May 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting

Harlaxton Parish Council
Chair: 2022-2023: Andrew Cartlidge – Outgoing Chair: 2023 - : [Pending] - Incoming
Address: 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB Website:
Annual Meeting of the Council 7:30pm on Monday 15 May 2023
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Harlaxton Parish Council is to be held on 15th May 2023 at 7:30pm, followed immediately by the monthly meeting. All Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.
Andrew Cartlidge
Chair [2022-2023]
Date: 08/05/2023
1. Meeting Open
2. In Attendance
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance)
4. Appointment of Chairperson
5. Appointment of Vice-Chair
6. Signing of the acceptance of office (Chair and Vice-Chair)
7. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
8. Financial:
8.1. Review of Standing Orders & Policies
9. Roles and Responsibilities:
9.1. Standing Orders Working Party
9.2. Village Hall
9.3. Harlaxton Sports and Social Club
9.4. Finance
9.5. Employment Committee
9.6. Village Voice
9.7. SID/Traffic
9.8. Website
Close of Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
10. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: PCM 29 March 2023 & EGM 12 April 2023
11. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)
12. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime.
13. Updates and Discussions
13.1. Job description and person specification for Parish Clerk/Administrator (Employment Committee)
13.2. Harlaxton PC Standing Orders (Standing Orders Working Party)
13.3. Insurance Renewal
13.4. LALC Training
13.5. BronzeCon Use of Playing Field
13.6. Coronation of King Charles III (Cllr Smith)
13.7. Annual Meeting of the Parish
13.8. Telephone Box (Cllr Wicks)
13.9. Village Voice
13.10. Traffic and SID (Speed Indicator Device)
13.11. Saltby Airfield
13.12. Proposed Development off Swine Hill (Cllr Gabriel)
13.13. RFO Financial Report (Cllr Cartlidge)
14. Village Hall
14.1. Damp treatment (Cllrs Cartlidge and Gabriel)
14.2. Line markings (Cllr Cartlidge)
14.3. Improvements to WC’s, sinks and Flooring
15. HSSC
15.1. Defibrillator (Cllr Wicks)
15.2. CCTV (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
15.3. Solar Lighting (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
15.4. Accessible Toilets (Cllr Cartlidge)
15.5. Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding. (Cllrs Cartlidge, Wicks)
15.6. Rainwater goods (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
15.7. Drainage of patio area to south side of HSSC building (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
16. Sports Field
16.1. Playing Area Equipment – Update on purchase and installation of replacement beam. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks)
16.2. Damage to Bowls Club fence and hedging
16.3. Flag Pole
16.4. Football Pitch Hire – Portuguese Football Academy
17. Pearson Gregory Field
17.1. Quotes for dead tree removal
17.2. Consider a working party to make proposals to develop and improve
18. Planning Applications
18.1. S23/0489 2 Pond Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HW. Erection of detached timber frame carport/store and the conversion of existing detached outbuilding to form a residential annexe
18.2. S23/0032 Willow Cottage, 2 West End, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HE. Erection of 2x outbuildings/sheds
19. Correspondence
19.1. 29/3/23 Ms S.Key, request for information
19.2. 29/3/23 Sheridan Edwards, thanking HPC for the Harlaxton Traffic Report
19.3. 29/3/23 Calos Marina of Portuguese Football Academy, seeking meeting with PC ref new business
19.4. 30/3/23 Phil Mallett, damage to the Bowls Club hedging and fence
19.5. 3/4/23 Carl Forbes, ACAS
19.6. 5/4/23 SKDC, response to planning query
19.7. 5/4/23 Robert Duffin, acknowledging request for quotation ref Manor Drive Flooding
19.8. 6/4/23 SKDC, notice of uncontested election
19.9. 6/4/23 Ahmad Abdel, enquires if HPC has any allotments
19.10. 10/4/23 Harlaxton Village Hall, query ref responsibility to maintain and improve WC’s, sinks and flooring
19.11. 11/4/23 LALC, invoice for Website Management
19.12. 11/4/23 Robert Duffin, invoice for exploratory excavations
19.13. 16/4/23 Holly Carter [Dean of The Manor], thanking HPC for the Gala invitation
19.14. 21/4/23 Dale Marriott [SKDC Ground Maintenance], acknowledges email ref non-mowing issues
19.15. 21/4/23 Thomas Lister – request to use the Playing Field for a small (push) bike meet
19.16. 22/4/23 Jason Grosse [Harlaxton Cricket Club], invoice for 2No grass cuts of the Playing Field
19.17. 24/4/23 Helen Pack [Grantham Dramatic Society], request to place banner on A607 verge
19.18. 26/4/23 Karl Hicks, advises concern damaged/dead tree in Pearson Gregory Field
19.19. 26/4/23 Vale Sport & Leisure, invoice for replacement swing beam
19.20. 26/4/23 Gallagher Brokers, advice on 2023/24 Insurance Premium
19.21. 26/4/23 Carlos Marina [Portuguese Football Acadamy], request to use the Sportsfield for 4 football matches on Saturday 6 May
19.22. 27/4/23 Dean Charles, request to use the Sports Field for football training on Sunday 30 April
19.23. 27/4/23 Peter Chalk [Harlaxton Sports & Social Club], concern at possible football on 6 May
19.24. 27/4/23 Steve Turner, issues updated drawings for the HSSC Accessible WC’s
19.25. 27/4/23 Steve Turner, invoice for work to date
19.26. 2/5/23 Ben Astwood, enquiry ref use of mobile catering van at HSSC car park
19.27. 2/5/23 Crimson Kings, quote for Pearson Gregory Tree removal
19.28. 3/5/23 Adam Roberts, quote for Pearson Gregory Tree removal
19.29. 4/5/23 LCC Highways, responding to query ref Grantham Dramatic Society Banner on A607 verge
19.30. 4/5/23 Belvoir Tree Services, quote for Pearson Gregory Tree removal
19.31. 4/5/23 Best Astwood, sending insurance details
19.32. 5/5/23 BHIB, insurance quotation
20. Closed Session (If required)
21. Any other business
22. Next scheduled Parish Council Meeting: 7:30pm 28 June 2023.
23. Meeting close