April 2021 Minutes

Harlaxton Parish Council
Held on Tuesday 6 April 2021 - @ 19:00 (7:00pm)
Held by Video Conference
COVID 19 Restriction.
In accordance with the Harlaxton Parish Council Covid19 Business Statement, all scheduled face-to-face public meetings have been suspended until advised by the appropriate authority they can recommence.
Council meetings will be conducted by alternative means. Currently, the Council have chosen to use the virtual Zoom application.
In the usual way, the first 15 minutes of the Parish Council Meeting was open to Public Forum but no requests to participate had been received.
NB: This meeting was recorded.
1. Meeting Open: Council Chair – Welcome Address.
2. In Attendance.
Parish Council.
Cllr S. Wicks (Chair).
Cllr A. Cartlidge.
Cllr A. Ellison.
Cllr J. Mann
Cllr K. Young.
Mr J. McCloskey (Clerk/Proper Officer/RFO)
3. Resolution to Accept Apologies
None. All Parish Councillors were in attendance
4. Resolution to approve minutes of Last Parish Council Meeting(s)
1. Parish Council Meeting held 2 March 2021.
Resolution: Approved.
2. Parish Council EGM held 23 March 2021.
Resolution: Approved
5. Parish Councillors Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Resolution to record and accept Councillors DPI’s on any agenda item.
Resolution: Non declared.
6. Public Forum
Not Required, no requests received prior to the time of the meeting.
7. County Councillor and District Councillor.
County. Not in attendance.
Apologies Cllr B. Adams.
District. Not in attendance.
Apologies Cllr H.Westropp.
Non attendance possibly due in part to forthcoming local elections.
No information or updates on district or county matters of interest received.
8. Lincolnshire Police.
Update to the Parish Council on policing matters.
Not in attendance, however information regarding dog thefts was provided by Ms McMahon of the OPCC Safer Together Team:
I am very aware there have been some concerns around Dog Theft across the County, as there has been lots of press on social media from areas all over the Country. To put your minds at ease I would like to share with you some information publised by Lincolnshire Police on their social media.
Whilst every case of dog theft is hugely distressing, we are today releasing figures which we hope will be of some reassurance to owners.
Our latest analysis shows that incidents are rare, and reducing, in our County.
Recorded dog thefts have halved over the last year from 12 incidents to 2019/2020 to just 6 incidents in 2020/2021.*
*based on figures available for the financial year up to 23/03/21
Chief Supt Paul Timmins said,
“We understand the devastation a stolen dog can cause. Many of us at Lincolnshire Police are dog owners ourselves. Whilst it is a rare occurrence, it does happen. If it’s something that concerns you, please contact your local policing team who can provide security advice and reassurance.
“Please come to us also with any information you have that could be connected with dog thefts, and continue to report any suspicious activity or individuals in your area. We will investigate and act on information received in order to return dogs to their owners and bring those responsible to justice.”
In some cases dogs may be reported stolen but are actually just missing and, thankfully, are later reunited with their owner. We work with the national voluntary organisation DogLost who can help if you are ever in this worrying position. See hhttps://www.lincs.police.uk/reporting-advice/dog-welfare.
Dog theft can follow the advertising of dogs for sale so we advise caution when providing details like your address.
9. Parish and Village Environment Business
a. Extant Business
1. HSSC.
- Planned opening (subject to lifting of restrictions) 17 May 2021.
- Opening event proposal with contribution towards costs from the Parish Council requested.
- Possible use of cricket pitch by Sri Lankan cricket team. Nothing more has been heard yet on this request.
Resolution(s): i. Council to consider joint event with HSSC Committee.
ii. Propriety of contribution for further discussion.
2. Flooding Update.
Cllr Cartlidge provided an update on the actions to address the flooding effecting areas of the village, particularly the HSSC Car Park and football field.
- DASA (Contractor) advised they completed their works and have no further works planned.
- Now in hands of insurers to decide next course of action.
- No further forward with car park surface which remains a point of question.
- Drainage defects were noted in an adjacent private drive.
