September 2021 Minutes EGM

EGM Harlaxton Parish Council
8pm Thursday 16 September 2021, at Harlaxton Village Hall
- Meeting open
- In Attendance
Simon Wicks – Chair (SW)
Jane Mann (JM)
Andrew Cartlidge (AC)
Keith Young (KY)
Emma Connelly (EC)
Sue Flindall (SF)
Jane Brown (JB)
- Apologies
- Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
- Parish Councillors: Co-opt new Parish Councillor
Jane Brown to be Co-opted as Parish Councillor. Proposed SW, Seconded KY and all agreed.
All councillors welcomed Jane and provided an overview of current and ongoing projects and tasks that were being undertaken.
- Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting.
Wednesday 13th October 2021
7.30 pm
- Meeting Close
Chair – Simon Wicks