May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Harlaxton Parish Council
3 Church St, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HB
Annual Meeting of the Council
7:30pm on Monday 15 May 2023
Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HU
1. Meeting Open at 7:30pm
The outgoing chair thanked those for attending and explained that their final role under this session was to oversee the appointment of a new Chair and Vicechair and that after the appointment of the new Chair, they would take over the meeting.
2. In Attendance
Simon Wicks, Kathy Smith, Keith Gabriel and Andrew Cartlidge
3. Apologies (Non-Attendance)
All Present. N/A
4. Appointment of Chairperson
Councillors asked Cllr Cartlidge if they would be willing to continue as Chair. The was agreed unanimously.
5. Appointment of Vice-Chair
Councillors asked Cllr Wicks if they would be willing to continue. This was agreed unanimously.
6. Signing of the acceptance of office (Chair and Vice-Chair)
These were duly signed in the meeting.
7. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
8. Financial:
8.1. Review of Standing Orders & Policies
It was agreed that this should be covered under 13.2 in the subsequent meeting.
9. Roles and Responsibilities:
9.1. Standing Orders Working Party
It was agreed that this should be covered under 13.2 below.
9.2. Village Hall
Cllr Cartlidge was unanimously appointed.
9.3. Harlaxton Sports and Social Club
Cllr Wicks was unanimously appointed.
9.4. Finance
Until a Clerk/Administrator was in place, and to work alongside the external consultant appointed to make the necessary checks and submissions, it was agreed that Cllr Cartlidge should be appointed to carry out the day to day activities and report back to Councillors.
9.5. Employment Committee
Cllr Gabriel and Cllr Andrew were unanimously appointed
9.6. Village Voice
Jane Brown, who has looked after the Village Voice in recent times, had previously offered to continue under the previous council. The Council will ask if they are prepared to continue.
9.7. SID/Traffic
Jane Brown, who has looked after the Speed Indicator device and reporting in recent times, had previously offered to continue under the previous council. The Council will ask if they are prepared to continue.
Cllrs Gabriel, Wicks and Cartlidge volunteered to help with the moving of SID around the village.
9.8. Website
Cllr Cartlidge was asked to continue in the role until a Clerk/Administrator is brought in.
Close of Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
Start of the regular Parish Council Meeting
10. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meetings: PCM 29 March 2023 & EGM 12 April 2023
These were unanimously agreed and signed in the meeting.
11. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)
Three members of the public were present and were keen to continue watching.
12. Updates - County Councillor, District Councillor, Police & Crime.
Cllrs Vernon and Leadenham had offered their apologies.
13. Updates and Discussions
13.1. Job description and person specification for Parish Clerk/Administrator (Employment Committee)
It was agreed that Cllrs Gabriel and Cartlidge would meet next week [22/26 May] to write a person specification for consideration by the Council.
13.2. Harlaxton PC Standing Orders (Standing Orders Working Party)
It was agreed that Cllrs Wicks and Gabriel would meet next week [22/26 May] to read through the current policies and proposed updates and amendments as necessary for consideration by the Council.
13.3. Insurance Renewal
The new premium by the current Insurer, Hiscox, is £4,248.24.00. An increase from last years premium of £3,849.23. The broker, Gallagher have advised that this increase is inline with their usual yearly increment and remains elevated from earlier years because of the Insurance Claim for the escape of water through the HSSC car park in July 2024, less than three years ago.
BHIB have quoted £ 1,474.39, but this was assuming that the PC was beyond the 3 year claim period. BHIB will be asked to re-quote.
13.4. LALC Training
New courses will soon be available and Councillors were encouraged to attend.
13.5. BronzeCon Use of Playing Field
The Council has not received a reply to its request for further information and it is presumed no longer to be running.
13.6. Coronation of King Charles III (Cllr Smith)
Grateful thanks were offered to all of those who worked so hard to being the event into being, especially Kate Darcey and Cllrs Smith. The tombola raised £130 which was donated to the Motor Neuron Disease charity. The dog show was also as well attended.
13.7. Annual Meeting of the Parish
The event was held on the evening of Monday 20 March and, while it was better attended that the previous year, councillors expressed dismay that more villagers did not participate in the event to meet the various organisations and groups in the village.
13.8. Telephone Box (Cllr Wicks)
The box has been painted and installed; the glass has now been put back in. The backboard has yet to be installed. The top panels to say “Harlaxton” and “Information” need to be made. Kate Darcey confirmed that the History Society would like to have a display inside showing a map and highlighting the history withing the village. Cllrs Gabriel has investigated solar lighting, which would consider of a solar panel on the roof connected to a light inside, however questioned why the existing mains could not be reconnected. Cllrs Cartlidge advised that previously people had suggested this was a waste of electricity. Cllr Cartlidge was asked to review the bank statements for previous payments. Cllr Wicks suggested that the top of the inside could be painted white to help reflect light back to the display boards.
