July 2023 Agenda
Harlaxton Parish Council
Chair: Andrew Cartlidge
Email: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Address: 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB
Website: http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Harlaxton/
Parish Council Meeting
7:30pm on Wednesday 26 July 2023
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of Harlaxton Parish Council on Wednesday 26 July at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. All Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.
Andrew Cartlidge
Date: 20/07/2023
1. Meeting Opened.
2. In Attendance:
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance):
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: PCM of 28 June 2023
5. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)
6. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime
7. Updates and Discussions
7.1. Co-Option
7.2. Job description and person specification for Parish Clerk/Administrator (Employment Committee)
7.3. Harlaxton PC Standing Orders (Standing Orders Working Party – Cllrs Gabriel and Wicks)
This is a work in progress
7.4. LALC Training
7.5. Telephone Box (Cllr Wicks)
7.6. Village Voice
7.7. Traffic and SID (Speed Indicator Device)
7.8. Saltby Airfield
7.9. Proposed Development off Swine Hill (Cllr Gabriel)
7.10. RFO Financial Report (Cllr Cartlidge)
7.11. Internal Audit
8. Village Hall
8.1. Damp treatment (Cllrs Cartlidge)
8.2. Improvements to WC’s, sinks and Flooring (Cllr Wicks & Smith]
8.3. Licence Agreement
9.1. Defibrillator (Cllr Wicks)
9.2. CCTV (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
9.3. Solar Lighting (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
9.4. Accessible Toilets (Cllr Cartlidge)
9.5. Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding. (Cllrs Cartlidge, Wicks)
9.6. Drainage of patio area to south side of HSSC building (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
10. Sports Field
10.1. Playing Area Equipment. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks)
10.2. Damage to Bowls Club fence and hedging
10.3. Football Pitch Hire – Portuguese Football Academy
10.4. Coopers Plantation
10.5. Village Fayre (provisionally Saturday 2 September 2023]
11. Pearson Gregory Field
11.1. Dead tree removal
11.2. Consider a working party to make proposals to develop and improve
12. Grass Cutting, Hedges, etc
12.1. Grass Cutting and Hedges
12.2. Coffin Walk
13. Planning Applications
13.1. S23/1036 4 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HB. Repair of internal plaster wall caused by water ingress from broken roof tile.
13.2. S23/1119 2 Dimmock Close, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HG. Two storey side and front extension. Ground floor rear extension of the dwelling.
13.3. S23/1106 12 Manor Drive, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HU. Works to TPO Tree(s).
13.4. S23/1117 Fourwinds, Main Road, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HJ. Replacement Dwelling.
13.5. S23/1154 & 1165 10 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HB. Demolition of rear extensions to Listed Building; Construction of single storey new rear extension; Conversion of loft of detached garage to create a habitable room; Internal alterations within Listed Building including remodelling to create a new bathroom.
13.6. S23/1169 8 Pond Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HW. Section 211 notice to prune Ivy bush to the boundary (T1), Apple tree to the boundary (T2) and prune Apple/Hawthorne to give clearance to fence.
14. Correspondence
19062023 RD, confirms interest in quoting for the channel drain to the rear of the HSSC
19062023 SP, advises too busy to quote for the channel drain
22062023 PC, payroll details provided for the community cleaner
26062023 DS, asks for permission to cut back overhanging branches
27062023 Scribe, invoice for the Sports Field online booking software subscription
27062023 LR, quote for the channel drain to the rear of the HSSC
27062023 RS of LCC, their survey on the Drift on 19 June showed 15% at more than 35mph: “Not Good”
28062023 BP, advises too busy to quote for the HSSC channel drain
28062023 CA, asks for SID date for The Drift
28062023 JE, advises too busy to quote for the HSSC channel drain
28062023 JC, confirms interest in quoting for the HSSC channel drain
30062023 JR, request for internal audit information
30062023 CA, advises significant speeding traffic along The Drift due to the A607 closure
30062023 RS of LCC, correspondence on speeding along The Drift
30062023 PW ref Saltby Airfield, invites parish councils to attend regular liaison meetings
30062023 PKF Littlejohn, confirms receipt of AGAR
02072023 DW, quote for the installation of the Defibrillator at the HSSC
05072023 LP, ask for name to be redacted
07072023 Cllr RL, update on CSW and additional speed signs
11072023 SM, quote for hedge cutting
11072023 Cllr RL, update on CSW
12072023 LCC, notice of traffic restriction on Gorse Lane
13072023 DF for SKDC, requests address for community cleaner bags
13072023 JR, requests internal audit fee to be paid to a charity
14072023 NW, CC of email sent to school ref driver behaviour
17072023 ROSPA, notice of play area fee and inspection during August
17072023 PA of Crawford Loss Adjuster, interim update on progress of Manor Drive Flooding insurance claim
18072023 DS, advises large branches fallen on their land
15. Closed Session (If required)
16. Any other business
17. Next scheduled Parish Council Meeting: 7:30pm Wednesday 30 August 2023.
18. Meeting close.