Resolution(s): i. Trash grate to be fitted to open end of drain to prevent further debris ingress.
ii.Awaiting the response of the Parish insurer regarding how to proceed with drainage defects and remedial works
3. Village Hall.
- The decorating and cleaning works are substantially complete with thanks to the contractor and many local volunteers. Preparations for opening are ongoing and will be reaching a conclusion in due course.
- Opening planned for council elections only at this time.
- Detailed update of plans to open for discussion at committee EGM.
- No other bookings known at this time.
Resolution(s): i. Opening. Await update from village hall committee.
4. Obelisk Planters.
- Cllr Cartlidge to send plans to Cllr Young for progression of project.
Resolution: Councillors to commence works shortly.
5. Village Entry – Gated Signage Proposal.
Discussion over warning sign options to reduce traffic speeding.
Options discussed:
- Illuminating Danger Cross Roads Signs on A607.
- Gated Signage at key points.
Resolution(s): i. Contact LCC Highways (Rowan Smith) regarding illuminating signage.
ii. Obtain quotes for supply and installation of gates.
iii. Confirm location for gates and number/type required.
6. Speed Indicator Device (SID).
Ongoing project and options discussed:
- Type and functions (Data logging capability etc)
- Locations.
ii. Suitable locations to be identified.
b. New Business.
1. School Parking.
Complaints received from residents near the school regarding inconsiderate parking by those with children attending the school. Issues effect Pond St, Manor Dr High St and Swine Hill areas with:
- Blocking driveways and access to property.
- Anti-social behaviour and language when approached.
- General discourtesy to residents.
Resolution(s): i. Request visit by Lincs Police/PCSO.
ii. Respond to complainant.
iii. Consider additional signage.
2. Gregory Close grass cutting.
Complaint received from Gregory Close resident regarding cutting of grass under the trees. Resident concerned that gras had been cut back too short and would discourage wildlife and wildflowers.
Grass had been traditionally left long, only being cut when above knee level.
Resolution: Cllr Wicks to contact EnvironmentSK to amend cutting requirement for the trees on the close.
Resident to be informed of action.
3. Lifting of COVID-19 Restrictions.
NAL/LALC advice:
a. Under regulations made under section 78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 local authorities in England have express powers to hold public meetings virtually by using video or telephone conferencing technology, but these regulations will not apply to meetings on or after May 7.With the easing of the national government coronavirus restrictions, guidance from NALC/LALC regarding legislation allowing virtual meetings was that this legislation would no longer be in force after the 7 May 2021, and local authorities would no longer have the necessary authority to hold virtual meetings.
b. Local authorities have legal obligations to ensure that members of the public have access to most of their meetings. For physical meetings, the government would actively encourage local authorities to continue to provide remote access until at least 21 June, at which point it is anticipated that all restrictions on indoor gatherings will have been lifted in line with the Roadmap. However, it is for individual local authorities to satisfy themselves that they have met the requirements for public access.
c. Ultimately it is for local authorities to carry out their own risk assessments and follow the working safely guidance to ensure physical meetings take place safely, but the government will work with sector representative bodies to ensure that local authorities understand the guidance and are aware of the full range of options available to them.
Steps that will usually be needed:
• Meetings where local authorities deem that in-person attendance is not required should continue to be held virtually.
• Only absolutely necessary participants should physically attend meetings and should maintain social distancing (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable).
• Avoiding transmission during meetings, for example avoiding sharing pens, documents and other objects.
• Providing hand sanitiser in meeting rooms.
• Holding meetings in well-ventilated rooms whenever possible.
• For areas where regular meetings take place, using floor signage to help people maintain social distancing.
Resolution: Review of meetings and venues to be taken for meetings after 7 May 2021, subject to meeting remaining guidelines and legislation.
4. Review and agree date for Annual Parish Meeting.
Following the advice regarding lifting of coronavirus restrictions and key dates, the Parish Council reviewed the options for holding public meetings.
Advice from LALC is:
Annual Parish Meeting
The normal period during which this meeting can be held is 1 March to 1 June
- Councils have the option to hold this meeting remotely in April or up to 7th May.
- You may hold a face-to-face meeting after 17th May if your venue can accommodate participants safely.
- You may choose to wait until after 21st June when venues may be in a better position to hold meetings with more people attending.
- Waiting until 21st June falls outside the usual period for an annual parish meeting but it is unlikely that a meeting at this point would be challenged.
