March 2021 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Held on Tuesday 2 March 2021 - @ 19:00 (7:00pm)
Held by Video Conference
COVID 19 Restriction.
In accordance with the Harlaxton Parish Council Covid19 Business Statement, all scheduled face-to-face public meetings have been suspended until advised by the appropriate authority they can recommence.
Council meetings will be conducted by alternative means. Currently, the Council have chosen to use the virtual Zoom application.
The meeting format complies with GDPR regulations.
NB: This meeting was recorded.
1. Meeting Open: Council Chair – Welcome Address.
2. In Attendance:
Parish Council.
Cllr S. Wicks (Chair)
Cllr A. Cartlidge (Member)
Cllr J. Mann (Member)
Mr J. McCloskey (Clerk/Proper Officer/RFO).
County and District Councils.
Cllr B. Adams (LCC)
Although invited, no apology or acknowledgment had been received from the SKDC Council representative.
Lincolnshire Police
Ms M. McMahon . (Police and Crime Commissioner Safer Together Team)
Members of the Public
Mr T. Nadin
Mrs K. Young
Mr K. Young.
3. Apologies.
Apologies received and accepted from Cllr K Gabriel (Vice Chair)
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 26 Jan 2021
Resolution Passed. Minutes approved as true and accurate record of the meeting.
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest.
6. Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)
Public Q1 Mr T. Nadin
Mr Nadin asked the Parish Council about their plans to update the play area and whether it could be expanded to include activities for the older children and young persons and suggested a form of BMX park or track on the area adjacent to the present play area.
He suggested involvement from local building suppliers and builders who may want to assist or contribute towards a community project.
Cllr Wicks informed the meeting that he has made a grant application towards the renovation and updating equipment in the play area and expansion of the area was something that could be considered subject to regulations that apply to playgrounds It was suggested a sub-committee be set up to look into the options (Low maintenance surfacing etc) and regulations concerning installation and construction (Health and Safety etc).
It was discussed that there had previously been a play area in Coopers Plantation however the council would need to bear in mind
the cost considerations and any grants that may be available for any further play equipment in the village.
Cllr Adams (LCC) advised of the possibility of Community Funds and the SKDC Invest SK would be able to offer advice on this area.
Resolution. Cllr Wicks would continue to liaise with Mr Nadin on this suggestion and the requirements for planning, construction, and insurance liability to be discussed.
Public Q2, Mrs K. Young.
Mrs Young praised the Parish Council for the re-published Village Voice newsletter, and it was a good form of communication to the village.
On the subject of proposals in the newsletter for improvements to the village, she expressed an opinion that the cost of refurbishing the phone box was far too much for any proposed future use and as the village had already got information boards and a defibrillator at the village hall, any money would be better spent on other projects.
Cllr Mann thanked Mrs Young for her appreciation of the newsletter and the PC noted her opinion regarding any refurbishment of future use of the phone box and that it is an ongoing matter (See Item 9.b.1 Parish and Village Environment.)
7. County Councillor and District Councillor.
Flooding. Cllr Adams (LCC) acknowledge the ongoing flooding issues effecting areas of the village and would raise the matter further with LCC. He requested that any updated communication and details be passed to him.
Cllr Wicks will forward all necessary details to Cllr Adams.
Budget. Cllr Adams informed the meeting that LCC has revised their budget due to withdrawal of central government funding and the loss of m£12 funding for road repairs.
It would be an indicative budget only and not balanced and focus would be on prioritising this.
Budget. In the absence of the SKDC councillor, Cllr Adams was able to inform the meeting that the SKDC budget had been agreed and was a balanced budget for the Financial Year 2021/2020 only, again subject to central government funding.
At this point Cllr Adams left the meeting in order to attend another Parish Council Meeting.
Cllr Wicks thanked Cllr Adams for his attendance, advice and information.
8. Lincolnshire Police.
The meeting was attended by Ms Maisie McMahon. Coordinator, North and South Kesteven of the Safer Together Team newly establishes by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire.
Ms McMahon addressed the meeting and provided details of the role of the team and how they would be interacting between the communities and the operational elements of Lincolnshire Police.
The team have four co-ordinators working to reduce crime and participate in projects to improve safety and co-ordination between the police and communities. It would be a developing role and they will be keeping communities updated on progress through various means of communication and newsletters.
To get some immediate background, the council were asked about their concerns and levels of crime in the area.
Cllr Wicks answered that there were mainly incidents concerning anti-social behaviour in and around the car parks at the social club and the Gregory Arms Public House, some of which believed to have involved drugs and misuse of vehicles on Harlaxton Manor land.
There has also been a spate of break-ins and thefts from property and vehicles in the village which had raised the question of installing CCTV at key points.
This was not a cost-effective option for the Parish Council and there were questions regarding management of such systems with regards to privacy laws and private CCTV overlooking public land.
Cllr Mann raised the question of informing the community through social media of potential incidents and how best to report them. She believed there was once a Neighbourhood Watch scheme but in all likelihood, it was no longer operational.
Ms McMahon requested that all incidents be reported to the police via 101 to enable them to respond and build up a picture of the areas of concern and activity. This enables incidents logs to be kept in support of allocation resources to deal with incidents.
