January 2021 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Held on Tuesday 26 January 2021 - @ 19:00 (7:00pm)
Held by Video Conference
COVID 19 Restriction.
In accordance with the Harlaxton Parish Council Covid19 Business Statement, all scheduled face-to-face public meetings have been suspended until advised by the appropriate authority they can recommence.
Council meetings will be conducted by alternative means. Currently, the Council have chosen to use the virtual Zoom application.
NB: This meeting was recorded.
1. Meeting Open: Council Chair – Welcome Address.
Cllr Wicks welcomed all present and opened the meeting.
2. In Attendance.
Parish Council.
Cllrs, S.Wicks (Chair), A.Cartlidge (Member), J. Mann (Member) Mr J. McCloskey (Parish Clerk).
County Council. Cllr B. Adams.
3. Non Attendance.
Apologies received:
Cllr K. Gabriel – Vice-Chair Harlaxton Parish Council
M. McMahon - PCC Representative (Item 8).
Resolution: Apologies and reasons for non-attendance accepted.
Although invited, no apology or acknowledgment had been received from the SKDC Council representative.
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 15 December 2020.
Resolution: Approved.
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest.
None declared.
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion).
Not required.
7. County Councillor and District Councillor.
Cllr Adams (LCC) updated the Parish Council on current issues both at County and District levels:
- LCC Finances good with no deficit, however due to the impact of the COVID 19 restrictions the next budget would only be set for one year 2021/22.
- SKDC Finances had a m£2 deficit due reduced income and expenditure associated with the COVID 19 restrictions. This would be offset by their reserve.
- LCC Highways had received and additional m£10 for repair of the counties roads, but set against their poor state would not be sufficient to resolve all the issues.
Cllr Wicks advised Cllr Adams of the action the Parish Council and their insurers were taking regarding the flooding issues effecting the village as no responses had been received from either Anglian Water of LCC Highways over the matter. The situation was becoming a serious hazard and due to the freezing conditions, it was understood and injury had occurred due to slipping.
In the absence of acknowledgement by the relevant authorities, the council had not other option but to place warning signage to highlight the ice hazard and put the matter in the hands of the insurers, who will be taking action to resolve the problem and pursue recovery of the costs with the responsible authority be that Anglian Water of Lincolnshire County Council.
The matter had been ongoing for 10 months and a large amount of supporting evidence provided, but with little or no response, the lack of contact from the authorities approached was considered unacceptable.
Cllr Adams was shown photographic evidence in support of the matter which clearly indicated the problem and its source.
Cllr Adams advised the Parish Council of the current difficulties the councils were encountering due to the COVID 19 restrictions impacting on normal working practices, but would look into the matter and try to get further information and answers.
8. Lincolnshire Police.
Lincolnshire Police Representative (PCSO) advised that due to a change in shift and working pattern, he would be unable to attend evening meetings due to other commitments.
The council have been informed of a newly formed Safer Together Team Recently established by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire.
The Safer Together Coordinator for both North and South Kesteven is Maisie McMahon, based at Grantham Police station. Although unable to attend the meeting, she gave an overview of the key aims of the team, which are:
- Empower and involve communities, working with them and partners to prevent and reduce harm
- Ensure communities are given the opportunity to participate to the fullest possible extent in the decisions that affect their lives
- Actively engage to better understand the issues, concerns and needs of the public, partners and stakeholders at a local level
- Recognise and respect the various cultures and diversity of communities and other factors that influence how different members of the public will engage
- Directly address issues raised by those representing different sectors and use their feedback to inform decisions.
The Parish Council cautiously welcomed the initiative and further information would be appreciated as to its function and effectiveness.
Cllr Adams (LCC) offered to research the initiative and what it expected to deliver and advise the Parish Council accordingly.
9. Parish and Village Environment
a. HSSC.
Cllr Wicks updated the council on the status of the flooding issue effecting the HSSC car park and its immediate area.
The insurers representative, DASA would undertake a full investigation and rectification commencing 15 February 2021, (See also item 7).
Cllr Adams offered to exchange contact information with Cllr Wicks to update on actions from LCC Highways.
Cllr Wicks also advised that the damage to a drain caused by British Telecom installing a pole has not yet been rectified.
Resolution: Cllr Wicks to follow up with BT.
Storage Container.
HSSC request for funding for a storage container remains extant and subject to agreement of some partial use by the Parish Council on behalf of the village.
Resolution: No resolution at this time. Carried over to next meeting.
b. Phone Kiosk.
Costs of refurbishing the BT Phone Kiosk would include disconnection/reconnection from the electricity supply and quotes from Western Power were £1200 and £1100 respectively. Including the cost of renovation would incur expenditure of between £5k - £6k, with no future purpose or use yet defined or agreed.
Further complication effecting it is the listed status of Grade 2 and any work removal or disposal would have to take this into consideration.
