September 2021 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council Meeting
7pm Wednesday 8 September 2021, at Harlaxton Village Hall
- Meeting open
- In Attendance
Simon Wicks – Chair (SW)
Jane Mann (JM)
Andrew Cartlidge (AC)
Keith Young (KY)
Emma Connelly (EC)
Sue Flindall (SF)
Three members of the public
- Apologies
- Resolution to approve minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 22 June 2021 & EGM held 9th August 2021
22 June approved by SW (Chair)
28 June approved by SW (Chair)
9 August approved by SW (Chair)
Amendment made to minutes dated 2 March 2021. Item 6, Paragraphs 3 and 7 required wording to be changed. Approved and to be re-published.
- Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
- Public Forum (15 Minute Presentation/Discussion)
Nothing raised
- County Councillor and District Councillor: Update.
No updates received
- Parish Councillors: Update and Discussion.
- Recruitment of Clerk
Interviewing two candidates Friday 10 September 2021.
- Wilding opportunities, Trees, Coopers Plantation
Proposal submitted for funding for Coopers plantation was unsuccessful. Feedback has been requested as award is annual and so this could be used in any future submissions. A meeting with Lincolnshire Wildlife has prompted a rethink of original ideas. JM and KY to continue looking into proposals.
It is understood that free trees are still available from Lincolnshire County Council, JM to check numbers available before extending the invitation out to Harlaxton residents. Proposal to add a couple of trees at the edge of Pearson Gregory field.
- Flooding at HSSC
A meeting was held with members of the Manor on 3 September 2021, they have proposed to plough a deeper ditch at the edge of the field to support drainage.
The HPC insurers preferred solicitor has requested a report on the car park flooding. AC confirmed this has now been commissioned and will also be shared with residents at 18 and 20 Manor drive as per their request. Correspondence received from Anglian Water questioning ownership of issue, AC and SW confirmed this is ongoing.
- Historic Lincolnshire
KY confirmed this is still at the initiation stage.
- Items progress from previous meetings
Speed camera – no update
SSC fence – SW to chase as no update received
HSSC roof – three quotes requested, yet to receive
HSSC noise and security – recent disturbances to neighbours include noisy cars and people at un-sociable hours. All agreed this should continue to be reported to ensure relevant parties are aware of the ongoing issues.
HSSC camera proposal – camera system found that appears to suit the needs, recordable and accessible. PCs discussed the proposal and potential signage required to make individuals aware they are being recorded. Question was raised about who should pay for the system all agreed this should be discussed across both HSSC and HPC. JM also suggested that a policy should be written up for the system and usage.
Village hall – Drain clean at the front of the build to be done. Two quotes received for rear gutters, awaiting one further quote. Toilet vent location to be agreed KY and AC to review. JM also confirmed that the VH is now receiving regular bookings and that the booking and availability of the hall is now available online. Quotes received to replace Glazing in the lobby and gents toilets, Village Hall agreed to pay.
Sports field – drainage should improve with additional ploughing being completed by the manor. Cricket club has raised concerns over the mowing, all agreed to look into increasing cuts and additional cuts. SW to check with contractor what is possible.
Obelisk mowing – SF confirmed the mowing around the obelisk had improved, however would suggest potentially changing the mower and process to make it more precise.
Play equipment assessment – SW confirmed nothing new had been raised, however the balance beam may need to be removed due to the posts moving when ground saturated. AC and KY suggested using sand or gravel around the post to help steady it.
Phone kiosk – SW to contact Western Power
Hedge trimming – All agreed quotes should be pursued now. All agreed to the proposal to allow the hedge along the A607 at the top of Gregory close to grow a taller, this will help wildlife in the area and hopefully reduce noise. SW to contact contractors accordingly.
Village gates – two quotes received to date awaiting response from insurance company. This is considered ongoing.
- RFO Financial Report
Accounts for 20/21 have been reviewed by internal auditor and there has been a minor change. These have been re-signed and there is no requirement to have an external audit also no member of the public has requested to inspect the report.