- A parish meeting can be called at any point throughout the year so you could choose to hold a meeting at a time that suits you. This meeting could include agenda items that might normally be presented at the annual parish meeting.
It was confirmed by the Clerk/Proper Officer that the LALC advice was pragmatic and that for an Annual Parish Meeting the period of notice was seven working days
Resolution: It was decided in the interest of safety and allowing residents to attend to hold the Annual Parish Meeting on the 29 June 2021 i.e after the 21 June 2021.
NB: Notice of meeting will require posting not later that Saturday 19 June 2021
5. Review and agree date for Annual Council Meeting (Formerly AGM)
Dates, venues and formats were discussed.
Resolution: To hold the Annual Meeting of the Council on Tuesday 18 May 2021 at a venue TBC. Format will be dependant on venue availability and subject to meeting coronavirus restrictions.
6. Agree Parish Council meetings schedule for the next 12 months.
18 June 2021 Parish Council
June 2021 Annual Parish Meeting (TBC and subject to lifting of restrictions)
20 July 2021 Parish Council
August 2021 No Meeting – Summer Break
7 September 2021 Parish Council
19 October 2021 Parish Council
30 November 2021 Parish Council
December 2021 TBC Subject to requirements/necessity
11 January 2022 Parish Council
February 2022 No Meeting
1 March 2022 Parish Council.
Resolution: All dates approved. Venue to be confirmed subject to easing of restrictions and availability of village hall.
10. RFO Financial Report.
- Resolutions to approve accounts reconciliation.
Bank Reconciliation 1 March 2021 – 31 March 2021
Opening Balance: £21,440.58
Income: £ 2,000.00
Expenditure: £ 488.29
Closing Balance: £22,952.29
In Period Transactions.
HVH Heating Contribution: £ 2,000.00 Income
Salaries: £ 292.52 Staff Payroll (Net of PAYE)
PC Gdrive Storage Upgrade: £ 15.99 Clerk Business Expenses
HVH Boxing Out Works: £ 179.78 Cllr Business Expenses.
Resolution: In Month 1 Mar – 31 Mar 2021 reconciliation approved.
2. Resolution to approve End Of Year Accounts reconciliation.
1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021
HSBC Opening Balance: £17,495.20
Precept: £18,450.00
SKDC Grant: £ 906.88
VAT Refund: £ 750.56
Other: £ 2,627.36
Total Income: £22,734.80
General: £11,856.95
Staff Payroll: £ 4,095.92 (Inc HMRC PAYE)
Expenses: £ 1,172.52
Total Expenditure: £17,277.71
HSBC Closing Balance: £22,952.29
Resolution: End of Year 1 Apr 2020 – 31 Mar 2021 reconciliation approved.
Melton Mowbray Building Society (MMBS).
Opening Balance: £ 8,330.67
Income: £ 24.99 (Estimated interest @ % 0.30)
Expenditure: £ 0
Closing Balance: £ 8,355.56 (Estimated).
Total Cash Holdings: £31,307.95 (as @ End Of FY 2020/21).
Resolution: MMBS accounts to be confirmed by RFO on receipt of annual statement.
3. The RFO raised the matter of the redundant HSBC accounts and the status of the MMBS account regarding authorised users and the inability to manage this account on behalf of the Parish Council.
MMBS contacted by the RFO who would send the latest statement and forms for updating the mandate authorised users. This to be sent to the registered address, 3 Church St Harlaxton.
Resolution: The Parish Council decided to keep this account open and that the RFO should be added to the authorised users to allow proper management and reporting in the parish accounts.
4. Annual Internal Audit Preparations.
a. Accounting.
In accordance with the requirements for the internal audit, the RFO recommended closure of two redundant HSBC accounts and the separation from the Parish Council HSBC account of the CHIPPS and Pearson Gregory charities accounts.
Presently due to the type of accounts the charities were, it was not possible to make payments directly from them, but to make an internal transfer to the council account and make payment from there.
It was an area of concern at the last internal audit that the RFO for the council was not the treasurer for the charities and was not empowered to make the transfer.