13.9. Village Voice
See item 9.6
13.10. Traffic and SID (Speed Indicator Device)
See item 9.7
13.11. Saltby Airfield
Councillors expressed disappointment that this was approved by Melton Borough Council. Jane Brown provided an update by email that this has been approved and the group objecting to the approval intents to make a complaint to Melton Borough Council at the handling of the case.
13.12. Proposed Development off Swine Hill (Cllr Gabriel)
South Kesteven have advised that the review of the future land use is still process and that the production of the draft report is now planned for later this year. South Kesteven have advised in the meantime that they still have sufficient housing in production elsewhere.
13.13. RFO Financial Report (Cllr Cartlidge)
See attachments
The bank balance is healthy to meet the reserves allocated in case for incidents to the Village Hall, Sports and Social Club, and Sports Fields. However, the current 2023/2024 budget allocation exceeds this year’s precept of £19436 from SKDC [not increased in recent years] and the Council will be reliant upon other incomes should all the budget allocations be realised. As usual, the council should proceed with caution, particularly considering the increase in insurance premium and the pending remedial works to the HSSC Car Park.
The Asset Register is up to day and AGAR and VAT126 reclaiming £2285.35 for 2022-2023 is complete. It was agreed that these can now be sent to Peter Chalk for review and submission.
The position of the VAT reclaim for 2021-2022 should also be determined.
14. Village Hall
14.1. Damp treatment (Cllrs Cartlidge and Gabriel)
With the arrival of fine dry weather, Cllr Cartlidge will action this shortly.
14.2. Line markings (Cllr Cartlidge)
Allan Tyrrell Surface has previously accepted that they will return to correct the detached line marking in the drier weather. Now that we have fine weather, Allan should be followed up to arrange for the works to be completed.
14.3. Improvements to WC’s, sinks and Flooring
The committee have written in to ask for a contribution to the improvement in the WC’s and some areas of flooring. Some of the areas may be under the responsibility of the Parish Council. Cllrs Wicks and Smith to review the constitution and report back to the Council on their findings.
15. HSSC
15.1. Defibrillator (Cllr Wicks)
Quotation for the install of the electrics to the box are pending. The unit is in the store room and the Box now has a combination lock. The suggested position is the wall panel between the kitchen and changing room doors.
15.2. CCTV (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
The additional cameras will be installed shortly.
15.3. Solar Lighting (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
The solar lighting will be installed following the position of the new cameras.
15.4. Accessible Toilets (Cllr Cartlidge)
Drawings have been received from Steve Turner Design, which have also been sent to the HSSC committee. Quotes for the works now need to be sought. Suggested names include Simon Pacey in the village, Dave King who is known from work in the village and Robert Spencer.
Steve Turner has presented an interim invoice of £1110 inc VAT, which is within their previous proposal of £1000 + VAT plus meetings at £25/hr + VAT. It was motioned that this should be settled.
15.5. Car Park and Manor Drive Flooding. (Cllrs Cartlidge, Wicks)
Two quotes have been received for the replacement of the leaking culvert below the HSSC car park, both around £40K. These have been sent to the Loss Adjuster [LA] for consideration. Previously the LA has rejected that this is an insured item because, at that time, it thought the culvert did not benefit the Council. The claim has been re-presented to notify them that the adjacent Playing Field is drained into the ditch, which discharges into the below-ground drainage in the Coopers Plantation. It is now hoped that the LA will reconsider and refer this back to the previous insurer AXA so that a settlement can be reached and remedial works carried out. The Council is now waiting for a further response from the Loss Adjuster.
15.6. Rainwater goods (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
Cllrs Wicks and Gabriel cleared the hopper and the below ground drainage and rainwater now seems to be flowing away again. Cllr Gabriel will return to repoint the eroded mortar joints shortly.
15.7. Drainage of patio area to south side of HSSC building (Cllr Wicks & Gabriel)
In Progress
16. Sports Field
16.1. Playing Area Equipment – Update on purchase and installation of replacement beam. Latest inspection report (Cllr Wicks)
The appointed contractor has replaced the defective beam and Cllrs Wicks has reattached the swings. Cllrs Wicks and Gabriel have installed the missing drop to the mower access gate.
The community cleaner should be asked about the playing field bin, which seems to be full more regularly.
The grass is long and the mowing contractor needs to be approached about their mowing schedule. Cllr Wicks to follow up via HPC Gmail.
16.2. Damage to Bowls Club fence and hedging
The Portuguese Football Academy [PFA]/Carlos has been asked by HPC Gmail to make repairs by providing Beech trees to the Bowls Club to replace those removed. PFA/Carlos to be followed up to complete this repair.
Cllr Gabriel and Cartlidge to make repairs to the chain link fence and remove the remaining branches.
