January 2023 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
3 Church St
NG32 1HB
Email: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Parish Council Meeting 10 January 2023 19.30 at Harlaxton Village Hall
1. Meeting opened by Cllr Cartlidge (Chair) at 19.30hrs.
2. In attendance - Cllr Cartlidge (Chair), Cllr Wicks (Vice Chair), Cllrs Brown, Darcy, Gabriel, Smith, Whitworth. 2 members of the public.
3. Apologies - None
4. Approval of minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 30 November 2022 – Approved and signed.
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest - None
6. Public Forum
Questions raised regarding the proposed development on Swine Hill and also traffic issues in Harlaxton. Cllr Gabriel provided information about the group set up to investigate the villages stance on the DWH proposals. Cllr Brown provided information on traffic issues and the response received to the Traffic In Harlaxton Report from Lincolnshire Highways and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
7. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime - None received.
8. Matters arising from last meeting – Updates and discussion
8.1. Parish Clerk Vacancy
8.1.1. Management of Payroll – update. (Cllr Cartlidge) A Payroll Manager has now been appointed.
8.1.2. Replacement Parish Clerk/RFO - update (Employment Committee).
More work on this is required. It was agreed that Cllr. Brown would join the Employment Committee to progress this before the next meeting.
Action: Employment Committee
8.1.3. Job description and person specification. (Employment Committee)
More work on this is required. It was agreed that Cllr. Brown would join the Employment Committee to progress this before the next meeting
Action: Employment Committee
8.1.4. Approach from Denton PC re. joint advert for Parish Clerk. (Cllr Brown)
Denton Parish Council are currently looking for a new Parish Clerk it has been suggested that there may benefits in adverting the 2 vacancies together. No conclusion reached on this as no decision has been made on the Harlaxton Parish Clerk’s job description. The Employment Committee will discuss this further and report back to the full Council.
Action: Employment Committee
8.1.5. Is any reallocation of tasks required?
It was agreed that no reallocation of tasks is required at this time.
8.2. Bank Mandates -. HSBC and Melton Building Society. Update on progress (Cllr Cartlidge) Hard copies of the required forms have now been received which need to be signed by Councillors wishing to be on the mandates.
Action: Cllr. Cartlidge to arrange signing with individual Councillors.
8.3. LALC Training for Councillors - Next New Councillor Training Course 07 Feb 23 18.00 – 21.00 –
Cllrs Cartlidge and Whitworth would like to attend. Cllrs Smith and Gabriel may also be interested. Action: Cllr. Brown to contact LALC re. booking and cost. Cllrs Gabriel and Smith to confirm if they wish to attend.
8.4. Grass Cutting – Assessment of quotes received. Decision on contractor.
It was unanimously decided that EnviroSk should be given the grass cutting contract for all areas other than cricket and football pitches and Harlaxton Cricket Club (Jason Grosse) should be given the contract for the cricket and football pitches.
Action: Cllr Cartlidge to inform acceptance of quotes and write to unsuccessful companies.
8.5. Hedge Cutting – Assessment of quotes received. Decision on contractor.
It was unanimously decided that Denton Farming Co. should be given the contract for hedge cutting.
Action: Cllr Cartlidge to inform acceptance of quote and write to unsuccessful company.
8.6. HSSC
8.6.1. Roof repairs – update. (Cllr Cartlidge)
Contractor has advised that work will be completed in the next couple of weeks.
8.6.2. CCTV – update on purchase of signage, additional cameras and provision of tv monitor (Cllrs Cartlidge and Wicks)
Awaiting delivery of CCTV signs. TV monitor now installed. Cllr Gabriel enquired about storage of CCTV footage as this would be lost if the equipment was stolen and footage only saved on the hard drive.
Action: Cllrs. Wicks and Gabriel to put up new signage and cameras and investigate storage of CCTV footage.
8.6.3. Accessible Toilets – update. (Cllr Cartlidge) Drawings have now been commissioned.
Action: Cllr. Cartlidge to liaise with designer re. access to HSSC etc.
8.6.4. Car Park Flooding. Update on investigation in conjunction with Harlaxton Manor and quote for replacement pipe. (Cllrs Cartlidge and Wicks)
Cllr. Cartlidge is arranging for the production of drawings and specification for repair of stone culvert and drains under HSSC car park with advice from a Civil Engineer. These will be used to seek quotes for this work.