Ms McMahon will forward any public information notices she receives and will keep the Parish Council informed of new and ongoing projects and initiatives.t
Cllr Wicks thanked Ms McMahon for her attendance an information and would ensure all advice to the community regarding reporting via 101 was passed on through the most appropriate means, such as newsletter, social media and the Parish website.
9. Parish and Village Environment
a. Current and Ongoing activities/projects
1. HSSC – Flooding Update.
Cllr Wick informed the meeting of the current progress and the frustration regarding the investigation by the DASA contractor which failed to identify the source of the problem while further damaging the HSSC car park with random investigation holes.
A new investigation by members of the Parish Council using CCTV equipment has identified breaks in pipe and possible damage to the base of a chamber allowing collected water to bleed out into the ground re-emerging in the car park.
Further investigations will be taking place on the 8th March and all property owners will be contacted to ensure all permission is granted.
Resolution. Further updates will follow once more information is known after the 8th March.
2. Village Hall.
Cllr Mann updated the meeting on the status of the village hall and that the inside was warm and odour free and ventilation much improved.
It remains closed for the present but that some decoration was being done on a rota basis to comply with social distancing.
Quotes were to be obtained for decoration of the main hall itself and were anticipated by the 18th March.
There is a possibility that the boiler may need replacement at some time in the future and will need consideration for funding.
Reports of the regular hirers wishing to return were encouraging and interest has been received from other potential hirers.
Some external tidying is still required and progressing.
Boxing in of the internal pipework is also progressing well the individuals concerned thanked for their work.
Next Village Hall committee meeting included updating the number of changes that have happened and setting of future budget and fees. The committee were awaiting current bank statements to support their discussion.
Cllr Wicks suggested revisiting the schedule for the licensing agreement which was at the 18 month point of a rolling three year agreement.
Resolution: Parish Council to write to both the HSSC and Village Hall committees regarding agreement and review of responsibilities by all parties including the Parish Council
b. New and Proposed activities/projects
1. Phone Kiosk.
As discussed at item 6, Q2, the subject of restoration of the phone kiosk was undecided and opinions were varied on its future use and its Listed status.
Self help restoration was a possible option but the structures instability and electrical supply was of concern.
Resolution. No decision was made and any future discussion deferred.
2. Obelisk Planters.
The meeting was informed that drawings and plans have been nominally approved and now needed taking forward. The intention is to replicate the shape of the obelisk base.
Resolution: Work to begin on a self-help/volunteer basis once outstanding village hall work has been completed and people are available to help.
3. Village Entry – Gated Signage.
Meeting informed this project was still intended but due to some issues with the quotes provided, it has not been taken forward until more specific quotes have been received.
Resolution: Revisit initial quotes and update specifications and locations for installation.
Contractors to be re-contacted with revised specification and new quotes requested.
4. Speed Indicator Device (SID).
Installation of a village Speed Indicator Device (SID) revisited and to be taken forward. Consideration against gated signs as better investment and allocation of resources.
Resolution: Fully investigate most appropriate types and specifications available and appropriate locations.
10. RFO Financial Report
Resolutions to approve accounts reconciliation.
1 |
Period |
1 January 2021 - 31 January 2021 |
a. |
Accounts Reconcilliation |
Bank Reconcilliation |
Date |
01-Jan-21 |
Opening Balance |
22,821.20 |
Income |
0.00 |
Expenditure |
795.50 |
Forecast Closing Balance |
22,025.70 |
Date |
31-Jan-21 |
b. |
Income Received |
Service/Item |
From |
£ |
Nil This Period |
0.00 |
Sub Total (b) |
0.00 |
c. |
Payments made (Signed cheques or email authorised BACS |
Service/Item |
Creditor/Payee |
£ |
Hedge Cuting HSSC and PG Fields |
Denton Farming Co |
300.00 |
Drain Dye (x2), No dogs sign for play area, Sand Bags for HSSC |
Cllr S.Wicks |
33.66 |
VAT Refund for above |
Cllr S.Wicks |
6.72 |
Sub Total (c) |
340.38 |
d |
Staff Salaries and HMRC payments to date: |
Pay Period |
Payee |
£ |
Jan |
Parish Clerk |
217.00 |
Jan |
Community Cleaner |
75.52 |
Qtr 3 |
162.60 |
Sub Total (e) |
455.12 |
Expenditure Total |
c+d |
795.50 |
2 |
Period |
1 February 2021 - 28 February 2021 |
a. |
Accounts Reconcilliation |
Bank Reconcilliation |
Date |
01-Feb-21 |
Opening Balance |
22,025.70 |
Income |
0.00 |
Expenditure |
585.12 |
Forecast Closing Balance |
21,440.58 |
Date |
28-Feb-21 |
b. |
Income Received |
Service/Item |
From |
£ |
Nil This Period |
0.00 |
Sub Total (b) |
0.00 |
c. |
Invoices Paid in Period. |
Service/Item |
Creditor/Payee |
£ |
Printing of Village Voice Newsletter |
Print Bureau Team |
42.00 |
LALC Annual subscription |
250.80 |
Sub Total (c) |
292.80 |
d |
Personnel Payments Made In Period |
Pay Period |
Payee |
£ |
Feb |
Parish Clerk |
216.80 |
Feb |
Community Cleaner |
75.52 |
Sub Total (e) |
292.32 |
Expenditure Total |
c+d |
585.12 |
11. Planning Applications Review.
New Applications Received.
