July 2023 Minutes

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Harlaxton Parish Council
Chair:   Andrew Cartlidge

Email:   harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Address:  3 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincs, NG32 1HB
Website:  http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Harlaxton/

Parish Council Meeting 7:30pm on Wednesday 26 July 2023
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU


1.   Meeting opened at 7:30pm.

The chair thanks everyone for attending

2.   In Attendance:

Cllrs, Wicks, Smith & Cartlidge

3.   Apologies (Non-Attendance): Apologies accepted from Cllr Gabriel

4.   Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: PCM of 28 June 2023
With only two councillors in attendance from the previous meeting, this was carried forward.

5.   Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)

Three villagers were in attendance. Concerns were raised at the recent police speed survey on The Drift. It was reported that they arrived at circa 1pm on 21 July, placed themselves in full sight from the top and bottom of the road, and were active for 20 minutes. Villagers report that while the behaviour of vehicles was visibly addressed by their presence, their full visibility as massively under reported the extent of speeding behaviour that otherwise occurs throughout the day, particularly during either ends of the school day.

Questions asked: Where are the additional roundels from Lincolnshire County Council, What does the SID data show for the speeds on 30 June when the A607 was closed, Can LCC place the rubber tubes to measure speed, both now and again when the schools re-open in September.

6.   Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime

District Councillor Leadenham provided 8 of the larger 30mph speed signs which are hoped will not fade in the  sun, and 40 circa A4 style self-adhesive for placing on bins etc. Cllr Leadenham reports that they’ve managed to organise a number of County and District Councillors to attend the Community Speed Watch [CSW] training, along with a number of villagers from various Parishes, and would like some Harlaxton villagers to join in. Their current plan is for each attending Parish to buy its own speed camera and to have a reciprocal arrangement with other villages to limit the need for villagers to carry out speed watch activities in their own village, in the spirit of the “Don’t Lose Hope” scheme in Bourne.

Cllr Leadenham is also progressing with an initiative to organise a Mental Health First Aider in each Parish throughout the Belvoir Ward and would like villagers interested in being trained up to contact him. Cllr Leadenham is also developing a scheme to have an Alzheimer/Dementia Memory Café once a month and would like   volunteers to come forward who can help with this.

7.   Updates and Discussions

7.1.   Co-Option

With three Councillor spaces still available on Harlaxton Parish Council, there have been no new applications, although a previous applicant has registered new interest which needs to be followed up.

7.2.   Job description and person specification for Parish Clerk/Administrator (Employment Committee) This has been publicised and will continue to be promoted.

7.3.   Harlaxton PC Standing Orders (Standing Orders Working Party – Cllrs Gabriel and Wicks) This is a work in progress

7.4.   LALC Training

Training opportunities will be regular circulated for Councillors to consider.
7.5.   Telephone Box (Cllr Wicks)

Options for the wording were discussed and it was agreed to adopt “Harlaxton” and “Information” on alternate upper windows. The backboard is yet to be fitted.

7.6.   Village Voice

Villager Jane Brown has issued a final draft and this now needs to be proof read and then sent for printing at The Manor, along with a new ream of A3 paper.

7.7.   Traffic and SID (Speed Indicator Device)

The purchase of a speed camera was discussed, but in the current absence of volunteers to attend the CSW training, the decision to purchase was postponed.

It was agreed to include an additional flyer in the next Village Link delivered to Harlaxton to encourage villager participation in the CSW scheme.

7.8.   Saltby Airfield

The correspondence from PW was discussed and, in light of other parish council responses, it was agreed that Harlaxton Parish Council would send a representative. JB has previously offered to continue with this topic and would be asked to attend if they have time.

7.9.   Proposed Development off Swine Hill

No new updates since last time. Land adjacent to Swine Hill has not been re-designated as suitable for housing, and there is no current planning application.

7.10.   RFO Financial Report (Cllr Cartlidge)

Finances are healthy and expenditure is in line with budget, and no calls upon reserves, however caution was expressed in respect of the ongoing issue of damage to the Sports and Social Club car park surfacing and ongoing escapes of water, which in wetter periods continues to cause ongoing flooding.

