September 2023 Minutes EOM

Harlaxton Parish Council
Chairman: Andrew Cartlidge
Address: 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB
Extra General Meeting
7:45pm on Thursday 7 September 2023
Harlaxton Village Hall
1. Meeting Open @ 7:45pm
2. Present: Cllrs Wicks, Smith, Gabriel, Phillips & Cartlidge
3. Apologies: none required
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings:
PCM of 28 June 2023 & 26 July 2023, EGM of 14 August 2023 and PCM of 30 August
The minutes were agreed and approved.
5. Football Pitch Hire
The updated contract was discussed and agreed to be issued to the hirer for signing.
6. Cooper Plantation
The four quotes were discussed, and it was agreed that two quotes from one operative merited further consideration. It was agreed that Cllrs Gabriel and Phillips should discuss the work with the adjacent landowner before the work was instructed to proceed.
7. Drainage of the patio area to the south side of HSSC building
Four quotes have been received, ranging from circa £1.5k to £4.5k. It was discussed that because of recent progress and pending works on the Manor Drive Flooding, which are hoped will return the below-ground surface water drainage below the car park to normal operations, and the future intention to renew the land drain towards the top of the playing field [to help alleviate overland flooding from the fields above], it was agreed to defer these works for now.
8. Administrator
The need for an administrator was discussed. Cllr Gabriel to investigate other means of promoting and advertising the role.
9. Bank Mandates
The current mandates with HSBC and Melton Building Society were discussed, and it was agreed that Cllrs Wicks, Phillips and Cartlidge would complete the new mandates, and that Cllr Phillips would join Cllrs Wicks and Cartlidge for the online bank access.
10. Employment
Correspondence has been received regarding additional pay. This was discussed, and it was agreed that Councillors shall prepare a response.
11. Closed session if required
12. AOB
12.1. Land adjacent to Swine Hill: The draft letter from the working party was discussed and accepted to send to SKDC requesting an update.
12.2. Sports Field Hire: A request has been received to run a charity dog show and fête on 23 June 2024. It was agreed to request further information on previous/anticipated attendees, vehicles and parking needs.
12.3. Manor Drive Flooding: The contractor is attending on Tuesday, 12 September, to clear the congestion from the stone culvert below the HSSC car park. Commissioning a condition survey of the stone culvert, and the possibility of requesting access to prove the condition of the upstream length, was discussed. It was agreed to commission a quote for a condition survey of the stone culvert below the car park alone. To help mitigate further invasive materials from upstream congesting the stone culvert again, the possibility of introducing a gravel trap to the edge of the car park was discussed. It was agreed to obtain quotes for both the inspection chamber in the grass area, and a gravel trap. Quotes should also be sought for the future repair of the car park surfacing.
13. Meeting Close @ 9:20pm