March 2023 Agenda

Harlaxton Parish Council
3 Church St, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HB
Parish Council Meeting 29 March 2023
19.30hrs Harlaxton Village Hall
Dear Councillor
I hereby give you notice that there will be a Meeting of Harlaxton Parish Council at Harlaxton Village Hall on Wednesday 29 March at 19.30hrs. All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted as set out hereunder.
Andrew Cartlidge, Chair
Date: 23 March 2023
1. Meeting Opening
2. In attendance
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance)
4. Approval of minutes
4.1. Approval of minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 22 February 2023
4.2. Approval of minutes of EGM held 17 March 2023
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)
7. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime Commissioners Office
8. Matters arising from last meeting – Updates and discussion
8.1. Preparation of Job description and person specification for Parish Clerk. (Employment Committee)
8.2. Harlaxton PC Standing Orders - update from Standing Orders Working Party (Cllrs Cartlidge, Brown, Whitworth)
8.3. LALC Training for Councillors (Cllr. Brown)
8.4. HSSC
8.4.1. CCTV – update on purchase of signage and installation of additional camera and solar lights. (Cllrs Wicks and Gabriel)
8.4.2. Accessible Toilets – update. (Cllr Cartlidge)
8.4.3. Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding. (Cllrs Cartlidge, Wicks, Smith)
8.4.4. Blocked rainwater goods to west side of HSSC building
8.4.5. Drainage of patio area to south side of HSSC building
8.5. Village Hall
8.5.1. Update on damp treatment (Cllrs Cartlidge and Gabriel)
8.5.2. Line markings (Cllr Cartlidge)
8.6. Playing Field
8.6.1. Playing Field Equipment – Update on purchase and installation of replacement beam. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks)
8.6.2. Monthly Inspection report (Cllr Wicks)
8.6.3. Damage to Bowls Club fence and hedging
8.7. Pearson Gregory Field – Considerations to develop and improve
8.8. Provision of Defibrillator. (Cllr Brown)
8.9. Saltby Airfield - update (Cllr Brown)
8.10. Traffic in Harlaxton & Speed Indicator Device - update (Cllr Brown)
8.11. Proposed Development off Swine Hill (Cllr Gabriel)
8.12. Telephone Box - update on progress and purchase of clips for glass. (Cllrs Wicks and Cartlidge)
8.13. Coronation of King Charles III - update (Cllrs Darcey, Smith)
8.14. BronzeCon Use of Playing Field – Discussion
8.15. Parish Council Website (Cllr. Brown)
9. RFO Financial Report (Cllr Cartlidge)
9.1. Monthly Report
10. Insurance Renewal
11. Annual Parish Meeting. Feedback from meeting on 20 March 2023 (All)
12. Village Voice
13. Planning
13.1. Applications
13.1.1. S23/0449 Insertion of second floor windows to north and south side elevations. 8a The Drift, Harlaxton, NG32 1AE. Comments to SKDC by 06 April 2023
13.2. Decisions
13.2.1. S23/0260 Notification under Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 to utilise Permitted Development Rights for the installation of 3 telegraph poles De Ligne Drive, Pond Street and Manor Drive Harlaxton- No objection.
13.2.2. S23/0228 Installation of one telegraph pole New Bungalow Trotters Lane. No objection
13.2.3. S23/0114 & S23/0115 Works within the curtilage of listed building (including realignment and alteration of boundary walls and patio) and removal of internal fireplace (retrospective). 17 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HB. Permission Granted
13.2.4. S23/0418 Notification under Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 to utilise Permitted Development Rights for the installation of a single 10m wooden telegraph pole Dimmock Close Harlaxton- No objection.
14. Correspondence
14.1. 20/02/2023 Holly Carter of The Manor – accepting request to meet ref Manor Drive Flooding
14.2. 23/02/2023 Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean 17 March to 02 April
14.3. 23/02/2023 Village Hall – request to action repairs to the car park lining
14.4. 28/02/2023 James Snee – request to use the playing for a bronze age convention
14.5. 04/03/2023 Steve Shelton – invoice for works on HSSC roof
14.6. 10/03/2023 Steve Turner – preliminary drawings for HSSC Accessible WC
14.7. 14/03/2023 BHIB Council’s Insurance
14.8. 17/03/2023 TSGP CallConnect/ConnectBus Saturday operating hours
14.9. 20/03/2023 PKF Littlejohn - 2022/23 AGAR external auditor instructions
14.10. 22/03/2023 Terry and Joy of Daybrook Close – Pearson Gregory Gate needs repair
15. Closed Session (If required)
16. Any other business.
17. Next scheduled Parish Council Meeting is the Annual General Meeting on 15 May 2023.
18. Meeting close.