August 2021 Minutes EGM

8pm Monday 9 August 2021, at Harlaxton Village Hall
1. In Attendance
Simon Wicks – Chair (SW)
Jane Mann (JM)
Andrew Cartlidge (AC)
Keith Young (KY)
Emma Connelly (EC)
Sue Flindall (SF)
One member of the public
2. Apologies
3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interests
None disclosed
4. Clerk Vacancy
- Approval of Employment Sub Committee terms of reference (TOR)
Employment Sub-committee, KY, AC and JM, set up earlier this year. No chair selected within group at this time. Sub Committee put forward the proposed TOR which is a standard template from Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) with minimal updates.
Decision: all agreed with the document and contents.
- Approval of Employee Policy document
KY, JM and AC confirmed policy document was a standard template from the council along with standard T&Cs. No changes have been made.
Decision: all agreed with the document and its contents.
- Approval of the SCP/hourly rate range within which the Sub Committee has delegated authority to appoint
Employment Sub Committee requested that they have delegated authority to approve hourly pay within an agreed remit.
Decision: all agreed with the proposal to delegate this decision and agreed the remit would be between £10.54 – £11.53
- Approval of Clerk draft contract
KY, AC and JM confirmed the contract has been drawn up using a LALC template making necessary changes to suit Harlaxton Parish Council. SW proposed a clause was added confirming that only Parish Council IT equipment should be used.
Decision: all agreed that the document is considered approved once the IT clause has been added
Action: KY, AC and JM to update document as per request above
- Approval of Clerk advert Timescale for approving the other employer policies referred to in draft contract
Everyone agreed with the advert. All agreed to advertise within LALC website and locally by the Parish Council on Facebook, the notice board and the website. KY, AC and JM advised the date would change for responses, however, this could be generalised to state closing date as 2 weeks after publishing.
Decision: all agreed with general timescale proposal and advert content.
- Update on the expressions of interest received to date
JM, AC and KY confirmed there had been at least 3 people express an interest to date. All agreed that initial application reviews and interviews to be conducted by Sub Committee and then any second interviews would be conducted with all Parish Council members. KY advised he knew one of the candidates and asked if there were any concerns about him being involved in the interview process. All parties agreed that KY should remain involved in the interview process.
Decision: all agreed with the above proposals.
5. Other urgent business
- Village Hall guttering - to rear and on car park side
AC talked through what the issues were and suggested that the best option would be new guttering, potentially wider to allow for water flow, and an additional downpipe into existing drains. Also discussed was upgrading the Fascia, as this is considered to be the main cause for the damp on that side of the building. Two quotes have been requested for the work, all agreed additional quote should be sought. KY raised a question about whether the Listing officer should be contacted noting Listed Building status as approval may be required to make any changes.
In addition, it was agreed that the drain at the front of the village hall could be cleared to help with drainage. Parish Councillors are to do some work themselves and if this unsuccessful the work will need to be completed by appropriate tradesman.
Decision: all agreed to above proposals and once all quotes have been received the Parish Council will discuss next steps.
Action: AC to request a further quote to bring the total received to three and contact Listing officer to discuss proposals.
- Flooding at the Car Park by the Sports Field
AC advised that having contacted the insurer and the broker we are unable to progress with the claim. A suggestion was raised as to whether the insurer could be contacted and the Legal cover in place could be used to assist with issuing a letter to the third party responsible for the fault, person responsible for the land. AC to action this proposal. SW advised that it had been noted the issue may be affecting other parts of the village, specifically Swine Hill, and this should be escalated to Highways for awareness. AC proposed a full update should be provided to highways and JM agreed this was a good idea. SW to draft an update to share accordingly.
Decision: all agreed with the above proposals.
Action: AC to contact Insurer to discuss process and options available for support and report back. SW to draft an update document for Highways.
6. Any other business
It was confirmed that the Parish Council meetings will be moved from a Tuesday to a Wednesday. This will take effect from the September meeting.
7. Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 8th September 2021
1900 – 2100
8. Meeting Closed
Chair – Simon Wicks