June 2021 Minutes EGM

7pm Tuesday 28 June 2021, at Harlaxton Village Hall
- In Attendance
Simon Wicks – Chair (SW)
Jane Mann (JM)
Andrew Cartlidge (AC)
Keith Young (KY)
Two prospective Councillors
Duncan Forbes (DF)
Emma Connelly (EC)
- Apologies
Sue Flindall (SF) Prospective Councillor
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interests
None disclosed
- Co-option of new council Members
Duncan Forbes and Emma Connelly were present at the meeting and were co-opted. Declaration of Acceptance, Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and GDPT Security Compliance form all completed during meeting. Susan Flindall was co-opted in her absence, paper work to be completed on Monday 5th July 2021.
- Selection of interim RFO
Decision: Following the resignation of the Parish Clerk on 22nd June, JM selected as interim RFO – proposed SW, seconded KY, resolved unanimously
- Selection of Interim responsibilities for Councillors
Decision: Following the resignation of the Parish Clerk on 22nd June the following additional responsibilities were unanimously resolved:
Maintenance of Parish website SW
Management of Parish Council e-mails DF
Management of Agendas SW
Taking of Parish Minutes EC
Production of ‘Village Voice’ KY
Drafting of Correspondence AC
- Approval and signature of AGAR
7.1 Updated End of Year reconciliation – Decision: the Parish Councillors unanimously noted and accepted the updated 31 March 2021 “breakout sheet” which was circulated by Cllr Mann via email on 23 June.
7.2 Annual Internal Audit Report 2019/20 – this had been completed and signed by the Internal Auditor on 23 June in accordance with the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015. Decision: Parish Councillors unanimously noted the completion of the document.
Action: SW to upload a copy of the Audit Report to the website.
Action : JM to pay internal audit fee of £50 to Julie Raistrick
Action : AC to send a letter of thanks to Julie Raistrick for conducting the internal audit
7.3 Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 (Section 1) – this had been circulated on 23 June. Decision: It was unanimously resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement. This was signed by the Acting Responsible Financial Officer (JM) and Chairman (SW) in accordance with the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015.
Action: SW to upload a copy of the Annual Governance Statement to the website.
7.4 Accounting Statements 2020/21 (Section 2) – Decision: following circulation of an updated version on 23 June, the accounting statements were unanimously approved by the Parish Councillors and signed by the Acting Responsible Financial Officer and Chairman in accordance with the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015.
Action: SW to upload a copy of the Accounting Statements to the website together with an analysis of any significant year on year variances and a copy of the bank reconciliation.
7.5 Commencement Date for the exercise of Public Rights – the Notice of Public Rights had been prepared for announcement on 30 June, and they will commence on Friday 2 July until Thursday 12 August 2021.
Action: SW to upload the Notice of Public Rights to the website.
7.6 AGAR Part 2 Certificate of Exemption –as both the Parish Council’s gross annual income and annual expenditure did not exceed £25,000 and met the qualifying criteria, the Parish Council is exempt from sending the completed Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor for a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.
Decision: It was unanimously resolved to complete the Certificate of Exemption, which was duly signed by the Responsible Financial Officer (JM) and the Chairman (SW).
Action: JM to send Certificate of Exemption and contact details to PK Littlejohn the external auditors.
Action: SW to upload a copy of the Certificate of Exemption to the website.
- Approval of Budget to advertise for new Parish Clerk
Decision: Unanimously resolved to grant a budget of £100 in order to advertise for a new parish Clerk
9. Meeting Closed