October 2023 DRAFT Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Chair: Andrew Cartlidge
Email: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Address: 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB
Website: http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Harlaxton/
Parish Council Meeting
7:30pm on Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
1. Meeting Opened: 19:30
2. In Attendance: Cllrs Wicks, Smith, Phillips, Cartlidge
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance): Cllr Gabriel
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: PCM of 27 September 2023: Approved and signed.
5. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion): None Present
6. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime
Cllr Leadenham: Forbidden Forest event [31 May to 2 June]. A Belvoir Vale Parish Group has been formed and will be meeting on 31 October 2023 at the Castle to discuss their proposals. The Planning hearing at Melton BC is on 6 November. There is also a new Belvoir Ward website in production, which will act as a hub to promote what’s going on in the region.
Cllr Leadenham was asked to follow up the invoices for the EnvironmentSK/SKDC grass cutting, and to arrange for clearing the weeds on the footpaths around and connecting Walton Way and De Ligne Drive.
Cllr Leadenham advised that filled sandbags are available from SKDC in emergencies.
7. Updates and Discussions
7.1. Clerk/Administrator
The advert is in the next VV and on the PC website and will be promoted further.
7.2. Harlaxton PC Standing Orders (Standing Orders Working Party – Cllrs Gabriel and Wicks)
This is a work in progress
7.3. LALC Training: Councillors to review available dates.
7.4. Telephone Box (Cllr Wicks): The temporarily signs had come adrift in the wind. The backboard needs fitting and will be arrange shortly.
7.5. Village Voice: Thanks were given to Cllrs Phillips and Gabriel for writing the introduction, and Jane Brown for their continued hard work in pulling the document together. The Winter/December 2023 document is in draft.
7.6. Traffic and SID (Speed Indicator Device): This has been turned to face down Swine Hill. Data for the recent period will be forthcoming.
7.7. Proposed Development off Swine Hill: SKDC has replied to confirm that their housing policy plan is up to date, demonstrating a 5-year land supply, and they do not need to amend sites that are not allocated for development.
7.8. RFO Financial Report (Cllr Cartlidge): Balances are healthy and in line with planned expenditure.
7.9. Bank Mandates: These have been submitted for HSBC and MMBS.
7.10. Harlaxton Twinning with Pontmain: Harlaxton Village Hall has been offered the ceremonial mirror, and the committee will discuss this at their next meeting.
7.11. Village Flower Beds: Grateful thanks were extended to Lesley Parkes and colleagues, who have carried out considerable planting on the various flower beds and planters around the village.
7.12. Councillor Expenses: It was agreed to cover the expenses of replacing the HSSC CCTV recorder and the materials to infill the excavation in the HSSC car park.
8. Village Hall
8.1. Licence Agreement: Councillors are working through the document. It was agreed to extend the current agreement until 31 December 2023, with the new agreement commencing on 1 January 2024.
8.2. Improvements to WC’s, sinks and Flooring (Cllr Wicks & Smith]: Pending further consideration.
9.1. Solar Lighting: These will be installed shortly.
9.2. Accessible Toilets: Only one quote has been received. Further quotes are to be sought.
9.3. Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding. (Cllrs Cartlidge, Wicks): Three new quotes have been received for a new pipe with accessible chambers at either end. Two quotes are very close, and it was agreed that the Council should accept [subject to receipt of insurance documents] the contractor who can commence the works soonest. It was agreed that a trash screen is required for the end of the ditch in Coopers Plantation; costs are to be investigated. It was agreed that a grit bin with grit/sand should be located at the car park; a budget cost of £500 was agreed – small bags to be stored in the HSSC container.
9.4. Car Parking during events: The Portuguese Football Academy are making efforts to spread out their fixtures to help manage the use of the HSSC car park. However, it was noted that there remains some inconsiderate parking on the village roads. To be discussed with the advisor at Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils [LALC].
9.5. Weed clearing: Thanks were given to Cllr Wicks, who is progressing. Weed repellent to be considered for next year.
10. Sports Field
10.1. Playing Area Equipment. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks): Minor maintenance works are in progress.
10.2. Coopers Plantation: The contractor has been appointed and has yet to advise a start date.
10.3. Enquiry to hire for a Charity Dog Show & Fete: It was agreed to accept the hire for £100. Parking on the sports field will be considered at the time, subject to ground and weather conditions. Concerns were expressed regarding the attendance of fairground rides. To protect the sports field, it was agreed to accept these only if they were small and towed by a car or small 4x4.
11. Grass Cutting, Hedges, etc
11.1. Grass Cutting: Despite sending out 10 requests to quote, only one quote has been received for the main village cutting, and two for cutting the sports field. Although slightly more expensive, it was agreed that the quote from the current sports field grass-cutting contractor could be accepted because they carry out many additional cuts as part of their other activities, which keeps the grass cuttings on the sports field to a minimum. However, further quotes should be sought for the main village cutting. The decision has been deferred until the PCM on 29 November.
11.2. Hedges: With the exception of the hedge on A607/Gregory close [which is pending] the works have been completed, save for the outside of the sports field hedge, where access wasn’t available.
12. Planning Applications
12.1. S23/1613, Coneygree, 26 High Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1JD, Section 211 notice to cut back the lowest overhanging branches on Silver, Birch tree to the boundary, approx. 2-3m in length. Cut back the lowest two branches of Scots Pine tree to the trunk, approx. 2-3m in length. Cut down height of Laurel bush by 20% to approx. 1m above the height of the fence and trim back to the boundary. To prune Leylandii/spruce by 5%.
12.2. S23/1681, Land Off The Drift, Harlaxton, South Kesteven, NG32 1AE, Works to T5 - Reduce the first significant branch back to the branch collar.
12.3. S23/1605, 25 High Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1JB, Proposed change to plot boundary, construction of a double garage to the rear of the property and minor landscaping work.
13. Correspondence
26092023 BTS, suggest that SKDC should be contacted to confirm TPO scope.
26092023 Villager asks for drop kerb on High Street at the junction with Trotters Lane.
27092023 ET, Acknowledgement of correspondence
27092023 DS, Agrees to contribute
28092023 Allerton, invoice for HSSC treatment works service
28092023 SKDC, advises the grass cutting invoices will be raised shortly
28092023 MC, copies PC into correspondence with SKDC
28092023 DFC, advises hedges likely cut mid-October
28092023 RL, advises contact at SKDC for funding
28092023 RS, confirm previous arrangement for venue hire
30092023 JB, quote for grass cutting
01102023 RL, representation received ref Forbidden Forest
02102023 JG, invoice for sports field grass cutting
02102023 JG, quote for grass cutting sports field etc
02102023 JG, revised quote
03102023 SKDC, suggests application is made
04102023 BTS, confirms they’ll progress with application
04102023 NG, quote for HSSC car park drainage
05102023 ET, confirms meeting
06102023 DW, quote for HSSC car park drainage
08102023 HVH, provides accounts for 2022-2023
09102023 JW, quote for HSSC car park drainage
10102023 JG, ref sports field hire
10102023 SKDC, responds to query ref Swine Hill
10102023 CM, confirms use of football pitches
14102023 HSSC, advices remedial works to Calor Gas pipework
16102023 LCC, confirms dropped kerb will be considered
16102023 ET, advises the course of action is pending
17102023 CA, comments ref road markings
14. Closed Session (If required): None
15. Any other business: Cllr Wicks to compile the list for Cllr Vernon’s meeting with LCC Highways
16. Next scheduled Parish Council Meeting: 7:30pm Wednesday 29 November 2023.
17. Meeting close: 21:15