It was noted that EnvironmentSK [who currently have the contract to do the majority of the grass cutting in Harlaxton] has still not submitted any invoices and has not replied to request for dates of previous or future planned cuts. It was agreed to escalate concerns within SKDC. Cllr Leadenham also volunteered to follow this up.

7.11.   Internal Audit

This was completed previously and so far, there has been no follow up from PKF Littlejohn ref their external audit. Traditionally the internal auditor has asked that a donation be made to a Charity. It was agreed that a £50 donation should be sent to Claire House Children’s Hospice in Bebington, Wirral.

8.   Village Hall

8.1.   Damp treatment

These works have now been completed

8.2.   Improvements to WC’s, sinks and Flooring (Cllr Wicks & Smith) Councillors are yet to review the License Agreement and discuss

8.3.   Licence Agreement

Councillors are to work through and mature the current document

9.   HSSC

9.1.   Defibrillator

The Parish Council had gone out to obtain quotes from four contractors. One attended but despite following up has not provided a quote. Another, who has previously carried out works at the HSSC, provided a quote of £150 + materials without attending. Cllr Wicks declared a pecuniary interest. Although the preference is to obtain at least three quotations, it was agreed that the Chair should use their position to approve the work so that the defibrillator could be installed promptly on the HSSC building near the Sports Field.

9.2.   CCTV

While the CCTV is working, it had previously been agreed to install additional cameras to capture more of the car park. However, it transpires that the current system is not suitable for additional cameras. It was agreed that one of the front cameras would be replaced with a new camera of a wider field of vision, and the previously purchased additional cameras [now not suitable] should be sold and the Parish Council reimbursed.

9.3.   Solar Lighting

The position of additional lighting must avoid blinding the CCTV, and will be agreed in due course.
9.4.   Accessible Toilets (Cllr Cartlidge)

The Parish Council had gone out to eleven contractors for quotations. Several have replied that they were too busy. One has attended to observe and has advised that they will be quoting in August. At least three quotations will be required for these works. Further work required to seek quotes.

9.5.   Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding (Cllrs Cartlidge, Wicks)

While the replacement Loss Adjuster has conceded that the Parish Council does benefit from the drainage below the car park, they have now advised that because the drainage is not connected to a Parish Council building, the drainage is beyond the scope of the policy and therefore not an insured peril. Further work required to consider this.

Councillors have been working with The Manor to trace the pipe from the known outfall by the former  boat house in The Lake. Grateful thanks were offered to the Manor for their help in tracing this across   their land, and in creating trial holes to further the survey efforts. Work will continue in the coming days to determine how the pipe crosses Manor Drive, and the outcome will then guide what actions are required  to help mitigate the ongoing issue.

9.6.   Drainage of patio area to south side of HSSC building (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)

The Parish Council had gone out to fifteen contractors for quotations. Most replied that they were too busy. Two have attended to observe and both have provided quotes. One other quote was also received. The three quotes were discussed and it was agreed that other contractors should be asked to quote before the decision is taken to adopt the current lowest quote.

10.   Sports Field

10.1.   Playing Area Equipment. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks)

The Basket Square has been fixed. There is a loose panel on the multi-play. The RoSPA inspection is due in August.

10.2.   Damage to Bowls Club fence and hedging

The chain link fence has been repaired. The PFA have now provided beech hedging and the Bowls Club has planted them.

10.3.   Football Pitch Hire – Portuguese Football Academy [PFA]

The new draft contract has been circulated to Councillors. In the meantime, it was agreed that this should now be shared with the PFA.

10.4.   Coopers Plantation

A villager has asked for permission to cut back overhanging branches in their garden. The Council replied they had no objection. The villager has since advised that some of the branches are dangerous had some had fallen in recent winds. It was agreed that the Parish Council will ask contractors to quote. A budget of £500 was set for these works.

10.5.   Village Fayre (provisionally Saturday 2 September 2023]

This is being organised by the Sports & Social Club [the Club] committee [of which three councillors are members]. It was agreed that when more information is available, the Council will promote on the PC website, Facebook and noticeboards.

