March 2023 Minutes EGM

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Harlaxton Parish Council 


Friday 17 March 2023 at 18.00hrs 

Venue: Harlaxton Village Hall


1.   Meeting Open: Council Chair

The Chair thanked Councillors for attending the meeting

2.   Present

Cllrs Cartlidge, Wicks, Brown, Darcy, Smith & Gabriel

3.   Apologies

Advance notice given by Cllr Whitworth. Unanimously accepted.

4.   To consider the purchase of Scribe accounting software to manage the accounts of Harlaxton Parish Council.

The Chair outlined the current excel spreadsheet and benefits of a dedicated package specifically built for local authorities. Councillors discussed the options and unanimously agreed that the Parish Council should progress with a subscription to Scribe.

5.   "Bronzecon" proposal for use of playing field.

The hire of the playing field, which may attract 350 to 700 people, for 1st/2nd July 2023 was discussed. Concerns were raised for parking [both at the event and the local roads], the marshalling of parking, use of WC’s, the collection of waste, insurance, and damage to the football pitches/cricket outfield. Whilst the Sports & Social Club would be available, the Council were concerned that the WC’s would be overwhelmed. It was agreed that Cllr Darcy would draft a letter to the organiser to ask them to mature their proposals to satisfy the concerns of the Council. Cllr Gabriel suggested that in advance of contacting the organiser, the Parish Council should consider the capacity of the playing field for parked cars.

6.   Meeting Close