August 2023 Minures EOM

Harlaxton Parish Council
Chairman: Andrew Cartlidge
Address: 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB
7:30pm on Monday 14 August 2023
Harlaxton Village Hall
1. Meeting Open
The Chair thanked Councillors for attending.
2. Present
Cllrs Wicks, Smith & Cartlidge, plus District Cllr Leadenham
3. Apologies
Cllr Gabriel’s apologies were accepted.
4. Co-option
With only 4 out of 7 Councillor places filled, it was acknowledged that 3 more Councillors are required on the Parish Council. Following their request to join, it was agreed that Morton Phillips would be co-opted as a Councillor of Harlaxton Parish Council. Morton signed the acceptance of office and joined Councillors. Cllr Morton was warmly welcomed.
5. Manor Drive Flooding
The Council had received three quotes for the suction clearing of the stone culvert below the grassed area and car park. The costs and rates were discussed. It was proposed and seconded and agreed that Bates Environmental should be commissioned to carry out the works.
A draft letter to inform adjacent neighbours was discussed and the wording agreed upon.
It was agreed that quotes should be sought for the installation of concrete rings and an inspection cover over the current excavation in the grassed area. Councillors were reminded that the fencing is currently on weekly hire until these works are complete.
It was agreed that quotes should be sought for the car park surfacing repairs, although these works should follow after a time to allow the soils to stabilise once the escape of water has been confirmed to be resolved. The previous Insurance settlement figure for the car park surfacing repair was discussed. It was agreed that this needed to be followed up and the settlement figure matured with the Loss Adjuster because the area of damage has grown since their settlement offer was made.
The aggregate of costs [hpc and cllr funded] for the various investigations were discussed, and included the following [where possible, accurate figures are included here for reference]:
Jan 2020, Contractor to excavate trial holes £552.00 [hpc]
Feb 2020, Consultant to carry out drainage cctv survey £510.00 [hpc]
Feb 2021, Hire of drainage cctv equipment £241.92 [cllr]
March 2021, Hire of drainage cctv equipment £161.28 [cllr]
Dec 2021, Hire of Ground Penetrating Radar £440.88 [cllr]
April 2023, Contractor to search for pipe £720.00 [hpc]
July 2023, purchase of sonde transmitters £558.00 [cllr]
July 2023, hire of sonde receiver £103.50 [cllr]
July 2023, purchase of sonde receiver £288.00 [cllr]
July 2023, Drainage rods £416.85 [cllr]
July 2023, Contractor to excavate and locate culvert [circa] £360 [pc]
July 2023, hire of fencing [circa] £25 per week + VAT [cllr]
While the earlier costs were shared with the Loss Adjuster, it was agreed that the additional later costs should also be raised as part of agreeing the settlement figure for the repair of the car park surfacing. It was further agreed that representations should be made regarding the Councils dissatisfaction at the performance of the insurers contractor who claimed to have solved the drainage issue in 2021.
6. HSSC (Servicing of sewage treatment plant)
The package sewage treatment system below the car park and front grassed area was last serviced in 2019. Allerton have provided a quote of £117 + VAT, which is only slightly more than their previous invoice of £104.50 + VAT. It was proposed and seconded that their quote should be accepted.
7. Meeting Close