Canal Society, notice of BBQ event on 24 Sept 2023
12092023 Quote for inspection chamber install at HSSC stone culvert, and car park surfacing repair
13092023 MC, advises damage to wall
15092023 PP, concerned over revised plans
15092023 ST, invitation to Harvest Festival at Harlaxton Church 24 Sept 2023
15092023 PFA, confirm the contract is signed
17092023 RW, confirms receipt of email
16. Closed Session (If required)
17. Any other business
18. Next scheduled Parish Council Meeting: 7:30pm Wednesday 25 October 2023.
19. Meeting close.