It was agreed that a formal approach to be made to Harlaxton Manor asking them for assistance with finding the route of existing drains in the vicinity of HSSC.
Action: Cllr. Cartlidge to request quotes for repairs when drawings and specifications are completed. Cllr. Cartlidge to write to Harlaxton Manor.
8.6.5. External Solar Lighting. Update (Councillor Cartlidge)
Work to be completed after additional CCTV cameras are installed.
Action: Cllrs. Wicks, Gabriel and Cartlidge
8.7. Village Hall – update on damp treatment (Cllr Cartlidge) Materials are available and work can be undertaken.
Action: Cllrs. Cartlidge and Gabriel to liaise on completion of work.
8.8. Playing Field Equipment – Assessment of quotes received and decision on replacement swing (Cllr Wicks)
It was unanimously decided that Vale Sport and Leisure’s quote for replacement of the cross beam on the
swing should be accepted.
The purchase of new equipment for the play area was discussed and it was agreed that this should be considered now that the area has been extended.
The monthly H&S report has identified some minor maintenance issues which need to be addressed, including installation of a drop bolt on the access gate. Expenditure of £50 for the drop bolt and accessories was agreed.
Action: Cllr. Wicks to carry out work with assistance if required.
8.9. Harlaxton PC Communications Policy
8.9.1. Revised document. Discussion.
It was unanimously agreed that the revised Policy Document On Use of Personal Electronic Devices, PC Mobile Phone, PC Laptop, Communications and Social Media should be adopted.
Action: Cllr. Brown to place a copy of the document on the HPC website and G:drive.
8.9.2. Harlaxton PC .gov email address. Discussion.
Cllr. Cartlidge provided information regarding the use of .gov.uk email addresses for parish councils. It was agreed that there was no real benefit to HPC in changing from the Gmail address.
It was agreed that Cllr. Whitworth should be given access to the HPC website and website training would be beneficial. A free online training session has been offered by Peter Langford from LALC.
Action: Cllr. Brown to request access to HPC website for Cllr. Whitworth
8.10. Harlaxton PC Co-option Policy - update (Employment Committee and Cllr Brown) Further work required on person specification.
Action: Employment Committee
8.11. Harlaxton PC Standing Orders - update from Standing Orders Working Party (Cllrs Cartlidge, Brown, Whitworth)
Further work required.
Action: Cllrs. Cartlidge, Whitworth and Brown
8.12. Saltby Airfield - update (Cllr Brown)
Further Objections to proposed exit route sent to Melton Borough Council and Lincolnshire County Council. No response received to date. Denton Parish Council have also submitted objections.
Action: Cllr Brown to continue to liaise with other PCs and Saltby residents group.
8.13. Traffic in Harlaxton - update (Cllr Brown)
The speed indicator device has been monitoring traffic on Rectory Lane heading out of the village. The highest speed recorded was 40mph (2 vehicles) The average number of vehicles on this route was around 90 vehicles a day. The device is now monitoring vehicles travelling into the village from the direction of the A607. It was agreed that the next location for SID should be on Swine Hill to monitor vehicles travelling out of the village.
New clips have been purchased for the device.
It was agreed that additional yellow 30mph reminder signs should be purchased from Lincolnshire Speed Partnership. Expenditure £50.
Action: Cllr. Brown to purchase signs.
8.14. Proposed Development off Swine Hill (Cllr Gabriel)
Cllr. Gabriel reported that the “action group” would be meeting on 16 Jan. It was agreed that
correspondence between SKDC and HPC could be shared with the group.
The Parish Council and the action group will consult with on future correspondence with SKDC on the proposed development. This is likely to be when the Parish Council is asked to comment on the draft Local Plan.
Action: Cllr. Gabriel to act as liaison between the Parish Council and the action group. 8.15.
Village Hall - External solar lighting – update (Cllr Cartlidge) Work Completed.
8.16. Telephone Box - update on progress and purchase of clips for glass. (Cllrs Wicks and Cartlidge) Work in progress. Phone box is off site for sand blasting and painting. Glass cleaning ongoing by Cllr. Wicks. Replacement clips required to refit glass.