16.3. Flag Pole
Positions discussed would be adjacent to the HSSC noticeboard, or just inside and to the left of the sports field gate. Alternatively, the Council could approach BT to ask if their galvanised pole could be used to support a flag. However, other than coronation/jubilee events, this is a feature that would not be well used and an expense that the PC can ill afford and the Council should write to the PFA to advise them that if the Football Association requires them to have a flag and flagpole, then the Council would have no objection to the PFA providing their own.
16.4. Football Pitch Hire – Portuguese Football Academy
Following the EGM of 12 April, a new contact between the PC and the PFA is required. Cllrs Gabriel and Cartlidge to consider and report back to the Council.
17. Pearson Gregory Field
17.1. Quotes for dead tree removal
Three quotes have been received, Belvoir Tree Services £144 in VAT, Crimson Kings £204 inc VAT and Eden Tree Services [Adam Rob] £250 [apparently inc VAT]. Councillors motioned that Belvoir Tree Services should be appointed and the neighbour who notified us of the tree updated.
17.2. Consider a working party to make proposals to develop and improve
Councillors agreed that the Council would like to develop this great facility, but had to accept that there were not currently sufficient Councillors to progress with proposals at this time.
18. Planning Applications
18.1. S23/0489 2 Pond Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HW. Erection of detached timber frame carport/store and the conversion of existing detached outbuilding to form a residential annexe
18.2. S23/0032 Willow Cottage, 2 West End, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HE. Erection of 2x outbuildings/sheds
19. Correspondence
19.1. 29/3/23 SK, request for information
19.2. 29/3/23 SE, thanking HPC for the Harlaxton Traffic Report
19.3. 29/3/23 CM of Portuguese Football Academy, seeking meeting with PC ref new business
19.4. 30/3/23 PM, damage to the Bowls Club hedging and fence
19.5. 3/4/23 CF, ACAS
19.6. 5/4/23 SKDC, response to planning query
19.7. 5/4/23 RD, acknowledging request for quotation ref Manor Drive Flooding
19.8. 6/4/23 SKDC, notice of uncontested election
19.9. 6/4/23 AA, enquires if HPC has any allotments
19.10. 10/4/23 Harlaxton Village Hall, query ref responsibility to maintain and improve WC’s, sinks and flooring
19.11. 11/4/23 LALC, invoice for Website Management
19.12. 11/4/23 RD, invoice for exploratory excavations
19.13. 16/4/23 Holly Carter [Dean of The Manor], thanking HPC for the Gala invitation
19.14. 21/4/23 Dale Marriott [SKDC Ground Maintenance], acknowledges email ref non-mowing issues
19.15. 21/4/23 Thomas Lister – request to use the Playing Field for a small (push) bike meet
19.16. 22/4/23 JG [Harlaxton Cricket Club], invoice for 2No grass cuts of the Playing Field
19.17. 24/4/23 HP [Grantham Dramatic Society], request to place banner on A607 verge
19.18. 26/4/23 KH, advises concern damaged/dead tree in Pearson Gregory Field
19.19. 26/4/23 Vale Sport & Leisure, invoice for replacement swing beam
19.20. 26/4/23 Gallagher Brokers, advice on 2023/24 Insurance Premium
19.21. 26/4/23 CM [Portuguese Football Acadamy], request to use the Sportsfield for 4 football matches on Saturday 6 May
19.22. 27/4/23 DC, request to use the Sports Field for football training on Sunday 30 April
19.23. 27/4/23 Peter Chalk [Harlaxton Sports & Social Club], concern at possible football on 6 May
19.24. 27/4/23 ST, issues updated drawings for the HSSC Accessible WC’s
19.25. 27/4/23 ST, invoice for work to date
19.26. 2/5/23 BA, enquiry ref use of mobile catering van at HSSC car park
19.27. 2/5/23 Crimson Kings, quote for Pearson Gregory Tree removal
19.28. 3/5/23 AR, quote for Pearson Gregory Tree removal
19.29. 4/5/23 LCC Highways, responding to query ref Grantham Dramatic Society Banner on A607 verge
19.30. 4/5/23 Belvoir Tree Services, quote for Pearson Gregory Tree removal
19.31. 4/5/23 BA, sending insurance details
19.32. 5/5/23 BHIB, insurance quotation
20. Closed Session (If required)
None Required
21. Any other business
Co-option. There are three spaces available on the Parish Council. SKDC to be asked about the protocol for advertising these now that the new council has been formed.
Expenses (1) Concerns were raised at the cost of printing ink. It was agreed that the Council would consider covering such reasonable expenses if receipts were submitted. (2) A Councillor provided the recent noticeboards for the Coronation and it was agreed that the Council should contribute to the cost of these.
22. Next scheduled Parish Council Meeting: 7:30pm 28 June 2023.
23. Meeting close at 9pm.