Cllr Adams (LCC) advised funding may be available through the SKDC Community Fund to support this project.
Resolution: Carry forward to next meeting.
c. Sports Field – Sub letting.
Following a request last year from a Sri Lankan cricket team, the use of the HSSC Sports Field in such circumstances was discussed and the options considered.
AT present the Harlaxton Cricket club use the field for matches from March to October and the Sri Lankan team would use would be occasional.
Based on the fee levied on the local cricket club, the council considered a possible charge of £30 per game by the Parish Council with the funds received being divided equally between the Parish Council as owners of the field, Harlaxton Sports and Social for use of facilities and Harlaxton Cricket Club who maintain and mark the playing area.
Resolution: For further consideration and subject to any request being received.
d. Grass Mowing Tenders – 2021
The Parish Council reviewed the three tenders received for grass cutting for the 2021 season. The requirement was for 17 cuts beginning mid March and carried out every two weeks until October
Tenders considered were:
ATP: £204 per cut. Total for 17 cuts £3468.00
BDG: £240 per cut. Total for 17 cuts £4080
EnvironmentSK: £164.50 + £32.90 VAT = £197.40 per cut. Total for 17 cuts £3355.80, (£2796.50 ex VAT).
When considering the quotes, the ability to reclaim the VAT on the EnvironmentSK quotation represented a substantial saving against other two, however considering the quote the Parish Council would like assurances of:
- Quality Control
- Point of Contact for queries.
- Process of addressing problems.
- Response time for dealing with urgent or outstanding issues.
- Dedicated Contract/Project Manager.
- Lines of Communication between Parish Council and contractor.
Resolution: The Parish Clerk to make enquiry to EnvironmentSK regarding assurances before the Parish Council will make a final decision on awarding the contract.
e. Village Hall.
As confirmed at the Parish Council meeting of the 15 December 2020 (Minute ref: 9.b) all heating works had been completed and the contractor paid.
All that remains to replace the “boxing in”, which the Parish Council will undertake to do.
The Parish Council will also approach the Village Hall committee regarding a contribution towards the total cost of the project.
1. Cllr Wicks to write to the Village Hall Committee regarding contribution.
2. Vote of thanks to Cllr Cartlidge for his work in dealing with the arrangements and ensuring works completed and also for his own involvement in damp proofing the building.
10. RFO Financial Report .
a. Resolutions to approve accounts reconciliation.
Bank Reconciliation 1 December 2020 – 31 December 2020
Opening Balance £29,484.34
Income £0.00
Expenditure £6,663.14
Closing Balance £22,821.20
Resolution: Accounts correct and all transactions listed at Annex A properly authorised.
b. Resolution to approve expenses.
Cllr S. Wicks General Grounds Maintenance Expenses
Total: £33.66
Resolution: Approved. Payment Authorised
Cllr A.Cartlidge to submit outstanding expenses from renovations to the village hall.
Resolution: Approved for submission and payment.
c. The Parish Clerk advised the council that due to the previous Internal Auditor’s retirement, a new auditor would be required to audit the councils accounts for submission to the external auditors at year end.
Resolution: Cllr Mann would make enquiries.
11. Planning Applications (Annex B): Review.
a. New Applications Received.
S21/0037 - 32 Gregory Close
S21/0036 - 28 High Street
S20/2188 - 11 Pond Street
S20/2175 - 8 Swine Hill
Resolution: All noted and accepted.
b. Decision Notifications Received.
S20/1956 - 2 Swine Hill – Application Granted
S20/1970 - 77 High Street - Application Withdrawn
12. Communication.
a. Village Voice.
Next edition due Feb//Mar.
Include acknowledgment of the work carried out on behalf of the village by the Parish Councillors to the village hall and the flooding.
b. Request received from the village Parochial Church Council (PCC) for assistance with funding to renovate the church car park.
Car park not on the Parish Council Asset Register and not apparent if the Parish Council have any ownership of the church car park.
Resolution: Cllr Mann to check hard copy files held to confirm status with regards to ownership or partial ownership by Harlaxton Parish Council and responsibility for maintenance.
13. New Business for Next Meeting.
Matters arising during meeting for inclusion as agenda item for discussion at next meeting.
1. Continuing problem with overgrown hedges in the village obstructing the footways. Options for resolution.
14. Closed Session (As Required).
Not required
15. Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting.
- Tuesday 2 March 2021
- 1900 - 2100
- Zoom virtual meeting.
16. Meeting Close
Clerk J.McCloskey
E-mail: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with extant COVID 19 restrictions.
Minutes Action.
Minutes accepted by the council and approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting on 26 January 2021.
Minute Ref: PCM 2/03/2021 Item 4.
Signed: Meeting Chair: Cllr S Wicks (Electronic Copy),
Date: 2 March 2021
Print: S.Wicks
Signature: Soft Copy. No Hard copy signature due to COVID-19 Restrictions.