As the Parish Council account was Public Funds and the charities were Non-Public, to make transfer from Non-Public to Public to allow payments of charities grants could be considered inappropriate and with regards to Public Funds, not in keeping with the rules of Regularity and Propriety.
The RFO requested changes to the charities accounts to sperate them from the Parish Council Accounts and that the redundant accounts be closed.
Resolution(s): i. The Parish Council, as trustees for the charities to transfer both the CHIPPs and Pearson Gregory to new accounts separate from the Parish Council account.
ii. The RFO to close the redundant HSBC accounts.
b. Documentation.
In preparation for the audit the following documents will require review and where necessary, updating:
- Asset Register.
- Risk Register.
Resolution: For action as required.
5. Forward Planning and Projects ( 3 Year Rolling Plan)
a. FY 2021-2022 In Year Management (Year 1 projects).
b. Short Term Plan (Years 2 and 3. Projects rolled forward).
Resolution: Planned projects and maintenance requirements to be reviewed by the council, costed and included in the financial budget.
11. Planning Applications (Annex B): Review.
- New Applications Received.
S21/0438. Proposed two storey extension to front (Inc: Porch Canopy) and single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling. 25 Daybrook Close.
S21/0514. Proposal: Replacement of back door and bathroom window to rear of building. 61 High Street.
S21/0494. Proposal: T1, T2, T3, T4 Leylandii to reduce the high by 7m. 15 Church Street.
S21/0493. Proposal: T1- Acer - Remove to ground level. 65 High Street.
S21/0487. Proposal: Replacement of garage doors with timber window and timber door personnel door to match existing (Non-material amendment to S20/1108). 9 Church Street
S21/0563. Proposal: T1 - Crab Apple Tree - To Fell. Coneygree , 26 High Street.
Representation(s): There were concerns raised over S21/0487 as this was not appropriate to the existing building and doors.
2. Approved Decision Notifications Received.
S21/0243. Proposal: T1 (Maple) - To Fell, T2,T3,T4,T5,T6 (Leylandii) - To Fell, T7 (Pine) - To Fell. 7 Pond Street. Decision/Date: Work Allowed 22nd March 2021
S21/0210. Proposal: Demolition of a timber garage-shed and erection an oak frame & brick storage building as well as erection of a single storey link building between main house and outbuilding including conversion into residential area. Cornridge 10 Pond Street. Decision/Date: 31st March 2021.
S20/2106. Proposal: To replace four damaged windows. 4 Manor Drive. Decision/Date 31st March 2021.
Resolution: All noted, no comments.
3. Parish Council Planning Representations to SKDC.
S20/0362. Date Received: 3rd March 2020. Proposal: Proposed Demolition of Conservatory Style utility room and replacement with single storey side extension.
1 Gregory Close. Decision/Date: 23rd April 2020 (Grants Planning Permission).
Follow up representation sent 24 March 2021.
It was reported to the council that the development appears to be encroaching onto the grass verge between the property boundary and the footway.
An inspection by SKDC Planning Dept was requested and the status of the grass verge confirmed to ensure that the development remains within the approved boundary.
12. Communication.
a. Village Voice.
The Village Voice newsletter had received very positive feedback and its re-publication welcomed.
Agreement had been reached with the Harlaxton college authorities to continue to produce the newsletter on behalf of the Parish Council and the community and the Parish Council would arrange its distribution..
Resolution(s): i. It was decided to continue with the Village Voice on a bi-monthly basis with printing by the college and distribution by the Parish Council.
ii. A vote of thanks was proposed and passed for Harlaxton college for the printing of the newsletter on behalf of the Parish community.
13. New Business for Next Meeting.
Matters arising during meeting for inclusion as agenda item for discussion at next meeting.
a. Projects updates
14. Closed Session (As Required).
Not required.
15. Next Scheduled Meetings:
Parish Council Meeting.
Tuesday 18 June 2021
1900 - 2100
Venue/Format TBC
Annual Meeting of the Council. (Council Members only)
Tuesday 18 May 2021
19:00 – 21:00
Venue/Format TBC
16. Meeting Close
Cllr Wicks thanked all for attending and closed the meeting @ 21:30 (9:30pm)
Clerk J.McCloskey
E-mail: harlaxtonpc@gmail.com
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with extant COVID 19 restrictions.