March 2021 Minutes EOM

Harlaxton Parish Council
Held on Tuesday 23 March 2021 - @ 19:00 (7:00pm)
Held by Video Conference
COVID 19 Restriction.
In accordance with the Harlaxton Parish Council Covid19 Business Statement, all scheduled face-to-face public meetings have been suspended until advised by the appropriate authority they can recommence.
Council meetings will be conducted by alternative means. Currently, the Council have chosen to use the virtual Zoom application.
NB: This meeting was recorded.
1. Purpose.
An Extraordinary General Meeting of Harlaxton Parish Council was called by the sitting members of the council to confirm the Co-Option of two new members to the Parish Council.
2. In Attendance.
Parish Council:
Cllr S. Wicks (Chair)
Cllr A. Cartlidge (Member)
Cllr J. Mann (Member)
Mr J. McCloskey (Clerk/Proper Officer)
Proposed Candidates for co-option to the Parish Council:
Mr A. Ellison.
Mr K. Young.
Members of the Public:
No members of the public were present.
3. Apologies (Non Attendance).
Nil. All those required were in attendance.
4. Resolution to approve co-option as members of Harlaxton Parish Council:
Mr Keith Young
Mr Alan Ellison.
A resolution was passed to co-opt those candidates listed above to Harlaxton Parish Council as members.
Council chair Cllr Wicks welcomed Cllrs Ellison and Young to the council.
The Parish Clerk/Proper Officer advised of the next stages and Declarations of Acceptance were signed to be forwarded to the clerk for witness signature and forwarding to SKDC Electoral Services.
Signed Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and GDPR will be forwarded to the Clerk/Proper Officer for forwarding to SKDC Electoral Services.
5. New Councillors brief on current and proposed Parish Council Projects, activities and plans.
The new members were briefed by the council on current projects, issues and matters relating to the village and Harlaxton Parish Council.
These were:
HSSC and Sports field.
Ongoing flooding issues ant eh impact on damage to the car park and restricted use of the sports field due to poor drainage. Actions outlined that have been taken so far and proposed to reduce the flooding and address the damage caused and potential drainage improvements.
HSSC potential re-opening post lifting of COVID 19 restrictions and plan to acquire new storage container with funding support from CHIPPS trust. Facility to be shared with HSSC and the Parish Council.
Village Hall.
Refurbishment of the hall and heating system, including redecoration. Recent changes to the committee and plans for re-opening post lifting of COVID 19 restrictions.
Phone Kiosk.
Restoration and potential costs balanced against future usage and associated issues with a Grade 2 listed object.
Obelisk Planters.
Plans to install raised bed planters at the village obelisk.
Village Entry – Gated Signage.
Plans to install gated type road signage at key entry points to the village to promote traffic and speed control through the village and raise general awareness.
Speed Indicator Device (SID).
Plan to install an approved Speed Indicator Device at key locations in the village to support the road safety awareness to road users.
Village Voice Newsletter.
Compilation, printing and distribution of the village newsletter and support received from the college for printing.
CHIPS Charity Trustees.
Background and purpose of the Chips Charitable Trust as administered by members of the Parish Council for the betterment of the community.
Pearson Gregory Trust.
Background to the Pearson Gregory Trust and the field adjacent to the Gregory Arms Public house and the A607.
Parish Council is responsible for maintenance of the field for its use as a recreational facility for the village community.
Village Play Area.
Planned refurbishment of the play area and introduction of new equipment and recent grant application to SKDC for funding support.
6. Questions
Queries were raised regarding certain planning applications and ongoing building works.
As these were outside the purpose of the EGM, they will be [put forward for full consideration at the next regular Parish Council Meeting.
7. Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting.
Tuesday 6 April 2021
1900 – 2100
Zoom virtual meeting.
8. Meeting Close.
The Chair thanked all those present and the meeting closed at 20:45
Clerk J.McCloskey
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with extant COVID 19 restrictions.
Minutes Action.
Minutes to be accepted by the council and approved as a true and accurate record at the Parish Council Meeting of the 6 April 2021
Minute Ref: PCM Item 4.
Signed: (by Meeting Chair ) Cllr S.Wicks (Soft Copy only)
Date: 6 April 2021
Print: S.Wicks
Signed: Soft Copy only due to present COVID 19 restrictions..