11.   Pearson Gregory Field

11.1.   Dead tree removal

These works have been completed

11.2.   Consider a working party to make proposals to develop and improve

It was agreed that there are currently too few councillors to take on this project. New Councillors, or other villagers willing to assist, who would be prepared to help with this project would be welcomed.

12.   Grass Cutting, Hedges, etc

12.1.   Grass Cutting and Hedges

The Parish Council had gone out to six contractors for quotations. Three have provided a quotation: £1200 + VAT, £520 + VAT and £450 + VAT. It was unanimously agreed to instruct the lowest quote.

12.2.   Coffin Walk

Don Walker and family have recently been cutting back the overgrowth along Coffin Walk. Councillors expressed their grateful thanks to Don and his family for their kind assistance.
13.   Planning Applications

13.1.   S23/1036 4 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HB. Repair of internal plaster wall caused by water ingress from broken roof tile.

No Councillor comments

13.2.   S23/1119 2 Dimmock Close, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HG. Two storey side and front extension. Ground floor rear extension of the dwelling.

No Councillor comments

13.3.   S23/1106 12 Manor Drive, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HU. Works to TPO Tree(s). No Councillor comments

13.4.   S23/1117 Fourwinds, Main Road, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HJ. Replacement Dwelling. No Councillor comments

13.5.   S23/1154 & 1165 10 Church Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HB. Demolition of rear extensions to Listed Building; Construction of single storey new rear extension; Conversion of loft of detached garage to create a habitable room; Internal alterations within Listed Building including remodelling to create a new bathroom.

While Councillors had no objection to the scheme, concerns had been expressed to Councillors regarding access to the site across the Church car-park, where there has recently also been damage to the gravel edging. The Church car-park is private land and there is no automatic right of way to the site across this land. It was agreed that these concerns should be expressed to SKDC, and Cllr Leadenham will also follow up internally.

13.6.   S23/1169 8 Pond Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HW. Section 211 notice to prune Ivy bush to the boundary (T1), Apple tree to the boundary (T2) and prune Apple/Hawthorne to give clearance to fence. No Councillor comments

14.   Correspondence

19062023   RD, confirms interest in quoting for the channel drain to the rear of the HSSC 19062023   SP, advises too busy to quote for the channel drain
22062023   PC, payroll details provided for the community cleaner 26062023   DS, asks for permission to cut back overhanging branches
27062023   Scribe, invoice for the Sports Field online booking software subscription 27062023   LR, quote for the channel drain to the rear of the HSSC
27062023   RS of LCC, their survey on the Drift on 19 June showed 15% at more than 35mph: “Not Good” 28062023   BP, advises too busy to quote for the HSSC channel drain
28062023   CA, asks for SID date for The Drift
28062023   JE, advises too busy to quote for the HSSC channel drain 28062023   JC, confirms interest in quoting for the HSSC channel drain 30062023   JR, request for internal audit information
30062023   CA, advises significant speeding traffic along The Drift due to the A607 closure 30062023   RS of LCC, correspondence on speeding along The Drift
30062023   PW ref Saltby Airfield, invites parish councils to attend regular liaison meetings 30062023   PKF Littlejohn, confirms receipt of AGAR
02072023   DW, quote for the installation of the Defibrillator at the HSSC 05072023   LP, ask for name to be redacted
07072023   Cllr RL, update on CSW and additional speed signs 11072023   SM, quote for hedge cutting
11072023   Cllr RL, update on CSW
12072023   LCC, notice of traffic restriction on Gorse Lane
13072023   DF for SKDC, requests address for community cleaner bags 13072023   JR, requests internal audit fee to be paid to a charity 14072023   NW, CC of email sent to school ref driver behaviour 17072023   ROSPA, notice of play area fee and inspection during August
17072023   PA of Crawford Loss Adjuster, interim update on progress of Manor Drive Flooding insurance claim 18072023   DS, advises large branches fallen on their land

15.   Closed Session - None required

16.   Any other business - None

17.   Next scheduled Parish Council Meeting: 7:30pm Wednesday 30 August 2023.

18.   Meeting closed at 9pm