June 2021 Minutes

7pm Tuesday 22 June 2021, at Harlaxton Village Hall
1. Simon Wicks, Chair opened the meeting
2. In Attendance
Simon Wicks – Chair (SW)
Jane Mann (JM)
Andrew Cartlidge (AC)
Keith Young (KY)
One Member of the Public
3. Apologies
James McCloskey – Clerk, JMc tendered his resignation earlier today citing personal and professional reasons that were not expanded on.
Action – SW and KY to attend JMc’s home address and collect HPC property
Action – JM to provide checklist of property held by JMc in the role of Clerk to HPC
Action – SW and AC to sign letter to HSBC requesting removal of JMc’s business banking access
4. Approval of previous minutes
Minutes of meeting on 06/04/21 agreed and signed as correct by SW
5. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Nil declared
6. Public Forum
Action – SW to circulate map of HPC grass cutting areas to new councillors
7. County and District Councillors
Nil in attendance
8. Lincolnshire Police
Nil in attendance
9. Parish and Village Environment business
a) On-going Business
i) With regard action against Insurance Company - we have set an 8 week deadline for them to act prior to escalation to the Insurance ombudsman
ii) With regards traffic calming gates to the village – the quotes are now in. Action - AC to circulate to other councillors.
Action – All councillors to participate in village walk to confirm gate locations
iii) Speed cameras – No movement
iv) Village Hall – (JM) Next meeting of the Village Hall committee is on Thurs 24th June 2021.
Decision - HPC would like to thank the Village Hall Committee for their work redecorating the hall during lockdown.
Guttering still requires attention, damp issues otherwise appear to be resolved. Village Hall finances are in a good position. The Committee is now working to secure activities and bookings for the Hall.
v) Play Area – (SW) The current phase of work is now complete; the fence has been moved and two additional items of equipment fitted (spring seat and basket swing). The next phase is planned to develop equipment for older children.
b) New Business
i) AC proposed as new Vice Chair of HPC by SW, seconded by KY, Decision – AC elected as Vice Chair
ii) Co-opting of new councillors to be deferred until EGM to be held on 28/06/2021 at 7pm in Village Hall due to the resignation of the Clerk Action – SW to check with SKDC Electoral Services regarding co-opting procedure
iii) Village Plan – this is still under development – now to be referred to as Projects and Liabilities
iv) Village Hall Ramp – Village Hall Committee have been offered a legacy which they wish to use to redevelop the entrance area to the hall to ensure that it has full disabled access.
Decision - Proposed that the plan is accepted in principle by SW, seconded by KY, carried unanimously – Village Hall committee to keep HPC updated with plans and HPC to approve plans prior to commencement of any works.
v) Harlaxton Cricket Club to be charged £250 for rental of the Cricket Pitch. NB it is noted that HCC owe HPC £15 for sub-letting of pitch to Lincolnshire Lions Cricket Club
Action - SW to contact Peter Chalk and ask for the remittance.
vi) Bowls Club – The rental paid by the bowls club is currently £60 per annum – this figure has not been increased for several years due to the club being in a difficult financial position. The club has benefited from Government funding and now games can be played it may be time to review the rate.
Decision – The annual rental charged to the Bowls club be increased to £80 per annum Action – SW to contact bowls club and inform them of this change
vii) Vote of thanks – The Council would like to thank Irvin Metcalf, Pip Watkins and Sue Flindall (and her family) for their voluntary work helping keep Harlaxton flower beds maintained.
10. RFO Report
1. James McCloskey, the current RFO has resigned. Agreed that the reconciliation report should be reviewed and resubmitted to the next meeting
2. AGAR report – this to be deferred to EGM to be held on 28/06/2021 at 7pm in the Village Hall. This is so that the council can appoint a new RFO for signature, and enable resolution of a query with the internal auditor. This will still enable compliance with the AGAR deadline which is 30/067/21
Action – JM to liase with auditor and report back to all Councillors
3. HPC Financial Reserve.
Decision Proposed by SW, seconded by JM – Approved by all – Reserves to be maintained at “Not less than the previous years precept” – It is recognised that the Parish Council has accumulated the current reserves through slippage on planned projects in previous years, which we hope to be able to progress as existing Councillor vacancies are filled, The Parish Council is further responsible for 2 buildings and 2 recreation fields, so we consider it prudent to maintain a level of reserve which is adequate for the level of associated liability.
11. Planning Applications review
1. There are no concerns
2 There are no concerns
3 With regards development at 1 Gregory Close – HPC have communicated concerns drawn to our attention by Parishioners to the Planning Officer at SKDC, to date we have not received a response, however we do not feel there is anything further to be gained from pursuing the matter
12. Communications
1. Communication from Historic Lincolnshire regarding proposed archaeological project on the site of the Old manor House –
Action - SW to write to Historic Lincolnshire accepting invitation to discuss.
Action – KY to act as liaison officer to the project
2. Resignation of the Clerk – Letter received today from James McCloskey resigning his role in the council (see item 3)
3. The council would like to propose a vote of thanks to Harlaxton Manor for their continued assistance in printing copies of the ‘Village Voice’ free of charge.
13. New Business
1. Lincolnshire Environmental Awards – several villagers have put forward ideas for activities to improve the environment of the village that we should use to inform an entry into Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Community Prize for a green recovery.
2. The Queen will celebrate her Platinum Jubilee next year – it is planned that there will be a National 4 day holiday for the Event, Thu 2nd – Sun 5th June 2022. Harlaxton Sports and Social Club have suggested that the organisation of this be a whole village affair and to this end, it was proposed that a village wide committee should be formed to co-ordinate the celebrations – to include representatives of all village groups and each road in the village. Agreed by all.
3. The fence at The Sports and Social Club at the rear of the car park is rotten and in need of replacement
Action – SW to share quotations re cost of repairs in order a decision can be taken to authorise or for the work be undertaken by Councillors
4. A request has been made by the Sports and Social Club to extend the paved area at the rear of the Hall by 3m into the field and across 9.25m, of the width. Work to be completed and funded by the sports and social club Decision – HPC agreed in principle to the request, however wish to retain oversight to ensure works are completed to a high standard and are compatible with SUDS regulation as applied to new paving works
14. Closed session
Not required
15. Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting is at 7pm on Tuesday 20th July 2021 in the Village Hall.
In addition there will be an Extraordinary General Meeting on Monday 28th June 2021 at 7pm in the Village Hall to co-opt up to 3 new councillors and to sign the AGAR
16. Meeting Closed