Application No: S21/0302
Proposal: Proposed two storey side extension and alterations to existing conservatory.
Location: 12 Parklands Drive, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HX,
App Type: Householder
No representations for submission noted.
Application No: S21/0286
Proposal: Erection of new porch / link extension from dwelling to garage and the conversion of garage into living accommodation
Location: Mullions , 9 Trotters Lane, Harlaxton, NG32 1JQ,
App Type: Listed Building Consent
No representations for submission noted
Application No: S21/0285
Proposal: Erection of new porch / link extension from dwelling to garage and the conversion of garage into living accommodation
Location: Mullions , 9 Trotters Lane, Harlaxton, NG32 1JQ,
App Type: Full Planning Permission
No representations for submission noted.
Application No: S21/0243
Proposal: T1 (Maple) - To Fell, T2,T3,T4,T5,T6 ( Leylandii) - To Fell, T7 (Pine) – To Fell
Location: 7 Pond Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HW, ,
App Type: Trees in CA - Section 211 Notice
No representations for submission noted.
Application No: S21/0298
Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory and replacement with new sun room including insertion of new support beam and removal of wall below to connect adjoining rooms
Location: 3 Pond Street, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, NG32 1HW,
App Type: Full Planning Permission.
Application No: S21/0299 (As for S21/0298)
App Type: Listed Building Consent
No representations for submission noted.
Application No: S21/0323
Proposal: Residential development (outline)
Location: 8 The Drift, Harlaxton, NG32 1AE, ,
App Type: Outline Planning Permission.
Parish Council representation/comments on this application submitted on the ground that this is infill on a small garden at number 8 the Drift. All houses from 1-12 the drift were brick built around 1870 and the infill would remove some of the character of the road.
Decision Notifications Received.
Application No: S20/2188
Proposal: Demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey oak garden room. Alterations to the main elevation of existing garage.
Location: Waterside 11 Pond Street Harlaxton NG32 1HW
Decision/Date: 12th February 2021
Planning Permission Granted
Application No: S20/2175
Proposal: Single storey extension to front & rear with two storey extension to side.
Location: 8 Swine Hill Harlaxton NG32 1HP
Decision/Date: 12th February 2021.
Planning Permission Granted.
Application No: S20/2072
Proposal: Part demolition and rebuild of single storey rear extension to property
Location: 7 Trotters Lane Harlaxton NG32 1JQ
Decision/Date: 28th January 2021
Planning Permission Granted
Application No: S21/0036
Proposal: T1 - Prunus - To fell, T2 - Corylus Avellana - Coppice back, T3 - Corylus Avellana - Coppice back or pollard.
Location: Ivy Cottage 28 High Street Harlaxton Lincolnshire NG32 1JD
Decision/Date: Work Allowed 25th February 2021.
General Planning and Development Matters.
Concerns were raised by Cllr Mann regarding potential use of 8 Rectory Lane should following its probable sale.
It was thought that this property would allow greater access to the adjoining land and have the potential for development of the land should the present land owners purchase the property of 8 Rectory Lane.
Resolution: Non made at this time. For future consideration should the prospect of development arise.
12. Communication.
Village Voice Newsletter.
Cllr Mann updated the meeting on the revised parish newsletter and that positive comments have been received and that it should be continued in its present format.
Loss of the printing facility by the college would require professional printing by Print Bureau Team to continue.
Resolution: The Parish Council to continue publishing and distributing the newsletter to the community on a regular/quarterly basis.
Printing by the Print Bureau Team company and associated costs agreed as acceptable and to continue.
13. New Business for Next Meeting.
Matters arising during meeting for inclusion as agenda item for discussion at next meeting.
a. Lifting of COVID-19 Restrictions.
1. Potential for village events at the HSSC and village hall. Parish Council to consider contribution towards costs if appropriate.
2. Re-opening of village hall for hirers and Parish Council meetings.
3. Review and agree date for Annual Parish Meeting.
3. Review and agree date for Annual Council Meeting (Formerly AGM)
4. Agree Parish Council meetings schedule for the next 12 months.
14. Closed Session (As Required).
Not required.
15. Next Proposed Parish Council Meeting.
Tuesday 6 April 2021
1900 - 2100
By Zoom virtual meeting.
16. Meeting Close
Cllr Wicks closed the meeting at 21:30 (9:30 pm) and thanked everyone for their attendance and contributions.
Clerk J.McCloskey
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with extant COVID 19 restrictions.
Minutes Action.
Minutes accepted by the council and approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting on 2 March 2021
Minute Ref: PCM 6/04/2021 Item 4.
Signed: Meeting Chair: Cllr S Wicks (Electronic Copy),
Date: 6 April 2021
Print: S.Wicks
Signature: Soft Copy. No Hard copy signature due to COVID-19 Restrictions.