Action: Cllrs Wicks (glass cleaning and liaison with contractor) and Cllr. Cartlidge (Purchase of clips). 8.17.
Memorial Oak Tree Planting - update Planting complete.
Action: Cllr. Cartlidge to look at possibility of putting photo on Facebook page.
8.18. Christmas Tree – update
Christmas Tree has been taken down and disposed of.
8.19. Coronation of King Charles III - update (Cllrs Darcey and Whitworth)
Village event is being planned for Sunday 07 May 2023 at HSSC. More details to follow.
Action: Cllrs. Darcy, Whitworth and Smith to report back to next meeting,
9. RFO Financial Report
Finances are healthy. There is some concern that resolving the HSSC flooding may be a big expenditure in the next few months and also the accessible toilets at HSSC.
10. Annual Parish Meeting. Agree date and format.
The Annual Parish Meeting must be held between 01 March and 01 June. It was suggested that this could possibly be combined with the Coronation event. This needs to be investigated further.
Action: Cllr. Brown to look at the rules for holding a Parish Meeting.
11. Village Voice Schedule. Decision on frequency.
It was agreed that the Village Voice Newsletter should be distributes every 3 months. The next edition will be delivered at the beginning of March. Distribution by Village Link seems to have worked ok.
Action: Cllr. Brown to prepare next edition.
12. Planning
12.1. Applications
12.1.1. S22/2446 Proposed roof-lift loft conversion. 3 High Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1JBS. Comments to SKDC by 20 Jan 2023.
12.1.2. S22/2349- Proposal: Tree No.2 - Elm - To be removed due to proximity to new extension. 2 Willow Brook, Harlaxton – HPC objection sent to SKDC All noted.
12.2. Decisions
12.2.1. S22/2203 - Proposed first floor extension over existing garage. Location: 6 High Street Harlaxton Lincolnshire NG32 1JE. Permission Granted.
12.2.2. S22/2088 - Proposal: Construction of three self-build dwellings Location: 25 High Street Harlaxton Lincolnshire NG32 1JB. Application withdrawn.
12.2.3. S22/2063 - Proposal: Submission of details reserved by condition 3 (Tree Replacement) of planning approval S22/1376 (Construction of parking area and dropped kerb with the removal of the False Acacia) Location: 29 High Street Harlaxton Lincolnshire Application Type Discharge of Conditions (Planning). Application Withdrawn.
12.2.4. S22/2115 - Proposal: Submission of details reserved by Condition 3 (Tree Survey & Protection Measures) of S22/0704 (erection of single storey side extension and enclosing existing porch) Location: Dalbuie House. Details approved. All noted.
13. Correspondence
13.1. SKDC – Invitation to drop-in session promoting adoption of the Local Government Association’s model
Councillor Code of Conduct. A presentation from the Monitoring Officer or Deputy
Monitoring Officer at South Kesteven District Council on the main changes introduced as part of the model Code and there will be opportunities for you to ask questions in an open forum. Guildhall Arts Centre, St Peters Hill, Grantham NG31 6PZ, Tuesday 17 Jan. Cllr. Cartlidge likely to attend.
13.2. Grantham Canal Society - Invitation to join volunteers, members and spouses for a celebratory meal to mark another successful year on the Canal, on Thursday 26th January 2023, at the Radcliffe on Trent Golf Club, 6.00 p.m. for 7.00 p.m. No interest in attending.
14. AOB
14.1. Playing Field Rental, Portuguese Football Academy.
Carlos Marina has requested a reduction in hiring fee for December in view of 7 sessions being cancelled due to inclement weather and playing conditions. It was unanimously agreed that the fee should be reduced to £150 for December.
Action: Cllr. Cartlidge to inform Carlos Marina of decision.
14.2. Youth Survey
Cllr. Whitworth has completed a survey on Youth Councils on behalf of the Parish Council.
Councillors discussed the possibility of doing more to engage with young people in the village and it was agreed that this could be considered.
Action: Cllr. Whitworth to look at possible options and report back to the Parish Council.
15. Closed Session – None required
16. Next scheduled Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 22 February 2023 19.30 at Harlaxton Village Hall
17. Meeting closed at 22.10hrs.