February 2023 Agenda

Harlaxton Parish Council
3 Church St
NG32 1HB
Email: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Parish Council Meeting 22 February 2023 19.30 at Harlaxton Village Hall
1. Meeting Opening: Council Chair
2. In attendance
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance)
4. Approval of minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 10 January 2023
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion) If required.
7. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime.
8. Matters arising from last meeting – Updates and discussion.
8.1. Parish Clerk Vacancy
8.1.1. Replacement Parish Clerk/RFO - update (Human Resources Committee). Possibility of splitting the roles. Discussion and decision.
8.1.2. Job description and person specification. (Human Resources Committee)
8.2. Bank Mandates -. Proposal that completion of new mandates should be postponed until after the elections.
8.3. LALC Training for Councillors - New Councillor Training Course 07 Feb 23. Report. (Cllrs Cartlidge).
8.4. HSSC
8.4.1. Roof repairs – update. (Cllr Cartlidge)
8.4.2. CCTV – update on purchase of signage and installation of additional camera and solar lights. (Cllrs Cartlidge and Wicks)
8.4.3. Accessible Toilets – update. (Cllr Cartlidge)
8.4.4. Car Park Flooding. Update on investigation in conjunction with Harlaxton Manor and quote for replacement pipe. Change of liability adjuster Crawford & Co. (Cllrs Cartlidge and Wicks)
8.4.5. Provision of Defibrillator. Decision on purchase. London Hearts quotation approx. £1235 = VAT)
8.5. Village Hall – update on damp treatment (Cllrs Gabriel and Cartlidge)
8.6. Playing Field Equipment – Update on purchase and installation of replacement beam. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks)
8.7. Harlaxton PC Standing Orders - update from Standing Orders Working Party (Cllrs Cartlidge, Brown, Whitworth)
8.8. Saltby Airfield - update (Cllr Brown)
8.9. Traffic in Harlaxton & Speed Indicator Device - update (Cllr Brown)
8.10. Proposed Development off Swine Hill (Cllr Gabriel)
8.11. Telephone Box - update on progress and purchase of clips for glass. (Cllrs Wicks and Cartlidge)
8.12. Coronation of King Charles III - update (Cllrs Darcey and Whitworth)
9. LGA Code of Conduct. Discussion and motion to adopt (Cllr Cartlidge)
10. RFO Financial Report
11. Annual Parish Meeting. Update. (Cllr Brown)
12. Planning
12.1. Applications
12.1.1. S23/0114 & S23/0115 Works within the curtilage of listed building (including realignment and alteration of boundary walls and patio) and removal of internal fireplace (retrospective). 17 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HB.
12.2. Decisions
12.2.1. S23/0008 Removal of bird cherry tree and remove dead standard cherry tree, Willow Cottage 2 West End, Harlaxton, NG32 1HE. Approved
12.2.2. S22/2446 Proposed roof lift, loft conversion. 3 High St, Harlaxton, NG32 1JB. Approved
12.2.3. S23/0240 Installation of post box. Corner Of The Drift And Daybrook Close. Approved
13. Correspondence
13.1. 09/01/2023 - London Hearts Defibrillator supply. Item 8.4.5 refers.
13.2. 17/01/2023 - Rural Cost of Living Survey. (Link placed on PC Facebook page)
13.3. 16/01/2023 - Parish Policing Priority Setting Meeting Feedback Form. (Completed and returned.)
13.4. 16/01/2023 - Maisie McMahon Safer Together and Strong voices information. (Put on PC Facebook page)
13.5. 25/01/2023 - Village Hall Committee re increase in hire charge.
13.6. 01/02/2023 - Gallaher Insurance, Protect your council from cyber attacks.
13.7. 02/02/2023 - Maisie McMahon, Evaluation of Safer Together. Cllr Gabriel to return form.
13.8. 08/02/2023 - Charity Commission Correspondence re Pearson Gregory, CHIPPS, Village Hall
13.9. 08/02/2023 - Coronation, High Street Safari
13.10. 14/02/2023 - National Lottery Fund for Community Partnerships and Community Spaces
14. Closed Session (If Required)
15. Any other business.
16. Next scheduled Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 29 March 2023 19.30 at Harlaxton Village Hall
17. Meeting close