Accounts for 21/22 have been shared with the councillors and these are to be reviewed. Income, expenditure, fixed assets and transactions are available within one document. This document shows:
- Income received to date is £26,319
- Expenditure to date is £13,856
- Leaving at present a surplus of £12,453 however, £4611 is accounted for. Leaving a total of £6400 being available allowing for a new clerk and there is a reserve fund that could potentially be used depending on projects.
JM also suggested that there is the possibility to reclaim VAT next year.
All PCs agreed to review the proposals put forward and discuss this at a future meeting with the aim being on what is achievable to deliver within the funds remaining and what should take priority.
Transactions to date are to be shared and noted within these minutes.
- Planning Applications:
SK21/1454 – 2 Willowbrook – tree removal x3 – pending
SK21/1571 – 16 Church St – Aerials works - pending
SK21/1556 – 8 The Drift – 2 storey extension – pending
S21/1672 – Skelton’s farms – Barn conversion – pending
Question raised by SW regarding tree removal at Willowbrook, it was confirmed that the recent Tree Preservation Order was limited and will be taken into account by those reviewing the plans.
- Communication – Correspondence Received.
Carlos Marina (football) – the teams wish to play every other Saturday 10-12, ages of the players are 4-12 and there will be about 20 of them. They are planning to bring their own goal posts and asked whether they could be stored within the HSSC during the season as well as being able to use the changing and toilet facilities within the Club.
KY confirmed storage would be required when Cricket season begins and this should be confirmed with Carlos.
SW advised that he has spoken to Carlos directly and talked him through the issues with the pitch with regards water he also advised storage would have to be agreed.
AC suggested offering Pearson Gregory field as an alternative, this would mean that additional mowing would be required.
Outcome: JM to look for paperwork previously provided to other football teams who used the fields. Also need to review and agree markers and maintenance rules etc.
Neil Robinson, Bob Walder – responded via email
Tom Lister – Tom advised that there had been a handful of vehicles speeding and being unnecessarily noisy during both sociable and unsociable hours. He raised a post on the Harlaxton Facebook page and he has confirmed it has been better since doing so.
JM and SW confirmed this has been reported to the relevant party.
JM suggested that signage be placed at the top of Trotters road to make drivers aware that at points it is single track. AC to contact relevant person to raise the question about how and when this could be achieved.
JM also advised that a couple of Facebook posts had been responded to directly following posts and questions.
Ian West (present at meeting) – Ian confirmed that the number of people required to obtain enough money in grants has been reached with some additional people also agreeing to be included.
Openreach have now advised that in order to start the work they will require a nominated contractor within the village to act as a guarantor. Ian talked through proposals available to Harlaxton:
- Residents association – none
- Parish Council
- CHIPPs fund?
- High net worth individual – parties not comfortable taking the risk as an individual
He stated that the guarantors would be financially culpable if the scheme was underfunded, however this was not the case as the minimum number of people have agreed to sign up.
The process will be that all residents who have agreed to be involved will need to sign up to a pledge site and confirm their agreement to take part. Once all parties have done so the guarantor will then sign up and agree to act as guarantor, once this confirmation is received BT will contact the government directly for funding and look to start work. Fiscal liability for guarantor would be £0 at point of signing.
He advised that he understood from BT Openreach that over 90% cases the Parish Council or contracted party act as the guarantor and offered to support any request from the HPC to get names and details for further research.
Ian suggested an alternative solution would be to get another 39 houses at least involved and this would bring the figures to over 30% subscribed and then BT Openreach would not require a contractor/guarantor.
Ian asked that a decision be made within the next 8 weeks to allow time for him to look at alternative solutions if required.
Outcome: PCs to discuss this further reviewing documentation provided by Ian through the email account.
Kate Darcey – SF, JM and Kate Darcey are looking at meeting on site at Coopers plantation to review proposals.
- New Business for Next Meeting / Any other business
Jubilee committee – so far Kate Darcey, Sue Carr and Sue Flindall have agreed to be involved.
- Closed Session
Not required
- Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting.
Wednesday 13th October 2021
7.30 pm
- Meeting Close
Chair – Simon Wicks - E-mail: